©2019 by Gamin Paramour

Comments are incredibly welcome, and I intend to answer everyone.(gaminparamour@protonmail.com)

1) This is fiction, although it's Based on a True Story! (Unless the guy was bullshitting me, but I don't think he was.)

2) Stay safe. Don't break the law.

3) Please donate to Nifty if you possibly can.

Part 17

I was running a few minutes late picking Matty up from his first day of middle school. My afternoon meeting ran long due to the impenetrable denseness of one of our newest sub-contractors, plus I underestimated the time required to deal with the larger school and the crazy new security restrictions now being implemented. The current inconvenience: my car was approximately four-hundredth in the single-file pickup line parents were required to use. Why they had to make it so hard to pick your kid up from school was beyond me.

In the weeks before school began Susan and I had to fill out a lengthy security form, giving the names, addresses and phone numbers of any and all people authorized to pick Matty up, plus the make, model, color and license number of any and all vehicles that might come for him. Of course parents could modify that information at any time and authorize special circumstances as necessary, such as a grandparent or babysitter coming to get a child, but that required a secret password. If sweet old Grandma showed up out of the blue, even with legal proof of identity such as a drivers license, her grand-progeny would be held hostage until somebody uttered the magic word.

You'd think the nation was filled to overflowing with evil child abductors lurking in every shadow to snatch any unfortunate kid whose parents took their eyes off of him for even a second. In truth, out of more than eighty million children in the United States only about sixty-five are taken by strangers each year. That's far less than "one in a million." More than half of those are actually teenagers, not small kids, and over ninety percent are recovered safely within six hours. That's why when something really bad does happen it's nationwide front-page news for a week, because it's such a rare event.

Of course those statistics are little comfort to the two or three families that do lose a child to such a tragedy, but let's keep some perspective here, people. There are about twenty-five hundred children killed by firearms every year, and just try to restrict guns in any way, shape or form. Apparently twenty-five hundred dead kids is an acceptable price to pay. The whole "keep our children safe" thing is mere lip service, so politicians and school administrators can pretend they're doing something, and so those in the "child-protection industry" (racket) can line their pockets.

But beyond that I have no strong opinion.

When I finally inched up to the designated pick-up zone I spotted Matty standing with another boy I'd never seen before. Matty broke into a grin and rushed over to the car, and to my surprise the other boy followed with a similar smile.

"Adam! Adam!" he called. "This is my friend David. He's coming home with us for dinner!"

Before I had a chance to question this left-field assertion a smiling middle-aged woman stepped up to my window. She wore Mom-jeans and a yellow mesh safety vest with the logo of the school and the word "Security" on it, and she was marking something on a clipboard with a yellow highlighter.

"It's all right," the woman said. "Mrs. Walker called and gave permission so you're all good. I'm Mary Shelby, by the way. Adam, is it?"

I was confused, so I'm sure I looked it. Mary laughed and said, "That's Shelby, with a `b', not Shelly, so you're right, I did not write the novel Frankenstein two hundred years ago."

"What?" I asked lamely, without a clue what any of these people were talking about.

"I'm one of the volunteer Moms who help before and after school," she said. "I've got two kids here, a girl in seventh and a boy in eighth." When I didn't seem any less confused she said, "And that's not what you're wondering about at all. You didn't know you were taking David home, did you?"

I smiled sheepishly. "I'm sorry, I have no idea who this kid even is," I said. "Though he seems perfectly nice," I added hastily. "It's very nice to meet you, David."

"Nice to meet you, too, sir," the boy said with pleasant self-assurance. "Matty has told me a lot about you."

"I wish I could say the same," I replied.

Mary returned to her clipboard. "I have a note here that says Arlene Walker had a family emergency and gave permission for David to go home with you and Matty. It says here she arranged it with you by phone."

"My Grandma's sick," David explained. "Mom had to take her to the doctor and my Dad's stuck at work."

"Oh, I'm sorry, David," I said. "I hope your Grandma will be all right."

"I don't think it's too serious," Mary piped in, though what she might know about the subject wasn't obvious. Maybe it was in the note.

"I didn't get any phone call..." I said, checking my cell, but stopped dead as I realized the reason. "Oh, shi... I mean shoot," I said, avoiding Mary's eyes in my embarrassment. "I had an important meeting this afternoon and silenced my phone, and I guess I never turned it back on." I toggled the ringer back on and quickly checked for voice mails. There were three, all from the same number that I didn't recognize. I was just about to play one when the phone rang in my hand, startling me and making Mary and the boys laugh.

"This is Adam," I said into the phone.

"Oh, Adam, thank God I finally got you," said an unfamiliar female voice. "This is Arlene Walker. Our boys just started Franklin Middle School together."

"Yes," I said, "I'm actually there right now, with the boys. I'm so sorry I missed your calls. Completely my fault."

"No problem," she said. "Listen, I hate to impose but I'm kind of over a barrel here, and I could sure use a favor."

"I heard the bones of the story," I said. "I hope David's Grandma is OK. She's your mother, I gather?"

"Yes, and she'll be fine," Arlene said, "thank you for asking. It's just a small stomach ulcer that flares up now and again."

The mini-van next in line gave a fairly long blast on the horn, and I suddenly realized I was adding way more than my share of delay to the idiotic single-file pickup routine.

"Hold on a second, Mrs. Walker," I said. "I'm holding up the whole parade here and the natives are getting restless."

Mary got my attention. "You two are working it out, then?"

"Yes," I said, "thank you, Mary. Come on, boys! Into the back seat and buckle up!"

As soon as the two newly-minted sixth-graders and their backpacks were safely stowed I pulled quickly away from the curb. Into the phone I said, "OK, then Mrs. Walker..."

"Oh call me Arlene, for Heaven's sake," she said jovially. "After all, I'm trusting my son to someone I've never met in my life, so I have to believe you're worthy of a first-name basis, or else I'll end up with a bigger ulcer than my Mom!"

A few more minutes of conversation brought me the information that David was the youngest of three boys, the others being a high-school senior and a freshman, both of whom started school a week earlier. The oldest brother had his license, but cross-country practice prevented him from coming to get David, and he had no car to do it with anyway.

It turned out David's father worked second shift as a Radiology specialist at the same hospital Susan worked for. Knowing Matty's Mom was a semi-important muckety-muck at her husband's hospital sealed the deal trust-wise for Arlene, and from then on we could have driven David across state lines in a van with no windows and had his Mom's absolute blessing.

"I get why we're feeding David tonight," I said. "You're obviously busy, and he's absolutely welcome, but what about your other boys? They'll need to eat too."

"They can forage for themselves," Arlene said. "If there's one thing those two know how to do it's eat."

"OK, then," I said, and gave her our home address so she could pick David up after getting her Mom medicated, fed and settled in at home. She estimated she would collect him around eight o'clock, and said she would call when she was on her way.

"David sits with me in Home Room," Matty said excitedly the instant my flip-phone clapped shut. "Mr. Hoffman teaches science, so two kids sit together."

David realized that Matty's statement wouldn't make much sense to me, so he calmly elaborated. "The room is set up as a science lab instead of regular desks," he said. "Matty and I sit on stools at one of the stations, like lab partners."

"Yeah," Matty said, still excited. "I'm really happy for how the alphabet works!"

I looked at my normally-erudite boy in the rear-view mirror, my eyes conveying, "What the fuck?"

David nearly laughed out loud. "He means because our names are Walker and Watkins, and Mr. Hoffman sat us alphabetically, so we ended up together." David gave Matty a sincere look and said, "I'm really happy about that, too." Neither boy made any effort to disguise the spark that passed between them, and in fact David made eye contact with me in the mirror and gave a sly half-smile.

No gaydar was required to assess this situation. I had never seen Matty so giddily smitten, and I could totally understand. Master David Walker was not the world's most beautiful child, but he was so magnetic I could have stuck him to the refrigerator.

He was certainly cute enough, too, just not quite in Matty's league. His body was athletic and strong, still in the young-boy way with no sign yet of puberty, and my eye was drawn irresistibly to the lithe bare thighs and calves below his blue shorts. His voice was a solid alto that projected confidence well beyond his years, and hinted that he might even be able to carry a tune. His dark brown hair was neatly trimmed around small, cute ears and his deep blue eyes shimmered like sunshine on a placid lake. The portrait was completed with a delicate, upturned nose dusted with barely-there freckles and a small mouth perpetually turned up in a friendly smile.

It was a lovely portrait indeed.

David was very impressive and very appealing, and if Matty was trying to hide his attraction he was doing a miserable job.

"So," I finally said, intruding upon the fond stare the boys shared into each other's eyes. "How do you like middle school so far?"

Matty returned abruptly from his castle in the sky, where he was undoubtedly shacked up with David. "Um, it's pretty cool, Adam," he said. "We don't stay in the same room all day with the same teacher, like in grade school. Now they stay put and we move around."

David nudged his new friend with an elbow, giving him an indulgent smile. "He knows how middle school works, Matty," he said. "Adam isn't that old." The boy made a point of engaging me in the mirror with a teasing glint in his eye. "I mean, he's old, but he's not that old."

I grinned as he and I shared the moment. "Oh, didn't you know, David?" I said. "I actually attended a one-room schoolhouse on the prairie. The school-marm taught us readin', writin' and `rithmetic in between Indian attacks."

"Ha ha," Matty said mockingly, as he always did when I made what he considered a dumb joke, but more than that, his reddening face alerted me that I had mocked him in front of his new crush. I instantly regretted my big mouth, and knew I had to change the subject fast.

"So tell me about your classes," I said. "Are you guys in anything together besides Home Room?"

Matty was in a minor snit, so David answered instead. "Let's see," he said. "We both have gym fourth period, right before lunch, so we'll be stinking up the lunch room together three days a week."

Matty smiled despite his concerted effort to stay mad at me.

"No showers after gym?" I asked. "I remember we were required to shower starting in the sixth grade." I had told Matty many times about the panoply of delights a shower room full of naked sixth graders presented to a kid like me.

"They start in seventh grade at our school," David said. "I guess they think sixth graders don't stink yet."

I remarked in my head, there's a lot of things they think sixth graders don't do yet. They're wrong.

"You can shower if you want to," Matty piped in, the glacier beginning to thaw. "But it's not mandatory."

Ah, I thought. `Mandatory' is a nice big word, which I hoped indicated Matty's faculties were returning to him. I knew he had been so caught up in the rush of his feelings for David that he had babbled at first, much as I had done that first day I moved into Susan's house and encountered Matty in the bathtub. The layman's explanation is that blood leaves the brain and diverts to the cock.

We've all been there.

"Let's make a dare, Matty," David said. "I'll shower naked after gym tomorrow if you will too. That'll really get the guys talking!"

Matty's smile broadened into a grin, and I suspected he was picturing David naked. For all his protests of being into grown men and not so much little boys, he was certainly into David. I guess he just had to meet the right boy.

The rest of the drive home Matty was his normal self: engaged, bright and happy. The boys compared notes on teachers, which girls had sprouted tits over the summer, and the brand-new experience of stalking the halls with a load of books in their arms desperately searching for their next classroom before the bell rang.

"One thing that feels weird," David offered, "is that two months ago we were the cool big kids in fifth grade. Now we're the little twerp sixth graders, and not cool at all."

"Yeah," Matty lamented. "And David and I are both kind of small, which is a little scary. I saw this big huge eighth grader hip-check a sixth grader right into the lockers and just keep on walking."

David grinned. "I heard about that!" he said, with more schadenfreude than seemed necessary. "I heard it was Jimmy Belson from my old grade school, and he got a bloody nose!"

"I don't know if it was Jimmy Whoever," Matty said, "but I saw it happen and the kid didn't have a bloody nose, or a bloody anything. He dropped his books, but that was all."

"Maybe it happened to more than one kid," David said.

Matty shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe, I guess."

"I heard there's an eighth grader who's seven feet tall!" David said, but I detected his cheeky smile and knew he was pulling Matty's leg. My boy's mouth opened in wonder until he, too, realized he'd been had.

"Do you ever stop making jokes, David?" he asked, smiling along in good nature.

"Sure," David said. "Sometimes I sleep."

I chuckled at that, but then swore under my breath as I had to panic-stop behind a suddenly immobile laundry truck. Everyone was thrown forward against their shoulder belts and both boys gasped in fear.

"Sorry, sorry!" I said. "My fault! I didn't notice him stopping short." In truth I was paying way too much attention to the delightful flirtation in the rear-view mirror and not enough to the dangers out the windshield. I resolved to get the boys home safely and only then enjoy the spectacle of their mating dance.

We arrived at our house and entered through the garage as usual, which took us directly into the kitchen, which prompted me to think about dinner.

"David, I was going to make one of Matty's favorites tonight," I said, "spaghetti with meatballs and garlic bread. Is that OK with you?"

"Awesome, Adam," he said eagerly. "I love spaghetti, and I love meatballs, and I love garlic bread!"

"Well, that's a whole lot of loving you'll be doing, then," I said, forcing the humor a bit I realized. David gave me a strange look that I couldn't quite identify, though it was definitely something positive.

"Boy, you must be a great cook," he said, smiling fondly up at me.

"Well, Matty's Mom makes the meatballs ahead of time and freezes them, and the sauce comes from a jar, and the garlic bread comes frozen from the store, so all I really do is boil pasta."

"Beats my Dad," David said. "Whenever he has to make dinner it's plain scrambled eggs."

"What does he make for breakfast?" I asked. "Beef Wellington?" Both boys laughed, but it seemed to me David was giving it a bit more than it deserved.

"You're funny, Adam!" he said. "Matty, you're so lucky. You must laugh all the time."

"Want to play video games?" Matty said to David, pointedly changing the subject. "I've got a cool new Motocross game we can try."

David looked at Matty and took the excitement down a notch. "I have homework," he said, shooting me a look and adding, "on the first day. Can you believe it?"

Matty was crestfallen. "I do too," he said, "but we can do it after dinner. Let's play now."

"I like to get my homework out of the way," David said. "And then after dinner we can have fun and not have it hanging over our heads."

Matty looked at him for a second in silence. I fancied I knew what was going on in my boy's pretty blond head. He probably had never analyzed it, but the fact is the balance of power in all relationships is the inverse of the individual's need. That is, whoever needs the relationship less has the power, and whoever needs it more gives up power so as not to mess up the relationship.

Up to now everyone, including me, had always conceded power to Matty because he was the most amazing boy in the universe and we all counted ourselves lucky to be in his life. Matty never pressed this advantage, and probably never realized he even had it. It just felt to all of us like the natural order of things. But now Matty was getting a taste of needing someone more than they needed him, and he didn't quite know how to handle it.

"OK," he said softly. "I guess that makes sense."

"We can study together," David said. "And we can help each other. It'll be fun." Matty didn't look so sure, but then David added, "You're super smart, so you'll probably help me a lot more than I can help you."

Matty ate up the compliment from his crush. "C'mon," he said, now completely on board with the plan. "Let's use the dining room table until it's time to set it for dinner."

The boys wrestled their backpacks into the dining room. I think Matty would have been happy doing anything as long as it was with David, down to and including root canal.

I made a couple of work phone calls, grateful to find that our new sub-moronic sub-contractor hadn't screwed anything up yet, and then started in on dinner. It didn't take long to prepare the pre-fab feast, and I stepped around the corner into the dining room.

"How's it coming, guys?" I asked. Neither one had a book open, and they were smiling at each other and chatting away.

"We finished fifteen minutes ago," Matty said.

"Good. Now go wash up, please, and then set the table. Dinner's almost ready."

David followed Matty toward the powder room, passing the living room and the entrance to the family room on the way.

"Boy, this is a great house!" he gushed, looking directly at me. "I really like it."

I smiled in return. "I'll be sure to mention to your mother how polite you've been, David."

"No really," he protested. "I didn't say that to be polite. I really like your house, especially the mantelpiece with those cool built-ins on both sides."

"Well... thank you," I said, wondering what kind of eleven-year-old boy appreciates Craftsman home decor.

Dinner was more of the same, David launching compliments my way about everything from the consistency of the meat balls to not burning the garlic bread, at which his mother apparently sucks. Matty was getting frustrated at being unable to pull David's focus, and I sensed it building up as resentment toward me, though I was doing absolutely nothing to encourage David.

Clean-up after dinner went better. Even though we had a dishwasher I had the boys work together at the sink, Matty washing and David drying, and as I'd hoped they fell back into the mutual admiration they had experienced all day at school. With the dishes done and the leftovers wrapped and in the fridge, Matty took David's hand and pulled him toward the family room.

"OK, now can we play the game?" he asked, hiding his annoyance behind a friendly smile.

"Sure," David said and followed, making no effort to pull his hand away. I was glad for Matty that he was getting back on track with his crush. That giddy young-love feeling is an emotion everyone should get to experience.

"Man," David said before they even reached the couch. He put his arms out and twirled around with his palms up and his head thrown back, like he was surveying a grand palace or something. "You guys have it made!"

"Oh, I don't know," Matty said. "My game controller is two years old and the TV is only twenty-five inches."

"I don't mean the game," David said. "I just mean, everything. Your Mom works evenings like my Dad, right?"

"Yeah," Matty said.

"So then you two are the only ones home every single night."

"Yeah, so?" Matty asked with a wrinkled brow. "My Mom's cool, and I like when she's home."

"My Mom's cool, too," he said "It's just... I wish I could have..."

He squared himself in my direction, looking directly at me. I saw a tiny flash of uncertainty in his cool blue eyes, which quickly changed to something else, but I didn't know what. It wasn't defiance, or challenge. Then it finally dawned on me: it was expectation.

"... this much privacy."

I looked at David, unsettled by his probing gaze. There was something in his posture and the little tilt of his head. He had laid something out for me, everything I needed to know, and now he was patiently waiting for me to catch up. The tumblers rotated in my mind, and one by one they clicked into place.

I smiled. "Are we that obvious?"

David let out his breath, and it was the first I'd realized he had been holding it. "No, but I had a feeling."

He smiled broadly, and when I opened my arms in welcome he hurried over and allowed me to fold him into an embrace. We beamed at each other, then turned as if on cue and both beamed at Matty. He assessed us warily.

"What just happened?" he asked.

David laughed softly, but in a very kind and fond way.

"David was just remarking," I said, "that you and I are very lucky that we can make love whenever we want to."

Matty's eyes opened wide. After all, I was the one who for the past fifteen months had been preaching the absolute necessity of discretion, that bad things happen when people find out about a man and a boy, and now here I was admitting everything to a kid I'd only known for about three hours.

"So then you..." Matty sputtered, "... you fool around too?"

"Yep," David said, then punctuated it with a quick kiss on my lips. "Isn't it great?"

"Wow!" Matty said. "I was hoping you did, but I never expected to find out tonight!"

"Yeah," David said, "I thought you were into it the first second I met you."

"I didn't know about you," Matty said, "and I can usually tell. My gaydar didn't go off at all."

David grinned delightedly and said, "Your what?"

"My gaydar," Matty said. "It's usually pretty accurate, but this time it was dead wrong."

"Oh, that's funny!" David said. "Gaydar, like radar, only for spotting gay guys."

"You've never heard that before?" I asked. "I thought everybody knew that one."

"No," David said, "but I like it." He motioned for Matty to join our embrace, and in a second the boys were kissing deeply.

"You kiss good," David said to Matty. "Did you teach him?" he asked me.

"Yes, at first," I said, "but he really learned quickly!"

"Teach me a little, Adam," he said, and strained his neck upward until our lips met. He was passionate from the first, and his juicy tongue came straight into my mouth to wrestle with mine.

"Looks like you know what you're doing too," I said.

Matty nosed in between us and got another good, deep kiss from David. "I'm so glad you like doing sex," he said. "I've been going crazy all day thinking about you."

David grinned at his new friend. "Man, you should have seen your face this morning when you first saw me in Home Room! You looked at me like I was a candy bar and you wanted to unwrap me and eat me up!"

Matty giggled and said, "I did! And I still do!"

David got a naughty look on his face and said, "Look, even though my Mom said she won't be here until eight she's always early for stuff because she hates being late. It's after six already, so if we're gonna mess around we'd better get started." He looked back and forth from Matty to me, his smile widening and coaxing us to grin as well.

"It can be just you two, if you want," I said, remembering Matty's vulnerable state as a first-time crusher, as opposed to his usual role of crushee, but David's look of horror set both me and my boy back on our heels.

"No!" David said plaintively. "Adam too, OK Matty?" He got his naughty smile back and said enticingly, "I know some really cool things for three guys to do together."

Matty nodded enthusiastically. "Of course!" he said. "Adam's my boyfriend." He grabbed David's hand. "Let's all go up to my room!" he said brightly, leading the boy to the stairs.

A minute later we were in Matty's bedroom hurriedly tearing off our clothes. David was quickest, and stood there naked with his stiff, hairless cock jutting up like the bowsprit of a sailing schooner. His body was lovely, trim and more muscular than Matty's, but not nearly as fine and delicate. His natural skin tone as observed in the bathing-suit area was a shade darker than Matty's as well, though perhaps only looking that way compared to the surrounding golden tan. Of course, almost everybody was darker than Matty with his cherubic pink-white skin. To my delight David appeared completely devoid of fine little body hairs, just as baby-smooth as Matty.

David's circumcised dick was noticeably thicker than any of the boys I'd been with since meeting Matty, giving it the impression of being short and stout, though I was sure he would measure an average length if we put a ruler to it. His hairless balls hung loosely, the oval pills inside distinctly visible. I particularly liked his muscular thighs, toned and shaped by the youth soccer he'd told us he had played since shortly after potty training.

David looked back and forth, seeming frustrated that he couldn't watch both of us strip at the same time. He settled on Matty, and his excitement was palpable.

"Wow, Matty!" he said in an awestruck tone. "Even with your clothes on I thought you were the cutest boy in the whole school, and now I know you are!"

Matty grinned and blushed coquettishly, basking in the compliment, but then David surprised us both by turning to me just as I got my underwear off.

"And oh, man!" he said. "Look at Adam's dick! It's so beautiful!" Suddenly David was on his knees, grabbing my pulsing rod and pulling it down to his lips. I felt him engulf my cock head and begin to work it enthusiastically. I barely had time to gasp before he established a rhythm that I knew would really get me going. I jerked a look at Matty, and as I expected he had a horrified, betrayed look on his face at not being first. I immediately decided to pull away, as if that could erase the damage already done, but before I had the chance David released my cock and turned to Matty.

"C'mon, Matty!" he said. "What are you waiting for? Bring me the most beautiful dick in the world!"

Matty was surprised and delighted. He stepped over as ordered and David plunged down on his stiff four inches right to the base. David jerked me off while he sucked Matty and caressed my boy's beautiful ass with his free hand. He released Matty's cock just long enough to say, "Kiss each other, you guys!" and dove back down on Matty's reddened flesh.

We did as instructed and in seconds we were fully engaged in one of our deep, passionate French kisses. David alternated between our two cocks, displaying more exuberance than technique, but I had to admit it was nothing short of amazing. He was panting breathlessly when he finally pulled away and gasped, "Me now! Please! Do something to me!"

Matty and I backed away and I reached down and lifted David bodily under the arms. I lay him on the bed on his back and immediately slurped his hot, thick three-plus inches into my mouth. He moaned with pleasure, and called out, "Kiss me, Matty!" When I glanced up Matty was bent over him and they were Frenching like mad.

David's boner was delicious and throbbed and pulsed delightfully on my tongue. His hands came to the back of my head and he began to thrust his hips, fucking his meaty boy-tool between my lips. There was no question that he had plenty of experience, and I made a mental note to draw his story out in some quieter future moment. My Matty loved sex stories.

David's thrusts began to come faster until I had no doubt he was going to cum. I was beginning to re-think my position on the rarity of pre-pubertal orgasms, as I now knew several boys who could dry-cum on a routine basis. Assuming David actually did get there as I thought he would, that would leave only Jason as yet to achieve it. While I was contemplating this David moaned loudly around his kiss with Matty and gave one more powerful upward thrust and his little body began to convulse and shake in blissful orgasm. I rode it to its conclusion, ten seconds at least, enjoying it perhaps as much as he did.

"You came hard," Matty observed, winding down their French session with nibbling kisses on David's lips.

"I really needed it," David said. "You had me so horny all day I could hardly stand it."

"Me too," Matty said. "My dick is so hard right now I think it's going to burst!"

David got that naughty smile again. "Fuck me!" he said excitedly, even though he had barely just come down from his orgasm. "If you've never done it you won't even believe how great it feels!"

"I've done it," Matty said, as if it were no big deal, but I had to brag on him a little.

"Matty's a great top," I said. "He fucks like a goddamn stallion."

"He fucks you?" David said in amazement.

"No, not yet," Matty said. "Not until I get bigger. But I've fucked my two friends a bunch of times."

"And I really like watching," I said. "And I'm really going to like watching him fuck your brains out, David. Right now."

David was completely worked up again, his cock straining up his abdomen. "Do you have Vaseline, or baby oil or anything?"

I said, "We have water-based lube, so it doesn't stain the sheets."

"Cool!" he said. "I didn't even know they had that. How do you like to do it, Matty? Doggy-style? Or I could be on my back with my feet over your shoulders."

Matty looked at me and I suggested, "Pillow under the butt?" and he nodded vigorously. I grabbed the pillow and helped David position himself on it, then produced the lube from the nightstand and handed it to Matty. He lubed up his fingers and gently worked one into David's sweet, accepting pucker. The boy writhed and moaned in pleasure, and Matty corkscrewed a second finger into him.

Matty said, "It's really hot in there."

"I'm totally hot for you, Matty," David said, rolling back and lifting his legs into the air.

Matty got on his knees before David and slathered his burgeoning four inches with lube. He aimed it carefully at the slick target and paused when the tip found the entrance.

"Fuck me good, baby," David said in a voice so sexy low it didn't even sound like the same boy. "I need that beautiful dick!"

Matty pushed, and David opened his mouth silently as the sensations overtook him. Matty sank in steadily until the head was inside, then he paused again.

"Are you OK?" he asked, and David grinned and nodded.

"Put it in!" David said. "I can take it. Both my brothers are bigger."

Matty readied himself and then pushed the rest of the way in a slow, steady thrust. When he reached the bottom he didn't pause as might be expected, but immediately pulled back halfway and shoved quickly back in. In a moment he had a rhythm: steady, half-length thrusts that had his balls swaying gently against David's ass.

"Oh, Matty," David said huskily. "I knew you'd be great in bed! You just had to be!"

The words spurred Matty on, and he began to thrust faster and deeper. His balls were slapping David now, and both boys' panting breaths came faster too and joined the rhythm.

"You're hitting that spot inside me!" David exclaimed. "Oh my God it feels so good!"

On and on Matty fucked, lasting longer than I ever expected him to, and David began the tremors and convulsions that signaled his orgasm. Ten more pumps, then twenty, and David let out his loudest moan yet as he began to cum. He thrashed and bucked and still Matty fucked him until he, too, began to shake and spasm, and then with a groan he sank his cock deep within David and erupted in his orgasm. They writhed together in passion, gasping and moaning, slowly coming down. Matty collapsed forward onto David's chest, still buried inside of him, both their chests heaving.

When he was able, Matty kissed David's lips and murmured sweet somethings I couldn't hear, then finally fell away and rolled to his back. After a moment for recovery David looked around and smiled when he found me, "See, I told you," he said. "You guys have it made! You get to do this stuff every night!"

"Not quite every night," I said. "But you're right, we get to do it a lot."

"Me and my brothers have to be so careful!" David lamented. "Our folks would freak out, for sure."

I sat on the bed next to David and he sat up, offering me a kiss, which I accepted. He smiled into my eyes and reached for my cock, which was at every bit of attention it could muster.

"Big dicks are cool," he said softly, running a thumb playfully across the head. "Don't you think so, Matty?"

My boy rolled to his side facing us and said, "Adam's got a nice one."

"He sure does," David said, then turned to Matty excitedly. "Adam hasn't gotten off yet. Let's do him together, OK, Matty?"

Matty grinned and scooted over on the bed making room for us. I arranged myself on my back and the boys took positions on either side of me. David began jerking me off, slowly and quite sensuously, and I gathered Matty to me and passionately kissed him.

"You suck Adam, right Matty?" David asked.

Matty pulled away from my lips just long enough to say, "Sure."

"Do you swallow his cum?"


David gave my cock head a lick and said, "I do too. My brothers' I mean. Donny doesn't have much yet but Danny shoots like a Super Soaker!"

Matty broke our kiss and slid down the bed until he was level with David. "Adam squirts a lot," he said, "but I can swallow all of it."

David gave his naughty half-grin and said, "Let's trade off." He took my cock head into his hungry little mouth and began lovingly working it. I gasped as a shock of pleasure ran up my spine. His small tongue made exquisite circles around my hot flesh, differently than any other boy but just as wonderful.

David pulled away and released me completely. "You take a turn," he urged Matty. "I want to watch how you do it."

Matty assumed his usual position and took my cock into his eager mouth. His wonderful familiarity was every bit as exciting as David's difference had been a moment before. I tenderly took Matty's lovely little face in both my hands and got even more excited because I could feel his tongue and jaw muscles moving under his skin.

"Oh, that's neat!" David said in genuine appreciation. "Hold my face like that when it's my turn, OK Adam?"

I grunted some sort of assent as my passion grew. Matty knew exactly how to bring me off, but he also knew exactly how to prolong my ecstasy. He teased and tickled the very tip with his lips and tongue, his hand gripping the very bottom of my shaft such that the heel of his hand lightly stimulated my balls as well. I knew from experience that this could last twenty or thirty minutes if that's what Matty wanted.

After several minutes David's face betrayed a little impatience as he said, "My turn again now, OK?"

Matty released me and relinquished control back to David, who quickly engulfed about half of me and grabbed my shaft in a similar fashion. I took his smooth little face in my hands as he had asked, and marveled at how differently his muscles worked compared to Matty's. David's hand began short strokes while his mouth stepped up the suction and he pumped up and down on me with purpose. This was the opposite of prolonging, and I knew I'd only last a few minutes under this onslaught.

Matty realized the situation as well, and he said happily, "Go ahead and finish him, David. Like you said, I get to do it every night." I smiled at my generous boy.

David only moaned, but I saw the "Thank you" in his eyes. In a few seconds he gripped my cock more firmly and sped up the strokes, and pretty much stopped his mouth plunging up and down. Now it was less a blow job and more jerking me off with his mouth poised around my cock head waiting for my cum. I frankly would have preferred if he had just kept up what he was doing, and I probably would have shot even sooner, but this was really good too and I felt the old familiar stirrings beginning in my gut.

I selfishly held back a little, not ready for it to be over, but I couldn't manage for long and in a few seconds I felt the hot column of cum traveling up my shaft. It blasted strongly into David's mouth, and with my hands on his cheeks I felt him struggling to contain the fluid. He swallowed hard and returned to sucking, still jerking my shaft and milking as much out of me as he could.

When there was nothing left for me to give David sat up on his haunches and opened his mouth, happily showing us the pearly white cream pooled on his tongue. When we both smiled our appreciation he made a show of swallowing it, then showed us his clean tongue, as if we needed convincing that he had actually swallowed. David giggled in delight.

"Come here, you two," I said, and gathered them into my embrace, kissing each in turn and then watching as they kissed each other. "Hey Matty," I said. "Bet when you woke up this morning you never expected to end up in bed with your new Home Room partner!"

"No, but I'm sure glad I did. David, you're the best new friend I ever made!"

"And I just knew it, too," David said. "When I first got to Home Room this morning before Mr. Hoffman assigned seats I saw you come in, and boy, I couldn't take my eyes off of you!"

"Really?" Matty said incredulously.

"Sure!" David said. "I watched you and I saw you watching me and I just hoped and hoped that Mr. Hoffman would seat you somewhere that I could see you. I'd hate it if you were behind me all year, just knowing that the cutest boy in school was right there and I couldn't look at him. And then when we ended up partners I couldn't believe how lucky I was!"

The boys beamed at each other. "I noticed you right away," Matty said. "I wasn't, like, crazy about you or anything, but I thought you looked like a nice boy."

"Are you crazy about me now?" David asked, in disarming sincerity.

Matty didn't hesitate. "Yes," he said. "You think I'm the cutest boy in school and I think you're the sexiest."

David paused a few seconds without saying anything, then turned to me. "And are you crazy about me too?"

I didn't miss Matty's disappointment, that David hadn't immediately returned his declaration of affection. I had to carefully consider my reply.

"You're a wonderful, sexy boy," I said. "Just like my beautiful boyfriend Matty."

David was silent for a moment, then said, "I really like fooling around with you guys. I hope we can do it a lot more."

My cell phone rang, breaking the mood, and I crawled over Matty out of bed to retrieve it from my pants.

"That's probably my Mom," David said. "We'd better clean up and get dressed." Matty only looked at him with puppy-dog eyes, and David leaned in and gave him a quick, tender kiss. It seemed to placate Matty, at least for the moment.

Fifteen minutes later Matty and I waved goodbye as Arlene and David drove away, Matty in one of the strangest moods I'd ever seen. He was fine, which is to say that we did our happy nightly ritual of getting him bathed and into his pajamas, and we watched our hour of TV, and we chatted and joked fondly as always, and he agreeably went off to bed at ten o'clock which was his new big-boy bedtime, and we had our passionate goodnight kiss and said our sincere I-love-yous, but all the while there was something unspoken in the background, and I knew it was about David.

Next time:

David and the Condo Kids.

If you enjoy my writing please let me know by emailing me at gaminparamour@protonmail.com and I will do my best to reply quickly.

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