Date: Wed, 28 Jun 2006 08:18:21 -0400 From: Jeff A Subject: the boxer rebellion The Boxer Rebellion a story by parrafan Disclaimer: This story is fiction, for the entertainment of adults only. Consumer Product Warning: This piece of writing contains less than ten per cent sex. Readers who require a higher component of sex in their reading diets should consider a supplement. Dedicated to schoolboys everywhere. * * * The Boxer Rebellion by parrafan It's funny sometimes how one person, in a position of authority, can make a big difference to a lot of lives. Take the amazing story of the year Six students at Wilkinson School for Boys in that fateful summer of '97. In their first five years at the school, these boys flourished under the benevolent dictatorship of Mr Lawson, their revered school Principal. The Wilkinson Principal's position was the crowning achievement to Mr Lawson's thirty-five year teaching vocation, and he brought to the job all of the wisdom he had gleaned over his long career. He knew when to let the boys have their heads, and when to apply the brakes. Just as on the freeway, a gentle tap was usually enough. Slam on hard, and the car swerves out of control. Mr Lawson knew that well. But school principals do not last forever, and Mr Lawson's sixtieth birthday arrived at the end of Term One, 1997. He had asked the Education Department for permission to stay on until the end of the year, but sadly, his job was already earmarked for an up-and-coming new man, and Mr Lawson was promptly given the handshake and gold watch, and shown the door. The new man was Mr Parkchester, who had until then occupied a managerial position in the Education Department's Policy Unit. Although he was at the same pay level as a school principal, this was his first appointment in an actual school. He had joined the Education bureaucracy by way of an MBA in Educational Policy from Harvard, and had never actually taught in a classroom, much less been in charge of a whole school. The staff gave Mr Parkchester a polite but cool reception. Some of the teachers had already crossed swords with Mr Parkchester when he had issued several policy directives to the school district, to be strictly followed by all schools (including Wilkinson). "What's this crap?" was the usual phrase with which staff greeted any of Mr Parkchester's initiatives. It was Mr Parkchester, while head of the Policy Division, who decided that no student was to be permitted to ride his bicycle to school, because the Department's insurance policy could not afford to cover loss by theft. Again, it was another of Mr Parkchester's reforms that saw all baseball bats, whether wooden, plastic or metal, banned from all schools, because he perceived them to be a potential danger to staff and students. Mr Parkchester was also instrumental in having white chalk banned, on the grounds that its use by teachers could perpetuate myths of racial superiority. At first, Mr Parkchester's presence in the school, from the start of Term 2, caused hardly a ripple, mainly because no-one but his secretary ever saw him. "He's still settling in", she would say, when asked by teachers whether Mr Parkchester would ever emerge from his office. His predecessor Mr Lawson had made it a personal duty to be at the front gate of the school from 8:15 to 9 o'clock at least three mornings out of five, to greet students by name, ask them about their lessons, their pets, their grandparents' health, or just to chat. Mr Parkchester, by comparison, seemed to regard the students in much the same way as a ship's captain regards rats - the whole enterprise would function much more smoothly without them, but they are so hard to get rid of. Three weeks into Term 2, and the only sightings of Mr Parkchester on school property had been at the weekly assemblies. That was another change he had instituted: the Friday afternoon school assembly under Mr Lawson was a welcome occasion: selected classes would perform musical or dramatic acts; deserving individual students would be singled out for lavish praise of their efforts; administrative announcements were kept to a minimum; and if the program ran ahead of schedule, the whole school received an early mark. Under the Parkchester regime, weekly assemblies consisted of a ninety minute harangue on the evils of tardiness, the general slovenliness of today's youth and the importance of picking up one's litter in the schoolyard. There were no early marks. Aside from the assemblies, which the students found eminently forgettable, Mr Parkchester did not actually impact on the day-to-day running of the school. That is, until Week Five. When they looked back on the year, the students regarded Week Five as the beginning of the whole debacle. The first hint anyone had of the coming calamity was an innocuous notice pinned to the main notice board. It had always been an accepted school policy that every student should find two minutes in their daily schedule to check out the official notice board, located outside the school canteen, in case there were any vital pieces of communication from Administration to the Student Body (and indeed, to the Staff) that couldn't wait until the Weekly Assembly. The notice read: "From the desk of the Principal: It has come to my attention that several students, mainly those in the upper grades, have taken to wearing their trousers well below the level of their waists. This habit leads to untidiness of dress, and implies a general disrespect of authority. The practice of wearing trousers below the waistline shall cease immediately. Signed H F X Parkchester, MBA Principal." The younger students read the notice and were nonplussed - after all, it was only the boys in the upper grades who followed that silly fashion anyway. The older boys, however, took a different view. They saw the notice as an attack on their sense of style. The boys of Year Six, in particular, were incensed by it. Theirs was the only grade in the school which had a male teacher, Mr Presser, and he had instilled in the boys a strong sense of their individual rights and freedoms, as guaranteed in the Constitution, which they had studied in depth since the beginning of the year. "Can he do that, Sir?", Gregory Finney asked his teacher, resting his hand on the teacher's bare arm to gain his attention (Greg was a touchy-feely sort of boy). Not that he needed to resort to such an action - Gregory was by far the prettiest boy in the class, and Mr Presser secretly carried a torch for him. Mr Presser was seated at his desk grading some papers before the afternoon lessons began, and Gregory had arrived before the bell for end-of-lunch had sounded, to ask his teacher about the notice. "Why should you worry, Greg? You don't even wear your pants low on the hip", he replied. "I know, Sir, but what if I wanted to? Isn't it my right to wear them however I like, as long as it's not rude?", he countered. His best friend, Tim Calahane, wore his trousers almost under his buttcheeks, but Greg had never followed that particular fashion. "Well, Mr Parkchester likes to have things done in a certain way. It's not a big deal, is it?" Mr Presser mused. "After all, he expects me to wear a tie to school, even though the female teachers don't have to. I don't much care for ties, but he's the boss, and sometimes in this life you just have to knuckle down and do what the boss says", Mr Presser explained. Greg pursed his lips, far from convinced. "God, he looks beautiful when he's got that stubborn look on his face", Mr Presser thought. "It's not the same for you", Greg argued. "You're an employee. Maybe he is allowed to tell you teachers what to wear and how to wear it. Kind of like a uniform, I suppose. But I don't think he can tell me how to wear my clothes. I'm going to find out what the other boys think of it". With that, Gregory flounced out of the room a minute before the end-of-lunch bell rang, giving Mr Presser a chance to adjust the front of his trousers, which had become a little tight while Greg's hand lay on his arm. The boys filed into the room reasonably quietly, just as Mr Presser expected of them each day. When they were seated, Mason Davieson, a skinny freckle-faced boy in the front row raised his hand for a question. "Yes, Mason, what is it?", Mr Presser acknowledged the boy. "Sir, do you think it's fair that Mr Parkchester can tell us how to wear our clothes? 'Cause I don't!". Loud cheers and applause greeted this statement from a boy who until now would have been counted as one of the 'goody-goodys' by Mr Presser. "Well, it seems that news travels fast", Mr Presser began lightly. "I take it that all of you have read the Principal's notice regarding trousers?". Nods all around the room signified agreement. "Rather than have all of you uptight and distracted about this subject for the rest of the afternoon, I think we can spend a few minutes of our valuable time discussing it". Sighs of satisfaction and anticipation swept around the room. "We can have a debate" Mr Presser suggested. "That way I can justify, to myself at least, this departure from our program. I will need, say, three speakers from both sides - no need for any formal preparation, just say what's on your minds - and everybody listens when anybody is talking!" The boys accepted the rules - there were several volunteers to speak against the Principal's directive regarding low trousers, but no-one could be found who was willing to speak in favour of it - every boy was against it. "Well, it is hardly possible to have a debate unless someone is willing to speak for the other side", Mr Presser advised the class. "Why don't you do it Sir?" a tall boy named Martin Forgas called out. "Hand up next time please Martin - and I don't think I should do it, because I am not your opponent, I'm your teacher. I don't want anyone to think that I must naturally follow the Administration's line blindly". Five hands shot up. Suspecting that he knew what they were going to say, Mr Presser called on Greg to reply, partly to reward him for showing an interest earlier, and partly because he loved to hear Greg's clear treble voice. "So you agree with us, Sir, about the shorts!" Greg asserted triumphantly. "Well, now, I can't really say I agree with any position that I haven't yet heard argued out. And since we're obviously not going to get a debate anytime soon, I think each one of you should write a short paragraph, at least four sentences long, each sentence beginning with an upper case letter and ending with a full stop, and containing a subject AND a predicate, about your opinion of the Principal's new directive". A few groans greeted this assignment, but most boys eagerly pulled out notebooks and scrabbled around for their pens. Most of the boys had finished their writing between five and ten minutes later. Mr Presser invited several boys (including Gregory Finney) to come to the front of the room and read their piece to the class. Mr Presser called on Tim Calahane straight after Greg, and was intrigued to notice that Tim had to spend a moment fumbling with his trouser front before walking to the head of the classroom. "Hmm. A competitor", he thought. The arguments the boys read out were somewhat repetitive and not terribly well-founded logically. They all boiled down to "He can't tell us what to do". "So, what do you propose to do about the new directive?", Mr Presser put to the class after the last boy had made his short speech. Nobody seemed to have an answer to that, so he tried again. "Does anyone know what penalty Mr Parkchester specified for those boys who did not follow the directive?". Mason was the only boy to raise his hand. "Yes, Mason?", Mr Presser responded. "There was no penalty, Sir, on the notice. He just said the thing, the wearing trousers down low, was to stop immediately", the boy answered. "Correct. And what have I taught you about all actions?", he continued. Most of the boys parroted the answer in unison: "All actions have consequences". "So, if Mr Parkchester specifies an action that you all must obey, but does not specify the consequences for disobedience, what do you think will happen if someone disobeys?", Mr Presser asked. A few boys looked around at each other, but no-one had an answer. "That's all right, boys, I didn't expect anyone to be able to guess what the Principal is thinking. If we've now cleared the air a little on this subject, even though it's not exactly resolved, can we get on with some Geography, please?" A general murmur of assent greeted this remark, and the balance of the day's lessons proceeded uneventfully. * * * Mr Presser was not entirely surprised the next morning to find that every boy in his class, without exception, wore his shorts or trousers as low on their bums as they could comfortably manage. Some had three or four inches of the tops of their colourful boxer shorts showing, others showed the waistband (plus a bit more) of their conventional white briefs. Even Greg Finney was a convert to the cause, displaying a wide swatch of bright red satin that took Mr Presser's breath away every time he saw it. Mr Presser was initially concerned that the Principal would somehow identify him as a kind of ringleader of this pint-sized revolt, since it was his class who were so heavily into their campaign of civil disobedience. Luckily, some boys from other classes also wore their trousers low, and Mr Parkchester showed so little interest in individual boys that he could not actually name any particular one of them, so he was unable to tell which class the rebels came from. His lack of knowledge of names did not stop the Principal from issuing a new directive, following straight on from the dismal failure of the previous one. Before morning tea, every boy had read the notice: "From the desk of the Principal: Following representations received from several sources, including students, parents, teachers, and indeed, the legal advisers of same, I wish to advise that yesterday's notice regarding the manner of wearing of the trousers is now rescinded. However, this is not the final word on the subject, by any means. With the approval of the School Board, I will shortly promulgate certain regulations pertaining to the nature and kind of garments which may be worn to School. Such regulations shall be strictly and universally enforced, under penalty of sanction. Signed H F X Parkchester, MBA Principal" The boys cascaded into class after morning break in a jubilant mood, believing that their protest had won the day with regard to the bum-freezer directive, which is the name that had begun to circulate about it. Mr Presser felt it was his duty to prick their balloon. After he had brought the boys to order, he posed a general question: "Do you think you have won this battle?" A few hands raised slowly. Mr Presser called on Tim Calahane. "Yes, Sir, we won. He admitted he couldn't tell us how to wear our clothes". Alex Tozer, who sat behind Calahane, piped up "My Dad's lawyer phoned the Principal last night and told him he couldn't do it, Sir" "I see", mused Mr Presser. "Suppose I tell you a little fable. About a bear and some honey". The boys all sat up attentively - they enjoyed Mr Presser's stories, or 'fables' as he liked to call them. "A bear was hunting for food in the woods. He found a beehive hanging from a tree branch near a stream. As he approached the beehive, drawn by the scent of sweet honey, the bees emerged to repel him, some buzzing around his head, others stinging him. The bear departed rapidly, very annoyed. After the pain of the stings left him, the bear returned to get his honey. Instead of allowing the bees a chance to attack, he knocked the beehive off the branch with one powerful blow of his paw, but the beehive fell into the stream. Many of the bees drowned, the stream carries away the beehive, and the bear went off empty handed". He paused for effect. "Who can tell me a lesson which is being presented in this story?" A few scattered hands went up. Mr Presser called on Bobby Wheeler, who sat near the back. "It doesn't pay to piss a bear off?" he suggested with a smile. Several giggles from the other boys. "Well, that's certainly a good lesson Bobby, but next time without the crudity, okay? Anyone else?", he invited. Gregory Finney spoke up. "Sometimes, in a fight, nobody wins?" "A sharp observation, Greg, and very true. Anyone else?" Tim Calahane stood up. "We're the bees, aren't we, Sir? You think we've won the first round, but the bear, that's the Principal, will win in the end, and you think we'll all get hurt somehow. Well, I reckon sometimes you have to stick up for yourself, even if everyone says you'll lose, even if you know yourself that you'll lose, you still hafta, if you're gonna respect yourself. Isn't that what you tell us all the time, respect ourselves?" A few boys who had been fooling with their pens on their desks suddenly stopped, making the whole room go eerily quiet. Tim instantly became self-conscious and sat back down. Greg looked at him with a face of absolute devotion, and blushed. "It seems to me that the Principal might have underestimated his opponents, Tim", Mr Presser replied, a note of admiration in his voice. "You are correct in suggesting that one of my most deeply held beliefs, which I have tried to pass on to all of you, is that there may come a time in everyone's life when he has to stand up and be a man, even if he loses everything by doing so. I've never told you guys this before, but when I was a schoolboy I also attended a boy's school - not this one - and in those days most schools had Latin mottoes. Our motto was 'Esto Vir', which in English is 'Be a man'." "Very few women taught in boy's schools in those days. Our teachers were all men. None of them ever explained to us in words what the school motto meant - they explained it by their lives. I guess I am trying to say to you, Tim, and to all of you, if you think this is an issue worth fighting over, then I will respect you for it, but I am still an employee of this school, and must enforce its lawful policies". He waited for a response. "We're glad we got you for our teacher, Sir", Mason Davieson declared, with a few murmurs of agreement from the other boys. "And I am very glad to have all of you fine young men as my students", Mr Presser replied, trying to lighten the mood a little. "Now may we pursue some Maths?" * * * The next few days at Wilkinson School for Boys passed in a tense atmosphere - likened by some (with hindsight) to the eerie calm before the devastating storm. The boys in Mr Presser's class maintained their defiant campaign of showing several inches of undergarments above their trousers, even though that Directive had been withdrawn by its creator. They were now the only students to do so, all the other boys having been browbeaten by their (female) teachers into obedience. In the staffroom, the stance of Mr Presser's students was jokingly referred to as 'the Boxer Rebellion'. At that time, the teachers little realised just how prescient their joke was. The next notice to appear on the board marked the escalation of hostilities between the Principal and Mr Presser's boys. "From the desk of the Principal: Under the authority conferred on me by the School Board, I now formally institute certain dress regulations which are to be adhered to by all students in all circumstances. Full details of the required dress standards shall be promulgated by me in due course, however the first regulation concerns the article known as 'Boxers'. Henceforth, this item of apparel is banned, and is not to be worn in this school under penalty of confiscation. Signed H F X Parkchester, MBA Principal" Word passed around the corridors and playgrounds faster than a scrubfire in a tornado. "He's banned boxers!" was on every boy's lips. "He can't do that Sir!" were the first words spoken by Tim Calahane after the boys of Mr Presser's class had filed in to their room after lunch and taken their seats. Mr Presser took a moment to size up the situation. The boys looked up to him, and he had an easy rapport with them, forged out of hard work and innovative lessons on his part. "It is important to me that you boys understand that although I agree with the theory of standing up for one's rights, the practice of it can often be very costly to the individual. I am a teacher here, Mr Parkchester is the Principal. He has a legal right to direct his staff, including me, to follow the rules of the school. As his notice said, he has the backing of the School Board - that's your parents". He paused. "Having said that, if there is anything I can do, assist you in resolving your dispute with him, short of getting myself fired, I will do it." Tim raised his hand. "We understand, Sir. No one here wants you to lose your job". Murmurs of assent spread around the room. Mason Davieson wiped a tear from his eye surreptitiously. He liked Mr Presser, and did not relish the thought of having anyone else - especially if it was to be a female - for a teacher. "Thank you, Tim, and thanks to all of you. Mr Parkchester advised the staff that the new directive will become effective from tomorrow, after we suggested to him that it wouldn't be good policy to enforce the sanction on anyone today, before they had the opportunity to comply". Martin Forgas raised his hand for a question. "What does all that 'sanction' stuff mean, Sir?" Mr Presser expected this question sooner or later, and was secretly relieved that it came today, rather than tomorrow. "It means that if any boy from this class wears boxers to school, from tomorrow onwards, I will be required to confiscate them". A shocked gasp echoed around the room. Gregory Finney timidly raised a hand half way. "Do you mean...if we wear hafta...take them off us, Sir?" "Yes Greg, that pretty much sums it up. The Principal even obtained a signed affidavit from the School Board indemnifying all the teachers against lawsuits based on invasion of privacy and indecent dealing arising out of any confiscations". The students didn't really know what all of that legal talk meant, but it sounded very impressive. "What will you do take someone's boxers, Sir? Keep 'em?" Martin Forgas smirked. "Actually Martin, in my experience it is a boy's parents who buy his clothes for him. They pay for them. So in one sense, they own them. Any boxers that I am forced to confiscate will be mailed back to their owners, say at the end of each week. Now perhaps we can let the boxers rest, and consider some Science concepts. I have a few experiments you may find stimulating". The students quickly let go of their outrage on the subject of confiscations, because they all enjoyed Science - there was invariably a loud bang, or coloured sparkly fire, or an awful stink, or something else equally interesting in Mr Presser's Science lessons. * * * When it finally happened, it was a bit of an anti-climax. Only three boys from Mr Presser's class wore boxers to school the next day - there was no need to inspect closely because all three boys, Martin Forgas, Mason Davieson and of course Tim Calahane, wore their trousers very low on their hips, so that the boxers showed up vividly against the drab grey of their schoolpants. Mr Presser had made certain arrangements just in case this should happen. After school the evening before, he had asked the school janitor to install a rudimentary screen at the back of his classroom. When the boys arrived for their first lesson, he asked for any boy wearing boxers to identify himself by standing. The three miscreants did not hesitate to rise to their feet. "I accept that you boys have an issue with the Principal's directive", he stated. "But I don't believe you have an issue with me. I have treated you honourably, and I expect you will act honourably with me. Please take these plastic bags with you behind that screen up the back, remove your boxers, put them in the bags and bring them to my desk. We will then resume our lessons". Such was the respect in which the boys held their teacher that the three boys complied without question. Shortly, three plastic bags each containing a pair of size 12 boxers were sitting on Mr Presser's desk, and three boys were sitting back at their seats, slightly uncomfortably. The morning lessons that followed were somewhat subdued. After the recess bell sounded, Mr Presser released his students, and was treated to the stimulating rear view of Tim Calahane, still wearing his trousers low on his hips, even though he had nothing on underneath. Fully two and a half inches of bumcrack could clearly be seen above his low-slung schoolpants, as he stood with his back to the teacher and rummaged around in his desk. Mr Presser's breathing became a little heavier, and then abruptly stopped as Tim bent down to look for something in his bag, making his trousers stretch against the cheeks of his bottom. When he stood up, the trousers slipped down a further inch. Tim turned and smiled innocently at Mr Presser, then skipped outside with an orange. The same protest was repeated the next day, except that there were now only two defiant boys: Mason Davieson had difficulty with the idea of causing his favourite teacher any distress, and reverted to wearing briefs. Only two pairs of boxers in plastic bags adorned Mr Presser's desk: Martin Forgas had worn a pair in the design and colours of an American flag, and Tim Calahane's were dark blue, decorated with a yellow, balding cartoon figure from a well-known, long running animated television series. Morning lessons were a little more relaxed than on the previous day, now that a kind of 'routine' had been established, as if the practice of requiring boys to remove their underwear at the back of the room could ever descend to the level of 'routine'. Mr Presser was quite surprised when Tim Calahane (normally not a clumsy boy) spilled the entire contents of his pencil case onto the floor just as the morning recess bell sounded. As his classmates departed, he scrabbled about on his hands and knees, gathering up the errant implements. His rear end was pointed towards the teacher's desk as he did so, and Mr Presser, for the second day running, was treated to the sight of a large portion of Tim's buttcrack. Mr Presser could not quite work out how the boy's trousers actually stayed up - not only in defiance of the Principal, but also of gravity. "Need a hand, Tim?", he called from his desk. "No thanks, Sir, I dropped them, I'll pick them up", the boy called back, but Mr Presser only half heard it, mesmerised as he was by Tim's half uncovered bottom, which had begun to wiggle enchantingly from side to side, and jiggle seductively from the effort of the boy's search for his pens. Just at the moment when Mr Presser thought that the teasing boy's trousers were so low that they must surely drop down to his knees, Tim retrieved the last pencil and got to his feet, hitching the trousers up a little. With a brief smile at his teacher, he exited to join his classmates. On the third day of the Boxer Rebellion, the stakes were raised by none other that Tim Calahane. Somewhere between his home and the school, the wily boy had removed all of his clothing except for his boxers, and, flanked by giggling classmates, he strode into school barechested, wearing only a pair of plaid boxer shorts. By the time the start-of-lessons bell rang, every boy in the school, and most of the teachers, were aware of this one-person protest, and were itching to know what Mr Presser was going to do about it. When the boys filed into the room, the first thing they noticed was that the screen down the back had been removed, and replaced with craft tables bearing pots of paint (of various hues) and brushes. Every eye was on Mr Presser, waiting for his reaction to Tim's blatant and singular defiance of the no-boxer directive. Mr Presser began the same way as he had done on the previous two days, by asking for any boys wearing boxers to identify themselves. Tim alone stood up. "Please come out the front, Tim", Mr Presser invited, and the boy duly left his seat and walked to the front. Not a sound could be heard from the other boys. The air was thick with nervous tension. "Tim, I must say I admire your conviction, and your tenacity", Mr Presser began. "But I must also ask you to remove your boxers please, and place them in this bag". He held out a ziplock bag for the boy. Tim looked at the class, then at Mr Presser. Then without hesitating any further, slid his lime green boxers down his legs and popped them in to the bag, sealed it and placed the bag in the middle of the teacher's desk, and walked naked back to his seat and sat down. Mr Presser stroked his chin, waiting for any reaction from the other students. He did not have to wait long. Greg Finney leapt to his feet and shrieked like a B-movie heroine "If he's got to go naked, then I'm going to go naked as well!", and began tearing off his shirt and trousers. "And me!" yelled Martin Forgas, who also jumped up and started to strip. "Me too!" called out several other boys. Within seconds, clothes flew everywhere as twenty three boys disrobed recklessly, even violently. Buttons popped. Zippers were wrenched beyond their capacity. Shoes skidded across the floor. Socks sailed over desks, and underwear adorned the backs of chairs and the tops of schoolbags. Mr Presser could not help but be reminded of that climactic scene from the movie Spartacus, as every boy before him now sat as naked as Tim. Mr Presser surveyed the boys. This was the moment when he could perhaps mould their whole school experience, indeed their whole lives, if he handled it properly. "Gentlemen", he began, "As luck would have it, this morning we are studying the culture of the Native North American people, whom in less enlightened times we called 'Indians'. To help you experience some elements of that culture, today you will be wearing traditional Native American garments. Tim, can you come out the front and be the first to demonstrate the correct fitting of the loincloth?" Tim looked at the other boys in puzzlement, then shrugged his shoulders and rose from his seat. Everyone had already seen his modest genitals earlier, so he didn't care if they saw them again. Besides, every other boy was as bare as he was. When he reached the front of the room, Mr Presser invited him to turn to face the room, and fastened a belt around his waist. He then addressed the class. "The simplest way to wear a loincloth is to pull a length of about twelve inches up the belt in back, like so, letting it fall over your bottom" - he demonstrated on the intrigued boy, using a four-foot long hourglass-shaped length of soft chamois leather - "then the narrow bit goes between the legs like so" - he passed the thin section between Tim's thighs - "then the rest goes under the front part of the belt so about twelve inches overhangs in the front and - Voila! the Native American loincloth!" Tim stood amazed at his teacher's cleverness. Mr Presser had turned a confrontation of authority, indeed a potential crisis, into a history lesson! Before Tim had time to reflect on the man's wisdom, Mr Presser suggested that Tim might like to demonstrate how easy the process is by doing the same action to a classmate: "Greg - will you come up here so Tim can put a loincloth on you?" Greg Finney jumped up so quickly he knocked his chair over, eager as he was to get out to the front. Like Tim, he was not a natural exhibitionist, but these were his classmates, and he didn't really care if they saw. While Tim tied the belt around Greg, and performed the manoeuvre with another loincloth, Mr Presser circulated around the room carrying a large carton, passing out a loincloth and belt for every boy. "Now, in pairs, gentlemen, dress each other Native American Style!", Mr Presser directed, and every boy stood up naked and paired off with a friend or classmate, and set about his task diligently. Within five minutes, every boy was dressed again, not in the same way as they arrived at school, but resembling a pack of Native braves. "Well done, gentlemen. Now up the back of the room you will find some paint, some brushes, some feathers, headbands and armbands. Stuck on the back walls are a few sketches of how these items might adorn the body of a Native American brave. You have around thirty minutes to apply the items to yourselves or each other, in pairs, and then we will see whose is the best!" Boys scattered like cockroaches in all directions, scrambling for the goodies at the back of the room. Greg insisted on painting Tim's face and chest, Mr Presser noticed. The boys were still applying paint to each other thirty minutes later, but Mr Presser was content to let them continue. He reflected on what had just happened: he had dodged a bullet, certainly, but he could not replicate this escape indefinitely. On the plus side, he had enjoyed a sight, no, twenty three sights, that he had never seen before - every boy in his class absolutely stark naked! As a classroom teacher, Mr Presser taught all of the lessons that his class received - with the exception of his "face-to-face relief". Those were lessons in which a specialist teacher took his class for him, while he had a much-needed break in the staff room. There were three such lessons each week: two gym periods, which were taken by Miss Hoskiss (whom the boys called 'Hot-kiss', although the idea of kissing a male of any age would never have crossed her mind) and a music appreciation lesson taken by the elderly and dour Miss Jones. So Mr Presser never had the opportunity of seeing any of his boys disrobe, until today. And he liked what he saw. For their part, the boys made out like it was Christmas morning and Hallowe'en put together. Mr Presser noticed earlier that a few of their hands fumbled quite a bit as they passed the loincloth between the legs of their partners, and quite a few girlish-sounding shrieks pierced the air as boys were goosed, tickled, pulled, poked and prodded by their playful classmates. Mr Presser called the boys to order, having allowed them three quarters of an hour to put on their Native make-up, and proceeded with the competition for the 'best-dressed brave'. Not surprisingly, Gregory Finney received the most applause for that honour. Mason Davieson put up his hand and asked what name the new tribe should call themselves. There was some informal discussion, until suddenly Tim Calahane stood up and thumped his fist on his skinny painted chest and declared loudly "We're Presser's Braves". The motion was passed by acclamation, with all the boys concurring, cheering themselves (and their teacher). At morning recess the boys whooped out into the playground, performing inmpromptu rain dances, hollering war chants and generally enjoying themselves. Boys (particularly those from junior classes) clamoured around them and lauded them as nine-minute wonders. Some of the more impressionable boys even ventured the opinion that they hoped to be placed in Mr Presser's class when they reached year 6, which made the hearts of Presser's Braves swell with pride. The boys spent the rest of the day in their native garb, only changing back into their schoolclothes just before the end-of-school bell. All except one, that is. Tim Calahane had no clothes to change back into, and Mr Presser was determined to teach Tim, and everyone, that a man stands by his actions, however inconvenient. Tim stood, alone, wearing his loincloth, after the rest of the class had dressed and left. A silence simmered between the two, man and boy, that was broken by a very simple question. "Want a lift home?" Mr Presser asked evenly, after packing his briefcase with manilla folders full of notes. He still wasn't sure whether Tim was his adversary or his student. "Thanks, Sir, that'd be good", Tim replied softly. The two walked out to the staff carpark and climbed into Mr Presser's early model sedan. "Six blocks down, then a left", Tim advised softly. Mr Presser's clunker followed the boy's directions, finally pulling up in front of a large double set of wrought iron gates suspended between two stone pillars. "Looks like we're locked out", Mr Presser observed, nodding at the impressive bars, and at the edifice beyond. "I got a key", Tim smirked, hopping out of the car and tapping a sequence of digits into a numeric keypad on the side of the right-hand pillar. The massive gates swung open with a soft swoosh, and Tim scuttled back into the car, his loincloth flapping in the afternoon breeze. "Straight up to the front door, please Sir", he directed. Mr Presser gave a little shrug, and guided his car through the gateway and up the gravelled drive. "I didn't know your folks were rich", Mr Presser remarked as the two passed through the front doors into a large foyer, then felt a little stupid in saying it. Tim's folks were somewhat beyond rich, by all appearances. They advanced into the spacious kitchen. "Mom's a kind of dress designer. There's a special name for it...a cut-c-" "Couturier?" guessed Mr Presser. "That's it. She's got a shop in L.A., one in Chicago, and another in New York. That's where she is now, opening some kinda show. She'll be back in a few days", Tim added nonchalantly, pulling a container of juice from the fridge and pouring out two glasses of OJ. "So, your Dad, is he here?" Mr Presser asked, starting to become just the tiniest bit nervous, sipping the proffered drink. "He's in Beijing, closing a business deal. He imports furniture and stuff from China. He'll probably call in sometime next week", Tim explained. "So, you're all alone in this huge house?", Mr Presser probed, amazed. Tim shook his head in the negative. "Mrs Santos is here. She's our housekeeper. Although she's probably back in her own place by now. She's got a cottage out back, in the grounds. She makes my dinner, and puts it in the fridge, then goes home. I can call her with this buzzer, if you like", Tim offered, pointing to a subtle intercom on the wall. "No, no, that's fine", Mr Presser reflected, thinking that this was yet another example of how the rich are not like us, aside from the fact that they have more money. Putting down his empty glass, Tim paused before speaking again. "I'm gonna have a bath, wash off this paint. But before I do, would you do me a favour, Sir?" "Er, sure, Tim", Mr Presser replied, wondering when he should make his goodbyes. "Can you take a photo of me so I can show Mom and Dad something neat we did at school?", he asked, a beguiling look of innocent earnest on his face. "I guess so, sure", Mr Presser agreed. Tim smiled, and led his teacher back to the grand marble staircase that dominated the foyer. He practically dragged Mr Presser up the stairs to his bedroom, where he handed the teacher a small digital camera. "Just a happy snap or two, Sir, please", Tim suggested, and made a fierce pose. Mr Presser fired off a couple of shots, then put the camera down. Tim suspected his teacher was about to make some kind of excuse about having to leave, so he quickly made another request. "Can you sit and talk with me while I take my bath, Sir? I want to make sure I get all this paint off my face". Not wishing to seem churlish, Mr Presser smiled and agreed. Tim smiled in reply, and skipped over to a side door, opening it to reveal an en-suite bathroom as large as his bedroom. He strode across the tiled floor and pulled a chair up to the large triangular spa-bathtub, then turned on the taps. Showing the same lack of modesty that he displayed earlier in class, Tim undid the belt that held his loincloth in place and dropped the belt and leather to the floor. "That was a really cool idea you had today, Sir, about us all dressing up as Indians, uh, Native Americans", Tim remarked, climbing into the frothy water and starting to wash. "What would you have done if nobody wore boxers?" Mr Presser grinned at the boy in the tub. "I suppose I would have reverted to Plan B - and demonstrated the loincloth on my own body", he chuckled. "You would never!", Tim cried in a shocked voice, scrubbing at his face to remove the paint. "You!? The teacher that follows all the Principal's lawful directions? That's what you said!" Mr Presser sighed. "It's an amazing gift that only twelve-year-olds have, to be able to see a complex world in such black-and-white terms. Would the sight of my body have been so shocking?" "I- I didn't mean it that way", Tim stammered. "I only meant...uh, I... don't think it would be all". There was a brief uncomfortable silence, broken by Tim's voice. "Could you pass me a towel please Sir?" Mr Presser stood and stepped over to the heated towel rail, selecting a fresh fluffy towel for the boy. When he returned to the tub, he found Tim standing with one foot on the side of the tub, apparently ready to step over. Which explains how Tim caught Mr Presser completely by surprise by leaping onto him and throwing his arms around the teacher's neck. Tim clung to Mr Presser as is his very life depended on it. Mr Presser was caught off guard initially by the boy's sudden movement, thinking the boy had slipped and fallen. So much so that he let go the towel before catching the boy, who now clung to him like a baby possum to its mother, dripping wet and very naked. A few moments, that seemed like a lifetime, passed. "Your hands are cold", Tim whispered to Mr Presser, since his mouth was so close to the teacher's ear. Mr Presser's hands had automatically gone under the boy's bottom, just to support his weight, of course, and now cupped those two globes of exquisite beauty. "Sorry", he whispered back, and started to move them downwards to the boy's thighs, but Tim clung even more fiercely to his teacher. "Don't move them", he urged quickly. "I mean, uh, it's okay, I don't mind that they're cold. Um, can you take me to my room?" "Sure", Mr Presser replied, a part of his mind wondering when the SWAT team was going to burst through the door and find him with both hands full of naked boy. He carried the boy back into his bedroom and set him down next to his bed. "Mrs Santos never comes in at night unless I buzz for her", Tim advised conversationally, as if reading his teacher's mind and detecting his concern about being found alone with a nude boy. He picked up the towel that had been jammed between their bodies and held it out to Mr Presser. "Can you dry me, Sir? Mom sometimes does it for me", he confided. "Um, sure, Tim", Mr Presser agreed, not really sure why a twelve-year-old needed someone to dry him off. It was a most pleasant task, though. He rubbed the towel over every inch of the boy, who maintained a steady gaze at him. "That feels good, Sir", Tim murmured as the towel scraped over his thighs. "Um, fine, Tim", Mr Presser replied, feeling a little foolish that he was unable to make a more coherent response. It was clear to him now that the boy's actions over the last few days were not accidental, but part of an elaborate plan to position him in exactly this situation. Now dry, the nude boy stepped over towards his door. "Would it make you feel more comfortable if I locked the door - not that Mrs Santos would ever come upstairs at night unless I called her", the boy asked. "I get the feeling that somehow you're reading my mind, Tim", the teacher said as he nodded in agreement (and relief) about the lock. "Do you want me to tell you what you're thinking now?" Tim teased, turning the little switch on the doorknob. "Oh, please do", Mr Presser replied, glad of the chance to give himself a moment to think. "You're trying to think of a way to say 'good bye', but you don't really want to go, you want to stay and see what happens...between us", Tim predicted. "You feel excited and nervous...but also happy...and you have no idea how to make things go in the direction you want them to go in", the boy continued. "Am I so obvious as that?" the teacher whispered. "I thought I kept my emotions under a tight rein. How long have" "Known about you?" Tim interrupted. "Since about the first week of school. I could tell by the way you look at Greg Finney that you like boys, but that you couldn't bring yourself to do anything to...betray one" Mr Presser smiled. "You're right, of course, but what I was going to say was 'How long have you been able to read people like that'?" Tim had reached the bed, with Mr Presser still standing on its opposite side. The bed had been a kind of protective barrier for the teacher, but now Tim was demolishing it like the Berlin Wall. The boy lay on his bed, hands behind his head, secure in his own room, and sighed. "I will tell you", began the confident boy, "but I think now would be a good time for you to undress - if you want to. I will tell you everything, then we can see what happens". Mr Presser knew that this moment was a turning point for him - an opportunity that only knocks once - and that he better take it, or live with the regret for the rest of his complicated life. He pulled at his belt buckle and kicked off his shoes. Tim smiled as he watched his teacher - not a triumphant smile, but one of satisfaction in the happiness of another. "I was a different person last year", he began, as Mr Presser's shirt buttons opened. "I was very angry, and insecure, and full of hatred. So Dad arranged for me to see a counsellor, a pediatric specialist, Mr Phillip Dallimore. I started off on five sessions a week, then tapered down to one or two as I...grew up". Tim smiled ruefully in the recollection of his former self. "The first two sessions, I trashed his office. The next two I spent curled up in a ball on his lap crying my eyes out. I guess it's a credit to his professionalism that he even let me back". Mr Presser undid his zipper and dropped his trousers to his ankles as Tim continued. The boy watched the man with frank interest as he disrobed. "After that first week, I made steady progress, first of all in understanding my parents, then understanding myself. After that, I picked up things pretty quickly. Money, sex, friendship, religion, power, love. No subject was taboo, yet Mr Dallimore wasn't some kind of 'magic answer machine' for all of my questions. He showed me a few simple techniques for relaxing, for thinking clearly, and for really looking at people". The teacher, now completely naked, carefully climbed onto the bed and lay down about two feet away from his student. He was amazed not to be erect, under the circumstances. "I bet you didn't expect this a few days ago, that you be lying naked on a student's bed, being seduced", Tim prodded gently. "Or would you prefer to be seduced by Greg Finney?" "It seems to be a waste of time to lie to you, so I'll be truthful - I'd prefer it was both of you!", the teacher grinned. "I know I can seem very self assured sometimes, but I'd really love another hug right now, like you hugged me before in the bathroom", Tim suggested, turning towards Mr Presser. Without pausing to rationalise, the man held his arms open, allowing the boy to throw himself into them. As Tim ground his chest and hips into the man, Mr Presser was relieved to note that his temporary impotence seemed to have evaporated. "There's just one thing I haven't been able to fit into place", Tim stated, in between giving his teacher little pecks and nibbles around the mouth, neck and earlobes. "Just one?" Mr Presser replied, running his hands up and down Tim's back and bottom. "I've got about a thousand questions for you". "What made you do the Native American lesson with the loincloths today? Of all days?" Tim queried. "Well, it's a lesson I've been wanting to do with a class for about ten years. I just never had the right mix of courage and circumstances. Our new Principal's crazy rules partly gave me the circumstances. And you are partly to blame yourself, you know" "Me? How?" Tim replied in mock indignance. "You must have discussed your plan with Greg Finney, because he phoned me last night to warn me of that stunt you pulled", Mr presser revealed. "Damn! That little squealer! He's...braver than I thought", Tim burst out. "I had to tell him my plan because I needed to stash my clothes at his house on the way to school. He's got a huge crush on you, you know" the boy snuggling in his arms confided. "Does he, indeed?", Mr Presser mused. He thought he would push his luck, since Tim appeared to be on a 100% truth binge. "Are you boyfriends, or just friends?" Tim looked up and gazed into his teacher's eyes. "We've had sex a few times, but we're not going steady or anything like that. I'm a bit too young yet to commit to that kind of relationship, and Greg is still trying to figure out his own sexuality". Tim squirmed his hips around a little and Mr Presser hastily took his hands off the boy's bottom cheeks. "No, don't take your hands off my bum, they feel nice. I just need to...ahhh, that's it, I just had to get my dick into a more comfortable position, it's getting stiffer". "Wow!" thought Mr Presser. "This 'honesty' stuff is a powerful brew". To the boy, he said "I don't want you to break any confidences, how did you two it on? If you don't mind telling me, that is". "I don't mind", Tim replied simply. "It's a bit of a turn-on, actually, to talk about it. I don't think Greg would mind, either. You can ask him yourself later, if you like. He's coming over for dinner at seven tonight. That's if you're staying?" he added hopefully. "Are you asking me?" Mr Presser enquired. "I'm asking. Please stay for dinner with Greg and me. And stay the night, too". "Well, I'd certainly love to stay for dinner. We'll see about 'after' after. I don't want to be a fifth wheel", Mr Presser replied. "Now, about you two..." "Oh yeah", Tim remembered. "Greg's Dad, he works with my Dad. He was worried that Greg might be gay, so he talked it over with my Dad, you know how Dads talk sometimes about their kids" "Pretty personal stuff to be discussing outside the family", Mr Presser commented. "Well, he probably wouldn't have, except that he knew Dad had arranged for me to see the therapist, and he wanted to know if it was doing me any good. I knew Greg from school, even though we were in different classes last year. He happened to be going in for his first session with Mr Dallimore as I was coming out one time, and he looked nervous, so I kinda told him it would be fine, just to be himself, and be honest, and then on the spot, Dad invited Mr Finney and Greg over here for a barbecue that weekend. "We have a pool out the back, so when Greg and I came up here to get changed into our bathers, Greg confided that he had a good session with Mr Dallimore, and that he thought he might be gay. Not Mr Dallimore, Greg. I told him it was cool with me, and he gave me this big hug, and went straight down and nearly sucked my brains out through my dick. It was the best blowjob I ever had. Well, the only one, up to then. Since then, he comes over about once a month or so, just to hang out. Most times we end up on my bed, kissing and sucking. If Mom and Dad are home, they respect our privacy". "But I know he likes you, though, Sir. Near the end of last year we talked about what Grade Six was going to be like, and whose class we might get put in. We were both glad to get you. Uh, would you run your fingers in my crack, please Sir? I really like that. Yeah, just like that. Um, where was I? Oh, yeah. In First Term this year, Greg told me he thinks you're a major hottie (that's the way he talks when we're alone, sorta fruity) but it's not just your body he's after; he thinks you're smart, and funny, and a terrific teacher". "He told me he gets a stiffie nearly every day in class from looking at you. It's funny, 'cause when he gets one, he looks around at me and makes his eyes go big, and then I get one 'cause I know he's got one. Heh heh. When I told him about wearing just the boxers to school, he tried to talk me out of it, because he didn't want you to get embarrassed. I'm glad he didn't, now". "Me, too", Mr Presser agreed, but felt that his response was a little inadequate, after this wonderful boy had poured his heart out. "So", continued Tim, glancing at his bedside clock, "we've got about an hour before Greg arrives, do you want to have some sex with me, or just lie here like this a bit longer. Maybe you want to save yourself for Greg, I know how it is with you old guys - one climax and you're wrecked for hours", Tim smirked, grinding his hips and teasing his teacher. "I'm not really used to this level of honesty, Tim. It'll take me a while - like about twenty years - before I can relax and be myself with a good-looking boy like you, but for now, you know what I'd really like? "What?", the boy answered, curious now. Mr Presser forced himself to overcome his natural reserve in front of boys to reply to his young friend: "Even though my balls feel like they are going to burst, I'd like to suck you, and maybe even lick your bum, and then have a turn of that spa with you to freshen up before Greg gets here. How's that sound?" Tim's eyes lit up. "Yeah! After you tongue my hole, we could have a bubble bath!" Tim sat up on Mr Presser's lap, then wriggled his way up the man's body until his penis was bobbling at the teacher's lips. "It's okay if you don't get it right the first time", the boy gasped as Mr Presser closed his lips around the little spike of flesh. But Mr Presser was determined to make a good showing, and vigorously tongued the boy's knob and shaft until Tim's hips jerked forward, almost giving Mr Presser a black eye. Tim raised his hips to allow Mr Presser access to his crack, and moaned with pleasure as his teacher's tongue ran over his anus, laving the boy's nether opening back and forth, soon prodding inside, until he had an inch of his slippery squirming oral digit lodged inside the boy's most private orifice. "Oh, Sir, for a beginner you do that so well. Greg's going to melt when you lick him out, I'm sure of it. God, no more, no more, let's go get in the spa", Tim moaned, climbing off his teacher's face. The two nudies scrambled into the en-suite and charged up the spa-bath, splashing each other and slipping around in the bubbles. Mr Presser was intoxicated by the flood of sensations generated by all that he had experience that day, starting from Tim's brave protest with the boxers, right up to licking the boy's anus. The steady diet of sexy talk was also having a powerful effect on him. He pulled a slippery Tim into his lap and drizzled soapy bubbles down his chest. "Have you...gone all the way with anyone yet, Tim?" he whispered in the boy's ear. "You mean, have I let anyone fuck me yet?", Tim replied coquettishly. "Er, yes...I'm not used to this whole 'honesty' thing yet. Have you had a boy's cock up your bum yet? Or maybe a man's?" he persisted. Tim giggled, and squirmed in Mr Presser's embrace. "One of each, Sir. Martin Forgas, from our class, had a sleepover a few weeks ago, and he wanted to find out what sex felt like, so I let him. Have you seen his dick, Sir? It's enormous! And when it gets stiff, it's incredible! He must have a horse in his family tree somewhere, I bet!" "And the man?", prompted Mr Presser. "I did it with my Uncle Leo once, because he's always been good to me, even when I was going through my 'jerk' phase. He's really nice", Tim reminisced. "Do you want to fuck Greg tonight? After dinner, I mean". "Have you two little schemers planned this whole thing out?", Mr Presser smiled in good-natured indignation. "Well, maybe not all the details, but the main points. To let him know that you want to do it with him, all you have to do is give him a big hug when he comes to the door, and give his bottom a squeeze as you do it. He'll know what it means. And by the way, he's got a coupla pubes that he's very proud of, but they're nearly invisible. He'd be thrilled if you paid them a compliment", Tim confided. "Which reminds me, we better get moving or we'll still be lying here when the water's gone cold and Greg is knocking at the door". With that, Tim slid out of Mr Presser's grasp and climbed out of the tub. He grabbed a couple of towels and handed one to his teacher, then skipped into the next room and retrieved two bathrobes from his ample cupboards, giving the larger dark blue velour one to the teacher. "How come you have a man's bathrobe in your cupboard, Tim?" Mr Presser asked suspiciously, towelling his hair dry. "For when Uncle Tim sleeps over. Don't worry, it's new", hollered the boy through his own towel. Refreshed and clean (but wearing nothing under their comfy robes), the two were seated at a small kitchen table chatting when the doorbell rang. "That must be Greg - he knows the code for the front gates. Why don't you answer it, and I'll put the dinners in the micro", Tim directed. "Here's your clo-" was all Greg managed to get out as Mr Presser swept the large door open to admit his young student. "Greg, welcome, come in, you're just in time for dinner", Mr Presser held his arms wide and knelt on one knee. Greg dropped his friend's school clothes in surprise, instinctively stepping forward to allow his teacher to hug him. Mr Presser did not forget the signal, and dropped his hands down Gregory's back to his bottom to give Greg's buns a gentle squeeze and a jiggle, making the boy blush and smile. "You...", Greg began, startled into speechlessness by the realization that his friend Tim had actually pulled it off - he had got his favourite teacher to his house, and he had given The Signal! "Yes, me!" the excited teacher replied. "Give me a kiss, beautiful!". Mr Presser swung the door shut with a flick of his hips while giving Greg mouth-to-mouth resexitation, just to show that he was indeed multi-skilled. Tim hollered from the kitchen "Knock it off, you two! Save it for later, or dinner will get cold!" The two lovebirds picked up Tim's schoolclothes from the floor, and, hand in hand, walked to the kitchen, where a beaming Tim pointed to their chairs. "You did it!" was all Greg could say. "Have I ever let you down?", Tim demanded, but smiled to show he wasn't hurt by Greg's surprise. "Now tuck in, then we can all go upstairs and scorch the sheets with our passions". Mr Presser did not even notice what food he was eating - all he could do was drink in the delight of Greg's beauty, watching every movement of the boy he had fallen head over heels for. Greg spent most of the meal blushing: every time he looked up, Mr Presser was looking at him with really big eyes, like the wolf looking at Little Red Riding Hood. Tim offered sweets for everyone, but had no takers. It was plain that Mr Presser and Greg had better get themselves up to the bedroom, or they just might start fucking on the table amidst the dinner dishes. Mr Presser gallantly swept Greg up in his arms, determined to carry the boy 'over the threshold' for his first time. When he edged Greg through Tim's doorway and gently placed him on the bed, Mr Presser was a bit unsure how to proceed. He had anticipated this moment so often in his dreams and fantasies, he wasn't sure how the reality would play out. But happily, Tim came to the rescue again. Climbing on the other side of the bed, Tim pointed to his dressing table: "There's a tube of KY in the drawer over there, Sir. Get that bathrobe off, and go put a heap on your dick, while I get the blushing bride here undressed". All slicked up, Mr Presser turned back to the bed. The sight of a naked Greg exceeded his expectations tenfold, so much so that he rushed the bed and gave Greg a little fright. "Steady on, Romeo, you've got all night", Tim counselled. And it was true, Mr Presser did have all night, but he didn't need all of it to accomplish his desire. As he lay himself down by his heart's treasure, and paid a compliment to the boy about his luxuriant growth of pubic hair, Greg could contain himself no longer, pulling his legs up and wide apart by the backs of his knees, and presenting his anus to his favourite teacher. "Now, Sir, now, please!", Greg begged, and Mr Presser was in no mood to demur. "Whoa, you guys! Haven't you ever heard of foreplay?" Tim cautioned. "Dinner was foreplay", Mr Presser growled lustily, lining up his aching tool with Greg's anus. "This is the main event". Their eyes locked, Mr Presser slowly sank into Nirvana, Greg helping by twitching his bottom every few seconds. Once his throbbing cock was fully entrenched, he bent lower to kiss Greg on the lips, resting his weight on his elbows (as a gentleman should). "Don't kill him Greg, remember he's old" Tim whispered into his friend's ear. But Greg was beyond listening, as sensations fizzed through his young body, centred on his groin and bum. His teacher, Mr Presser, whom he had secretly loved all year, was rhythmically sucking his tongue while stroking his hard lance in and out of his bumhole. Mr Presser's pace increased and quickly became frantic, unable to hold back. He gave a last lunge and spurted his sperm into the boy's back passage, Greg's bottom sucking out the final droplets. Not letting his teacher rest, Greg rolled the man over until he was on top, then started a rumba of his own, working his rectal muscles on Mr Presser's dick, first making it hard again, then coaxing another orgasm out of it. "Nice move, Greg", Tim commented. "Did you learn that in health class?". "Thanks, Tim, for everything", the tired boy sighed, not bothered by his friend's sarcastic humour. The three spent the night together in Tim's big double bed, Tim having to amuse himself with his right hand while his friend and his teacher went at it one more time before complete satiation set in. At breakfast the next morning (a Saturday), Mr Presser was determined not to show any regrets or shyness. He sat Greg on his lap and ran his fingers through the boy's tuft of pubic hair while Greg ate his cereal. Mrs Santos had prepared a hearty start to the day for all of them, then departed. "You better show Tim some attention too, Sir, after all it's his house" Greg scolded the man. "You won't be jealous if Tim and I enjoy sex with each other sometimes?" enquired Mr Presser. "You're both my best friends. Anyway, I don't believe in jealousy. It's a negative emotion. Mr Dallimore and I talked it over", Greg replied confidently. "Speaking of talking things over, there's still one more thing we have to do", Tim declared. "We have to solve the problem of Mr Parkchester. I can't keep going naked in school, people will start to talk!" "Yeah, they'll say 'who is that good looking stud?'," chuckled Mr Presser. "But seriously, you're right. We have to neutralize him, or get rid of him, or something. Any ideas?" * * * Surprisingly, it was shy Greg that came up with the daring plan that they eventually followed. The trio had to wait five more days, until Mr Parkchester was out of his house (at a dinner hosted by Mr Calahane for local businessmen - Tim insisted his Dad invite the Principal). The three desperados dressed dark and snuck into Mr Parkchester's small allotment on the School grounds. When they examined all the windows and found them to be locked, Tim noticed a small hatch at the bottom of the back door. "What's this thing?" he asked Mr Presser. "It's called a cat flap - must have been put in by Mr Lawson. I can't imagine Mr Parkchester owning a cat", the teacher explained. "Maybe I can squeeze through", Tim suggested. He was right, but it was a tight fit, and only possible after he removed his sweater and shirt. He unlocked the door to allow the other two conspirators inside, then all three crept around the house looking for the means to accomplish the key element of Greg's plan. When their mission was completed satisfactorily, they let themselves out the door in the conventional way. * * * School assembly the next day started out in much the same way as in recent times - Mr Parkchester delivering an excruciatingly boring sermon about the importance of practicing what we preach. When he stopped for a sip of water, however, he had an unexpected interjection. Mr Presser, who had been sitting on the platform with the other teachers, stood up and held out a piece of paper. "Mr Parkchester", he declared, in a much braver voice than he felt, "here is your chance to give the student body a perfect example of what you have just been saying. I'm sure they all look to you for a lead in this matter. Can you tell the school, are you wearing boxers?" Mr Parkchester looked furious and momentarily dumbstruck at the same time. "What has that to do with anything?" he roared when he got his voice back. Mr Presser persevered. "It's just that I was reading over your most recent Directive, and I note that it says that ALL boxers are banned, and are not to be worn in this school. It does not specify that the ban only applies to the students. You and I are the only males on the staff, and if the ladies behind me will excuse me, I wish to demonstrate to the students that you and I both take the Directives very seriously, and that we practice what you preach". With that, Mr Presser undid the front of his trousers and dropped them to mid-thigh, revealing to the assembled students that he wore briefs underneath. After they had stopped giggling, every pair of eyes turned towards the Principal, who at that moment looked a lot like Uncle Vernon whenever Harry crossed him. His face went bright red, then purple. He realised that Mr Presser must have had something to do with the fact that this morning he found all of his briefs missing from his bedroom drawers, but that did not alter the fact that he was indeed wearing boxers. Without uttering a word, he put down his glass of water and strode off the stage. It was left up to Mr Presser to dismiss the assembly - he gave them an early mark in honour of Mr Lawson. It was left up to his secretary to deliver the news of Mr Parkchester's resignation, to staff and students alike, by means of a note on the Notice Board. In the note, Mr Parkchester advised that, due to a previously undiagnosed health condition, he was leaving the Principal's position, to return to the Policy Division of the educational bureaucracy. Mr Presser was not completely surprised to find a dismissal notice in his staffroom in-tray a few days later. Apparently, he had been accused of gross insubordination and disloyalty. But that was okay by him; he had found a more fulfilling position, as tutor to Tim Calahane. It seems that Tim's Dad decided that the boy had been left alone too much lately, and needed adult supervision, and with the school system rapidly going down the toilet it made sense for Tim to have a private tutor. He could easily afford it. Tim's only request to his Dad was that Gregory Finney join them in the new educational venture, a plan that suited Mr Calahane and Mr Finney down to the ground. After all, Greg seemed very fond of Mr Presser, and it would have been a shame for the boy to lose his favourite teacher. * * * End