Date: Tue, 5 Mar 2013 16:27:46 -0800 From: Zack McNaught Subject: Jack and Jay The usual stuff: this is an erotic story involving a man and a boy, a man and a woman, and even two boys getting jiggy. If, for reasons legal, political, ethical or social you should not be reading this story, I cannot be held responsible for the consequences of you doing so. If you read it anyway, I hope you enjoy it. Zack Mack ( :: :: @zackmcnaught) Jack and Jay (M/b (12), b/b(12), MF, mast, oral, anal) Chapter 1 I slammed down the phone, an old fashioned model I'd kept simply for the privilege of doing so; there's just something so thoroughly satisfying about hammering the receiver back onto the base which can't be matched by pressing a little red button. My anger was rather exaggerated anyway - I was only mildly vexed that my agent had demanded a meeting later that day, interrupting my important writing schedule. Would I have written anything regardless? Probably not. We met, as we always did, in a little cafe round the corner from St James' Park. It was a survivor, this cafe, one from the old school of cafe design. Formica tables were scattered about in a seemingly random fashion, and the de rigeur source of news was a copy of the Sun, passed round the room more times than a cheap hooker. Blue collar workmen of all types used the place, and I absolutely loved it. Daniel Marbery didn't appreciate Harry's Caff to quite the same extent. It seemed to offend his upper middle class sensibilities, and for that I loved it even more. Dan and I had a weird kind of relationship, strained by my never-ending quest to fail to submit a manuscript on time, every time. I think I made his life hell, but then he also took a fair cut of my earnings, so perhaps it evened out in the end. When he liked me he loved me, and when he didn't I was the author from hell. His assessment of my character was that I was possibly the worst undiagnosed bipolar case in the history of psychiatry. He might have been right, at least when it came to writing. He turned up that morning in a preposterous three-piece suit, with a cravat, top hat and cane, looking like something out of a Dickens story. This in fact turned out to be exactly what he was meant to look like, having just come from being an extra on the film set of an adaptation of another client's latest best-seller. He was meant to be back on set shortly, but had apparently found time to give me a rollicking. He looked gloriously incongruous among the hi-vis vests and paint-stained trousers, though in that company even I felt overdressed in jeans and a t-shirt, just because both were clean. "I've got good news, Jack," he started, as he sat awkwardly, spilling my milky tea and his unsullied black coffee in the process. I raised an eyebrow. 'Good news' didn't necessarily mean I'd like it. Actually, nine times out of ten it meant more work for me, and right then that didn't seem an attractive prospect. He noted my less than enthusiastic reception. "Well, if you don't want to hear it, I'll fuck off then," he said, making as if to leave. "No, no, please stay," I said, funnelling as much sarcasm as I could muster into my words. "Please tell me the wonderful news." He sat back down with a grin on his face, and then winced slightly as the close-fitting costume made clear its objections to being treated this way. "That's my Jack, always bubbly and bright. You're off to America, you miserable old git. Not sure how I managed to blag it, but there you go. Bit of a tour, you and that Madeleine Atkins girl. You know the one, she's with old Tittyface." Tittyface was our affectionate nickname for Sarah Tattefasche, an ex-lover of Daniel's and a mean agent in her own right. I remembered Madeleine Atkins, too, mostly because she'd appeared on the Richard and Judy book list, and I'd made the mistake of suggesting to a tiny little rag that nothing of literary merit ever appeared on the list. The whole thing had been blown out of proportion, and I'd been forced to apologise to Madeleine, who, being a sweetheart, took it all in terribly good form, especially given that my apology included a nice red of decent vintage. That had been three, maybe four years before. Neither she nor I, nor practically any other British author, had really broken America since. It seemed Daniel and Sarah had agreed to try again. "An old-fashioned tour, then?" I asked. Daniel nodded. "Absolutely. A string of identikit motels, a soulless breakfast each morning and then sitting in a bookshop being ignored by a load of people who've never heard of you and probably wouldn't care if they had. Are you up for it?" "Er, do I have any choice?" Daniel took a bite of the toast which had just been delivered to our table, swigged it down with a slug of English Breakfast and smiled at me. "Of course, Jacky boy, of course. You don't have to go if you don't want to. And I don't have to get you a spot on Radio 4 next week, either." Great. A bit of unsubtle blackmail. But it had every chance of working, because I desperately needed that radio slot. Damn. I shook my head, letting a wry smile touch the corners of my mouth. "OK, fine. I'll go to America." Daniel smiled at me through another mouthful of toast. "Good boy, I knew you'd say yes. Now, I've got to get back to that stupid set before the director loses it at me again. You'll pick up the tab, won't you? Lovely." Bastard. --- I stared up at the T-Rex, remembering with affection what it was like to be nine years old and standing in this very spot for the first time. Why was I drawn here, today? What was it about the museum which held such fascination? It wasn't the first time I'd come here after a meeting with Daniel. He seemed to bring out some need in me to see something real, something genuine. The museum was a good place, because everything there was real. Nothing was potential. It all existed already. I wandered the hallways, finding little spaces all of my own to hide away. It wasn't busy, not on a weekday in term time. There would be the occasional group of kids sharing the place with me, but if I was careful I could avoid them. Not that I disliked kids, per se, but there's something very special about getting lost in your own thoughts in a museum. Well, there is for me at least. I meandered around the place, lost in thought, and stumbled across one of the inevitable groups. Deciding to play detective for a few moments, I hung around nearby, apparently paying a great deal of interest in a piece of Inca pottery. It didn't take long to work out they were American kids, the accent ringing out clearly. I've always thought there's something pleasingly sweet about an American kid's accent, especially the East Coast ones. This lots sounded like a bundle of mini New Yorkers. They drifted off, in little dribs and drabs, until there was only one boy left, standing there with a clipboard, making notes on a sheet of paper I couldn't see. I realised with a start quite how utterly beautiful he was. Genuinely, stunningly attractive, almost girlish in features but with a definite hint of masculinity. I watched him for a moment, spellbound, until he too wandered off in search of his classmates. I was stuck with the image of the boy for the rest of the day. I wandered around the rest of the museum, but didn't see him again. I thought I might have caught a glimpse of him leaving the building, but I was a long way away, through two glass walls, and there was no way of catching him and finding out for sure. What would I have done anyway? I had come to terms at a fairly young age with the fact that, generally, I prefer boys to girls. The problem was that as I grew older, the boys I fancied stayed the same age. I tried to convince myself that it was a phase I was going through, and when the phase lasted longer and longer, I tried to convince myself that it was the result of unrequited interest in my youth. Perhaps it was, but going out and molesting a young lad wasn't going to fix anything, and I'd settled down to a life of failed relationships with members of both sexes, and a growing sense of dissatisfaction with the whole world of adult relationships. As I left the place a good four hours after entering, and no further along with the manuscript I had promised to finish by the end of the month. I let my old friend melancholy creep in; I walked into the first pub I could find and ordered myself a stiff gin and tonic. And then another seven to wash it down. --- Daniel's plan was for me to be in New York in late March, and to meet up with Madeleine there. We would begin our country-wide trip a couple of days later, mostly travelling by overnight train, a brilliant plan if you need to save on accommodation and travelling expenses, a poor idea if you want your authors to be capable of holding a civilised conversation after several consecutive nights without decent sleep. Yet there was something enthralling about the idea, something rather romantic. Weren't some of the best stories of all time told on the train? One of my personal favourites, From Russia With Love, certainly was. Perhaps I would be inspired. My bag was laden down with my preferred Moleskine notebooks, and enough spare Parker Royal Blue ink to fill the lot of them, and not two but three spare nibs for my pen, as if I couldn't get these things in America of all places. I hoped that I might fill half a dozen books on the journey, but I suspected it would barely be half of one. Chapter 2 As the wheels thumped into the tarmac at JFK I swore loudly in the confines of my head, wondering if the pilot had ever flown a plane before. I'm not a good flier at the best of times, and we'd had a pretty rough crossing in the mid-Atlantic turbulence. I was more than ready to be out of that damned metal tube. This was a tour on a budget, and so with no car to pick me up I wandered out into the warmth of a New York spring day and found myself an iconic yellow taxi to take me into town. The scenery which passed by the window was oh so familiar, and yet this was my first visit to what must be one of the most recognisable cities in the world. I sat and smiled to myself - it was going to be at least a month and a half of hard slog, but maybe that was exactly what I needed to blow away the cobwebs. Perhaps when we were done I might be able to write again. The hotel-by-numbers was barely adequate but had the luxury of a pool, and so for the first two days of the trip I went swimming for the first time in far too long to remember. I was always alone apart from a pair of near geriatric German guys, quite clearly a couple, who were very happy to chat to me in English about this and that, and even claimed to have heard of my work. When challenged, though, the charade crumbled, and Dieter admitted to simply being polite. Ralf laughed himself silly at his friend's discomfort, and then was rewarded with a dunking in the pool. The last time we met they left promising to read one of my books - I wonder if they ever did. Madeleine turned up on day two, and gracefully accepted my repeated apologies for my past boorish behaviour. When I insisted she allow me to make it up to her somehow, she dragged me off to a quite exquisite little stationers, crammed in between two faceless office blocks. What a place it was, full of beautiful books and gorgeous pens, and we spent a merry two hours between us, somehow emerging largely with credit cards intact, though weighed down in my case with more notebooks (you can never have enough!) and in Madeleine's case with my apology to her, a lovely old Cross fountain pen, a bargain because it was used but not yet a classic. We meandered around town for a bit, taking in a few sights in a haphazard way, not really taking advantage of the opportunity but not feeling the need to either. Madeleine was a New York veteran, so she showed me a few of the more off-beat places, like the 5 Pointz graffiti space - as a fan of urban art, it blew me away. Dinner was taken in a little out-of-the-way Italian place Madeleine knew well, where we were treated like members of an extended family and came away feeling thoroughly happy with the world. If I'd known how short-lived that happiness would be, perhaps I would have just gone AWOL in New York and never spoken to Daniel again. --- I couldn't tell you where we were, I honestly had no idea. At one point I asked one of the locals who came to peer at my stand, and she laughed as if I'd made a hilarious joke, then walked off without buying a copy of the book. It wasn't the worst day on the trip so far - that had been reserved for the day when I spent seven hours in a sweltering shop with no-one coming in only to discover that the manager had advertised the event for the following week - but it was certainly up there. Unseasonal damp drizzle fell in flowing waves outside the window, and the street was deserted as far as the eye could see. Occasionally a damp, bedraggled soul would accidentally wander into the shop and then immediately leave, wondering how they had come to be in a bookshop instead of the deli. Madeleine called me on her mobile. Situated a few miles away in a neighbouring town, she was having as bad a day as I was. We made the tactical decision to call it quits and met in our hotel, somewhere between the two towns. "They're not interested, are they?" she asked as we sat nursing drinks in the bar. I shook my head. "Not a bit of it, no. And why should they be? You write murder mysteries in sixteenth century London, and I make up weird tales about holes in our reality. No offence, but why should they give a fuck about us?" She laughed and raised her glass for the toast, gulping it down it as soon as the two vessels touched. "Another?" she asked, rising. I nodded glumly and wondered what would happen tonight. --- She lunged across the lift at me, grabbing my head in her hands, great handfuls of hair, pressing her lips to mine. Oh God how I tried to get into it, but whatever the reason there was nothing. I liked her, found her attractive, but the spark of lust wasn't there. She pulled away, looking disappointed. "Anything at all?" she asked. I shook my head and shrugged. "Sorry." "Oh it's fine, Jack. To be honest, it didn't exactly light my world up either." She sighed and then thumped her fist against the wall. "One long fucking road trip and we can't even have the decency to have a fling and end the tedium. We're fucking useless, Jack. Useless." Then the lift stopped, the lights vanished, and half an hour later, just for the sheer hell of it, we fucked. Her hand found mine by accident. In the darkness, with sight diminished and other senses heightened, it sent a shock through me. I jerked away instinctively, and she apologised. A few silent moments later contact was made again, this time deliberately. Her touch was stronger; her fingertips dragged up the inside of my forearm and beyond. She grabbed my bicep with one hand. The lift, hanging on its cables, swung ever so slightly as she climbed into my lap. This time when our lips touched the contact was full of passion, greedy, demanding. Exciting. Then she was gone, lifted up. Hands landed in my crotch, right on top of the hardness encased by jeans and boxers. Fingers tugged at my fly, roughly popping the buttons apart, and I helped to denude myself, gasping sightly as I sat back down on the cold, hard floor. She was above me again, hands on my shoulders, lowering herself into my crotch, one hand reaching down to hold my spear upright. Hot, damp warmth encased the tip of my manhood. I reached between us to feel her sex, finding it enticingly free of hair, then settled on her hard clit, mashing it against her pubic bone. The heat around my shaft became hotter, the tightness tighter and the pleasure magnified. It was hot and quick and nasty. She shuddered to a climax with surprising speed, then finished me with her mouth as I ran my fingers through her hair. When the lights came back on, we couldn't look each other in the eye, but as we left the lift I caught the hint of a smile on her face. --- Madeleine hit pay-dirt - as they say in the States - a few weeks in. Our visit to a relatively provincial town coincided with a crime fiction conference, which for some reason was being held in this rural little backwater. She blagged a stand in the conference hall, and spent the day making contacts and selling herself. Lucky bitch. I consoled myself with walking around the place, having abandoned all hope of any interest in my work while the place was overrun with crime fiends. I was meant to be signing in a small independent book store, but the owner agreed that there was little point even trying. So for a couple of hours we just sat in a coffee shop around the corner and chatted about books. When he had to return to take over from his wife for the afternoon I found myself at a loose end, and as ever when I'm unsure what to do I failed to do the proper thing and write, instead choosing to see where my feet took me. They took me to a great little local pool, an outdoor place only recently opened with the improving weather. I rushed back to my motel room, grabbed a few things and twenty minutes later was happily splashing around in the cool water. I met a mum, Angela, and her brood of little redneck kids and had a great time playing around with them all afternoon, reminding myself quite how much I missed my little niece and nephew back in Blighty. Angela was the model of politeness, too, and tried to look interested in what I did, but at the end of the day we ended up chatting about the only thing we had in common: motorsport. She educated me in the ways of NASCAR, and I extolled the virtues of Formula 1, and we had a thoroughly nice time doing so. As I walked away from the pool toward my rendezvous with Madeleine and our nightly binge I reflected on the afternoon, and came to a rather shocking conclusion. The only thing which stopped me from going home with Angela and fucking her brains out that night was the guilt I felt for having spent the afternoon lusting after her pubescent son. --- I grabbed my shaft and walked forward between his legs. My tumescent rod seemed suddenly so large against his tiny, slim little bottom, but I couldn't be stopped now. His hole, still gaping oh so slightly from the intrusion of my fingers, glistened with the lubricant I had spread within. I put the head of my dick to his crack and pushed forward, one hand gripping my manhood, the other his hip. He groaned as I forced my way into him, a groan of pain. I was hurting him but the lust was too strong. I pummelled him, ignorant of his cries to stop, and pulled free, spraying across his back as he collapsed sobbing onto the bed. My head swam as I woke. I stumbled to my feet and lurched into the bathroom, which span wildly around me. I ripped up the lid of the toilet and retched noisily into the bowl. As I slumped onto the cold tiles with my back against the porcelain I wondered what I had become. It was still dark outside. It was darker still in my soul. --- The sun shone brightly and we were on top of the world. Two days in a row without having a single book signing or meeting to attend, and we were taking advantage of it. Madeleine and I had stopped in a delightful little place somewhere in New England, and frittered away a whole morning in a local diner drinking gallons of coffee and downing excessively large plates of pancakes, bacon and syrup. We threw plot lines back and forth and thoroughly took the piss out of each other's work, and in the end I admitted my jealousy of her success. Only then, for the first time since we had begun our trip, did the barriers come down and the true Maddy come out. Maddy the little girl in the grown up world, scared and alone, and showing genuine concern for Jack, who was now a dear friend, a confederate and compatriot. She actually cared about me, and dared to show it for a delightful few hours. And she really was a sweet little thing behind the mask. So much so that I fell for her thoroughly, and I think she for me, but it was too late, too late for any of that soppy stuff. Damn, if only we realised before we slept together, how different things might have been. But there was a sense of melancholy acceptance, and no more. I tried to figure it out that night, as I sat out on the balcony of my surprisingly upmarket motel room and listened to the frogs in the creek. I tried to fathom how I could so happily fall for Maddy, and yet hold such terrible, inappropriate feelings for young boys. How can a straight male and a boylover exist in the same head? The only conclusion I could draw was that at least I could feasibly find happiness without having to abuse a boy to do so. I could find a nice girl, settle down, have kids and all that crap, even if it meant part of my sexuality was ignored. And it didn't seem like a compromise, just a choice. --- He lowered his head, golden locks tilting forward to tickle my stomach. But now was no time for laughing. I gasped at the feel of his hot little mouth closing over the head of my dick. He might not be experienced, but experience counts for nothing when you have a mouth that hot and soft and wet. I groaned and felt myself rushing uncontrollably for the peak. I pulled him from me and felt the soft patter of emission on my groin. I woke, gasping. I blinked twice, trying to clear the mist from my vision but unable to do so. Shutting my eyes let the vision of my dream back in, but nothing could excite me now. I let my hand trail down below the waistband of my shorts, but found nothing amiss. At least there was that. I tried to sleep again, but could not. Groggily I emerged into the new dawn, and walked straight into Maddy, who had slept exceptionally well and was full of the joys of life. Damn. --- Daniel's phone call was strange and broken. How was I enjoying myself, he'd asked. Was America everything I'd hoped it would be? I'd sounded enthusiastic because I was. I genuinely was having a good time. I felt inspired, too, and had written some of the best work I'd managed in years. Even the fabled unfinished manuscript was submitted, I told him. Daniel pointed out that yes, he understood the manuscript had been submitted. After all, it was him I'd submitted it to. Somehow this fact seemed to have slipped my mind. He, too, seemed to think that the work I'd done on the last part of the manuscript was better than anything else in the book, so much so that the rest would have to be re-written. I almost dropped the phone at that point. But there was a kicker, a reason to stay on the line. Daniel, so impressed by the influence America had apparently had on me, had rented me a house in Florida for two months. I was to go there and revolutionise the manuscript. I didn't quite know what to say. The independent streak in me screamed out at such obvious dictatorship, but the other side of me, the side so in love with the States, knew that it was an offer I couldn't refuse. I put the phone down and waited for Daniel's email. Chapter 3 Maddy left on a cold, rainy Tuesday in what should have been the early days of summer. We'd made it as far as Denver, but had reached the end of the line. The budget had run out, and there weren't enough guaranteed bookings on the west coast to make the onward journey worthwhile. I had my house in Florida to go to, and Maddy had dreary old London. We parted as though we'd spent a lifetime together, and suddenly I was very alone. --- The house. How do you describe 'the house'? I'd have called it a shed, myself. A wooden shed, with a hole in the roof and no heating, not that you'd need it on the edge of the Everglades. More bugs than you could shake a stick at, too. Not my idea of an idyllic retreat, not one bit. It stood in the grounds of a much grander place, which I was told quite firmly was not for rent. The owners of the estate, who lived most of the time in upstate New York, used the house as a summer retreat and might appear at any time. All this was told to me by the estate manager, a grumpy chap in his late sixties, burned a deep chestnut by the sun and with a shock of silvery white hair which was kept immaculately trimmed, and named, rather inappropriately, Mr Meeke. I was told the limits of my rental agreement, which were effectively that I was to at no time to approach the main house, and was to use the rear driveway, which led past my hut. No visitors without express permission, no loud music, no alcohol to be brought onto the premises, and absolutely no 'untoward behaviour'. I asked cheekily what that might constitute and was met with an ice cold stare. Not so much a retreat as a prison camp, it seemed. --- Tom's Cabin, for that was its official title, was in truth a perfectly well appointed little place to spend a couple of months, especially if you need to get away from the distractions of the outside world. It had running water, a fridge, a cooker and even electricity, though the closest it came to modern entertainment was a dusty long wave radio in one corner. No television, and certainly no internet. For that I was required to walk into the local town, something which happened on an almost nightly basis at first, and then exponentially less often as my stay wore on. I began to lead a very simple life, up at dawn each morning, taking a swim in a local pond, cooking myself a real breakfast, that sort of thing. And I got work done, too. Masses of work. Thousands and thousands of words poured from my fingertips until the letters on the keys of my laptop began to fade. This was real writing, raw writing, the kind of primeval output one has when first setting out into the literary world. Lines, paragraphs, chapters, a whole book flowed out of me in less than three weeks. I could have been distracted, but wasn't as it happened, by the arrival of the family who owned the house. Or at least part of the family. The estate manager, in his most obsequious tones, came down to the cabin one morning to remind me of the terms of the rental agreement, and highlighted that the mother and her son would be arriving two days later. I nodded to show I'd heard and understood, and then shot daggers at his retreating back with my eyes just for having disturbed my thoughts for such a banal conversation. --- They did indeed arrive two days later. I knew this because Meeke interrupted my swim to tell me. Idiot. --- He walked toward me along the path, kicking up little clouds of dust to be set afire by the afternoon sun. He looked bored, and a little surprised to find me sitting there on the veranda with a laptop on my knees, watching him come. Strange that we should be in such an ordinary, sane setting, for this was surely a dream. After all, was that not the boy from the museum in London all those months ago? Strange that I should choose him for my fantasy after so long, but I suppose the mind has a mind of its own, as it were. "Hey," he said, passing by, with a little wave of the hand. Damn, I'd better respond. Might be my dream, but there's no reason to be rude. "Hi." Yeah, that'll about cover it. Strange dream, this. Almost as if it's real. But I know it can't be, not with that boy appearing out of nowhere after all this time. He wandered off up the path toward the house and was gone. --- I languished on the veranda, the heat of the day undiminished by the light breeze which blew along the path from the river. A freezing gin and tonic sat on the table at my elbow, untouched, and my laptop lay discarded on the floor. I watched in a stupor as beads of condensation formed, coalesced and ran down the side of the glass to join the ever-growing pool which ringed its base. Flies buzzed around me, occasionally landing to drink the sweat from my skin. Their presence had long since ceased to affect me. All of a sudden I was alert. There was the boy again. I wasn't dreaming, I couldn't be. It really must be him. I sat up and smiled as he approached, and he smiled back. He was topless, wearing only a baggy pair of board shorts, shod in flip-flops and carrying a beach towel over one shoulder. "Going for a swim?" I asked as he drew level with the hut. A stupid question. "Yep, figured I would." "Cool." He'd stopped, apparently to chat. "You know about the pond, right?" he asked. "Yep. Been down there already this morning. Might go again if it stays this warm." "Um..." He hesitated. "Want to go with me now? It's kinda boring on your own..." He looked so dejected that even had I not felt aroused by his mere presence I would have agreed to go with him. Poor kid must've been bored out of his mind. But I needed no persuading. "Sure, let me just get my trunks on." I ran inside and squeezed into my still-wet shorts, cursing myself for not having hung them out to dry, though I couldn't have known I'd need them so soon. I grabbed a bag and stuffed in a dry towel and some sunblock, though the latter, judging by his bronzed skin, would only be needed by me. I caught myself thinking that might be rather a shame, that somehow I might have helped him on with some. Shaking my head to rid myself of the rebellious thought, I stepped back out into the sun, pulling the door shut behind me and not bothering to lock it. "Jack," I said, holding out my hand. He took it shyly, and I felt for the first time the soft warmth of him, his hand slender but strong. "Jay," he replied, with a blinding white smile. In that moment the years fell away, and I realised of whom he reminded me, and why it was that I was so drawn to him. Peter. A name I had not thought of for nearly twenty years. At least, until three days ago, when on impulse I searched through Facebook for him. No sign of Peter, but the reincarnation of his eleven year old self stood facing me. Among the thoughts which suddenly crowded my mind was one which I sought desperately to suppress. Everyone's different, I told myself. Especially there. As we walked down to the pond, I reflected on the mad luck which had brought this boy back into my life, three months after I'd seen him last, thousands of miles away in grey old London. He was part of the family which owned the estate, and had come down with his mother for the summer. The coincidence dumbfounded me, and I walked in silence, half listening to his excited chatter, happy to be its recipient. --- "I'm glad you're here," he said as we sat by the pool, watching the shimmering surface, tired of swimming and splashing about for the moment. We had climbed out onto the huge rock which projected over the water's edge. Beneath us, hundreds of tiny fish shimmered not far beneath the surface, hiding in the shade. I gave him a smile as I got up and wandered over to my pack, retrieving my sunblock. "I'm glad, too," I said, sitting back down. "It's a great place to write, and now I have a buddy to go swimming with." He smiled at the last, and then quite unabashedly offered to rub some cream into my back. My head swam as his fingers worked over my muscles, cold from swimming but still setting my skin aflame. It was such a perfunctory action, nothing more than one friend helping another, but to me it was heaven, bliss, an old feeling renewed, revisited, a feeling dredged up by his mere presence from somewhere in the long distant past. God, he looked like Peter. He refused my offer to return his favour, and I was forced to agree that he hardly needed it, despite my feeble protestations about skin cancer which he waved aside with a laugh. "My cousin, Bobby -" (does anyone have a cousin Bobby these days?) "- will be here in a couple of weeks. He loves swimming, too. Last summer we came down here every day." It was idle chatter, the empty-headed ramblings of an excited juvenile, but to my ears it was the sweetest birdsong. We sat there on the unshaded rock until both of us were warmed through by the sun, and then wandered back up the track. He dropped me at the shack, making me promise to return with him to the pool the following day. Inside, wearied by the extra exercise, I pulled off my swimming shorts and fell naked onto the bed, and quickly into a satisfyingly deep sleep. --- Water dripped down his torso, a shocking parody of a thousand adverts for this or that, the glistening muscles bronzed by the heat of the sun, the low-hanging shorts barely clinging to his hips. It trickled into the grooves by his hips, the narrow valleys formed by the strength of his abdominal muscles, and downward beneath the slightly gaping waistband. I traced the lines of those drops with my fingertips, bringing forth shivers, raising goosebumps on his flesh. I looked up at him and he smiled down at me. My fingers continued, over the smooth, silky material of his board shorts, until they were tracing the shrivelled lump of his boyhood, discernible only by touch through the wet material. As I caressed its short length it regained some of its form, thickening out until it pushed painfully against the fabric, unable to rise further in its snug, damp polyester nest. I relieved the pressure for him, ripping apart the velcro which closed the fly, laughing momentarily as it bounced out to almost brush my face, then thickened and lengthened yet further to stand, all three and a bit inches, vertically upward. He sighed as my mouth closed over it, muttering 'yeahhh!' as if this were a familiar feeling revisited. The plump, taut head brushed the roof of my mouth as I bobbed, bringing him quickly to climax, quickly because we risked discovery at any moment. He gasped and grabbed handfuls of hair as he came, firing blanks into my mouth, stomach tensing and legs quivering. It had been only moments. This time I smiled when I awoke. I was bored of hating myself for something I could not control. --- Meeke looked angry, redder than usual. Apparently I had overstepped the mark. I should not have gone swimming with the boy. I reminded him that the boy's name was Jay, which only served to infuriate him further. I was told that I should not interrupt the boy's play. He was told, in polite, icy tones, that Jay had asked me to go swimming with him. I was told that he, Meeke, would verify this, and if I had lied, my rental contract would be terminated without notice. He returned an hour later to apologise. So did Jay, a little later. He giggled at my best Mr Meeke impression, and reminded me of my promise to swim with him the following day. --- It quickly became routine to swim with Jay, and added a pleasant structure to the day. I woke early each morning, giving myself ample time to throw together a few hundred words, before Jay, his body clock already beginning to push him toward teenager-like late rising, would saunter down at around ten. That would give us a couple of hours in the pond before he went home for lunch, and I took a stroll into town to find food of my own. I'd hardly fed myself once during my stay, preferring to frequent one or other of the little eateries in the small local town, both of which happily vied for the award of best ever seafood. All the time my mind was on the boy. He was, I discovered, twelve and a half, played 'soccer' and swam on the relevant school teams (which explained his fish-like tendencies and an ability to leave me stranded in the water), didn't have a girlfriend at the moment (although there was maybe someone he liked, he said), liked skating and surfing, too, and during term time was educated in a rather prestigious New York establishment. He liked the Knicks and the Yankees, because his dad did. He wanted a dirt bike, but didn't think he would ever get one. He hated Mr Meeke nearly as much as I did, and suspected the man of being a bit dodgy; when I asked him to define dodgy, he said "y'know, likes boys!". The way he said it made it sound like he was more amused than mortified, but still I cringed a little inside. I was definitely more than a little 'dodgy', I'd recently come to realise. He inspired me, too. I began to spin tales. Not lustful tales, though plenty of those went through my head, too. No, short stories of adventure, of innocence, of days lost. I knew little of what I was talking about, my own childhood lost in a haze of dreadful long term memory, but I imagined that I remembered it a certain way, and wove that into my words. It was, without doubt, my finest hour, the zenith of my career. Jay was, it seemed, my muse. I forwarded some of the work onto London, receiving an enthusiastic response from Daniel, who seemed convinced that the stories would herald a new dawn for me, that finally I would break through into the realm of 'serious authors' as he put it. I wasn't entirely sure that I liked the implicit snub of my prior works, but the praise was sufficiently sugary that I made no complaint. --- Bobby was a lanky, skinny kid, as pale as I was compared to his cousin. He was almost the same age as Jay, but there the resemblance ended. I suppose he was cute in his own way, in the way that all boys of a certain age are cute to men of a certain persuasion, but where Jay shone like the noonday sun, Bobby's star was somewhat less apparent. His unfashionable glasses and undeveloped torso immediately gave the impression of a much more bookish, less sporty youth than his cousin. Still, despite their differences, the two seemed best of friends. Jay was genuinely delighted when I responded positively to his request to allow Bobby to join us, and Bobby, whose nerves seemed to have taken hold of his tongue, gave me a shy smile which did wonders to improve his looks. I could see their closeness as they swam, the physical contact between the boys far greater than that I enjoyed with Jay. Initial guardedness gave way to youthful exuberance, and before long I was left behind as they horsed about. It was a shame to be excluded in this way, though doubtless unintentionally, but as I sat on the warm rock watching them play, I reflected that perhaps there were benefits after all. As the sun warmed my skin, it infused into my libido, too, and set my mind to impure thoughts of the boys. I could survive my internal tensions for only so long before I was forced address the issue. Leaving the boys with a shout and a wave I made my excuses and started back toward my hut. I had almost made it when I realised with a start that I had left my bag behind. Doubtless Jay, who was well brought up, would notice and bring it up for me, but I didn't want to be interrupted, and so instead chose the turn back for it. The glade in which the pool lay was thickly wooded, and hid it from prying eyes. As I entered the outermost ring of trees something undefined caused me to pause. Perhaps the relative silence of the place, the calm when I had expected to hear joyous, raucous splashing of water. Perhaps they had tired, and were sitting on the rock, talking, drying off. But maybe not, maybe they were... well, what was I thinking they might be doing? It was a tenuous hope which caused me to slow, to deaden the sound of my footfall, to watch for dry twigs which might reveal my presence with their mutinous crackling underfoot. I imagined, in the way that a desperate man often does, my deepest fantasies fulfilled. My mind's eye conjured images of the boys in flagrante, burning with sexual passion, pawing at each other, mouths, tongues, delicate morsels of boyish flesh combining to set the atmosphere ablaze. As I drew ever nearer to the pond, the soft sound of a sigh drifting through the trees set my heart pounding. My ears throbbed to the sound of my own heartbeat, and it felt as though my tongue was swelling and choking me, my stomach full of hot lead. This was excitement as I had never felt it before, a jolt of nerves so strong it felt akin to fear. My hands trembled with it, and my head swam. Whether the scene my mind had conjured was a premonition or simply wishful thinking, it showed me clearly the strength of my inappropriate feelings for the boys. I saw the water first, glinting a little where the sun reached its surface, half the unnaturally smooth oval unhindered by shadow. The rock was at the far end, in full sun, in the direction I was looking, but remained obscured by the foliage of the trees which lay below me on the bank. I slowed my descent until I resembled a hunter on the trail of an easily-frightened prey, creeping between the trees as stealthily as I could manage. I spotted what might prove to be a good vantage point, the thick trunk of a tree, its surface covered in lichen, stood twenty paces further on, and not that again from the water's edge. Making my way there, I found it offered a perfect view of the rock. And, it seemed, of the boys. My body convulsed and I doubled over in shock, as if I had taken a blow to the stomach. Never in all of my darkest fantasies had I come close to comprehending how strongly the sight of their naked forms would affect me. I was insensible with excitement, lust overwhelming my senses until the corners of my vision darkened, the blood draining from my head, its oxygen-deprived form swelling until I felt my head would explode. The tightening of my throat and the constriction of my stomach felt previously was but a pale shadow of the physical change which came over me. For long, agonising moments I was frozen in place, unable to do anything other than watch them. I ought to describe to you the scene, though even as I begin to do so I realise my meagre skill is utterly insufficient for the task. They lay, trunks discarded on the hot rock, naked as the day they were born, though I knew Jay would be wearing the small leather surfer's necklace he always wore. They were not, however, still. An activity common to boys across the world was being played out in front of me. Each boy was absorbed in his own pleasure, immune to the influences of the outside world, or so it seemed. I lurched again when Jay's eyes wandered down to where Brian's fist wrapped around his long, thin boyhood, its form matching its owner's body. Brian's own view shifted so that he, too, was looking across the narrow divide between their bodies. At an age where the destination was always more important than the journey both boys worked toward their goal at full speed, and it was no surprise to soon see their stomachs tense as their movements reached a well-timed crescendo. The painfully contorted masks of ultimate pleasure came across their faces as air was greedily sucked in, held, and expelled with excessive force. Their juvenile pleasure was intense but short-lived, and then they collapsed back onto their rock in their own private worlds, panting with the exertion of their recent activities. Sweat adorned both boy's bodies, all too apparent on Bobby's brow as he pulled himself up onto his elbows, inspecting his pale stomach and pointing out something to Jay in low tones which failed to carry across the water. Jay looked and giggled, tugging absentmindedly at his deflating spike. I stole away, suddenly aware of the dampness seeping along my inner thigh. --- Back at the cabin I closed my eyes to replay the scenes which had so excited me. Only when calmed by a second self-induced peak could I take stock of what I had seen, of the minute details which over the coming days I would burn into my memory. What nature gave to Jay's features with one hand, it took from his boyhood with the other. The small morsel stood little more than two inches clear of his groin, undeveloped, his testes small and clearly unproductive. His cousin, though, had been given a gift to compensate for his plain looks - an early bloomer, Bobby had something to be proud of; though clearly yet a small boy's piece, it was almost twice the length of Jay's, and somewhat thicker, though not proportionally so. And joy of joys, Jay's appendage appeared to have been unmolested by the surgeon's knife, a rarity from what little I knew of American boys. Such details swam through my mind as I lay back, provoking some of the same emotions as I had earlier felt. I attacked myself until exhausted, until unable even to lift my head from the pillow, and still I wanted more. I shocked myself with my visions of what 'more' might be, of my thoughts of what I might allow myself to do. That night, alone with my thoughts and unable to think of anything better to do, I wandered into town, into a bar, and got blitzed on sour mash. Chapter 4 A morning of regret followed my night of indulgence. I need not describe a hangover for those of you who have experienced one, but for anyone who hasn't, let me give you one word of advice: don't. Whatever it is you're thinking of drinking, don't. Jay's cheerful greeting grated on my tender mind, and I found myself grateful that Bobby was as bashful as he had been the previous day, remaining silent and raising a hand to me by way of greeting. "What's up, you sick or something?" Jay asked when he saw me hobbling down the steps of the cabin, sunglasses already shading my delicate eyes. "Sort of. I went and had a drink or two last night." His face fell. "Oh. You drink?" "Sometimes. I don't make a habit of it, if that's what you're thinking." "My dad drinks," he said in a quiet voice. It took no special intellect or insight on my part to determine that this was an issue for him, that his father's love of alcohol had caused problems in the past. Bobby seemed nervous, too, suggesting that he, too, had seen the ill effects. "OK, mate, well I promise not to get drunk again while I'm here, alright?" That seemed to brighten him up somewhat. I didn't understand at the time why I felt the need to placate him, though with the benefit of hindsight I can understand my motives. I needed to appease him because it was important that he looked up to me, that he wanted to please me in return. I was making the first forays into the realm of mutual attraction, and was determined to make myself as likable as possible to him. I smiled, listening to his chatter as we walked down to the pond. He strode ahead, seemingly unaware that both Bobby and I had dropped back slightly. I glanced across at Jay's cousin, and gave him a brief smile, which was shyly returned. There was a hint of something in Bobby's look which I could quite interpret. Was it frustration? Was he angry at me for intruding? Perhaps after what had happened the previous day, he was worried that I would interrupt an activity he and Jay presumably enjoyed on a daily basis. I resolved to 'leave' early again, and to double back once more. --- The tree hid me as well as it had the previous day. I had made all the signs of leaving, but returned immediately. At first the boys splashed around in the water as they had done when I left them, but after a couple of minutes Jay suddenly stopped. "He's far enough away now, right?" I heard him asking. Bobby nodded straight away. "Come on then," he said, making his way to the side, taking the lead in a way I'd not before seen. As they reached the rock and climbed out they continued to talk, but just as before their voices failed to carry as far as my hiding place. They stripped without compunction, throwing aside their shorts. The cold water had brought a measure of equivalence between the boys, levelling the playing field somewhat, but as the sun and youthful lust warmed their bodies, the disparity once again became clear. A repeat of the previous day, it seemed. Both boys seemed intent only on their own pleasure, and worked admirably toward that goal with the energy of youth. Except suddenly there was a pause for conversation, a slowing of flailing limbs, a conference of urgent whispers. A trade, perhaps, and then an agreement. A deal was struck. Had I made a guess, it would not have been what happened. Bobby shifted forward on the rock, and then with no sign of hesitation plunged his head into Jay's lap. An involuntary groan escaped me, but was masked from reaching them by the loud gasp which burst from Jay's lips. His back arched, hips propelled into the air, toes curling. This, then, was the ultimate pleasure to him. I wonder now if it was his first time, though while it happened my mind was focused on recording every detail of the sordid act. I dared not allow myself even the slightest stimulation, fearing that were I to reach climax I might no longer feel the need to remain. That, I sensed, would be a disaster. I'd read stories in the past, accounts of youthful exploration. In many ways, they often matched my own experiences, and one overriding theme was that any boy sucking the dick of another boy would soon grow bored and stop, demanding his own satisfaction before the recipient of his attentions achieved their own. Not so here. Bobby, committed to the job and with a hand free to continue his own pleasure, continued his efforts and in time brought Jay to a shuddering, gasping, writhing, aching climax, so powerful that the spasms in his body threatened to throw him from the rock. Bobby sat up with a rather pleased expression on his face, and looked down as Jay's dick as the morsel of flesh returned to its sleeping state. Reciprocation is key to the adolescent sexual experience, and it was clear before long that Bobby demanded Jay's attentions. His words were muddled but their meaning was plain. Wearily, his muscles drained from the exertion of receiving such divine pleasure as had recently been visited upon him, Jay moved into a kneeling position. He was cautious, much more so than Bobby had been. Bobby was the experienced one, the leader, that much was obvious. Jay may have been the cooler kid, but it was Bobby who held all the cards when it came to sex. The first motions were half-hearted, nothing more than the dragging of lips across the unveiled glans of Bobby's boyhood. With coaching, or encouragement, I could not discern which, his style evolved until his lips closed around the heart of his compatriot's shaft and did not open again. Even his inexperienced actions were enough for Bobby, who, either possessing a hair trigger or thoroughly overdue an orgasm, was within a matter of moments gasping himself, thrusting into Jay's mouth. The less experienced boy immediately rose and complained of something, and after a brief exchange could be seen turning around and leaning out over the water, spitting several times into the depths. Oh, what a waste of such surely sweet nectar! I stumbled back to the hut. Jay and Bobby, in that way so innate to the youthful experimentalist, had returned to their waterborne games as quickly as they had abandoned them. They would forget what they had done, at least until their libidos recharged. I, however, was not so lucky. I could not escape the vision in my mind, nor the feelings it stirred within me. Once again, exhaustion was the only brake on my relentless self-abuse. --- When your sexual imperative is not something to which you are enslaved, there is no pressure to relentlessly search for satisfaction. Young boys at the cusp of puberty may seek pleasure several times daily, but often only if there is nothing more pressing to occupy their thoughts. A saw-like buzzing cut through the normally quiet air of the estate, disturbing me in contemplation of a particularly sordid fantasy involving the two boys who were shortly due to turn up for our daily swim. It was such a sudden intrusion that I jumped off my bed, ready to fight or fly. Moving to the window, my heart slowly returning to resting pace, I glanced out over the grounds toward the house. A sort of rolling scrub, populated by native grasses, the soil more sand than dirt, covered most of the ground between the edge of the carefully kept walled lawns to the rear of the house and the edge of the woodlands which eventually evolved into mangroves closer to the coast. This wild space, several acres in size, shimmered with heat haze from mid-morning until the sun set. Suddenly, among the barren, rolling grasslands there appeared a flash of movement. Someone was among the dunes, moving fast, and whoever it was, was bringing with them the terrible noise. I watched and waited, listening to the droning whine of whatever dreadful machine it was that had destroyed the delicate peace of my haven. Another flash of light reflected from something metallic, which arced briefly into the air before once again disappearing out of sight. It looked almost like someone was driving a dune buggy over the ground, but unless my sense of scale was thoroughly out, that couldn't have been true. Except, it was. Sort of. A few minutes later I became quite aware of what was causing the racket, as it grew closer and painfully louder, followed by the giggling forms of Jay and Bobby. Actually, it wasn't one dune buggy but two, with the crucial extra detail that neither was more than two feet long. Mini versions of adult toys, just like those the boys hid in their shorts, I couldn't help but think. They were inordinately pleased with their new toys. "Dad sent them," Jay said, out of breath having chased his car across the dunes. "He can't make it down until next week now, so he sent these to give us something to do!" I kept my thoughts about the dollar value of affection to myself. I could see what the boy's dad was doing, but all Jay and his cousin could think of was the joy of the new toys. And they were pretty special bits of kit, too, if I was any judge. Much better than the battery-powered pieces of plastic I had as a kid, always running down and needing recharging, which always took far longer than the batteries lasted. No, these were something altogether more mechanically capable - aluminium chassis, fully independent suspension, motors which ran on methylated spirits. Jesus, they were better engineered than my car! I smiled at the enthusiastic way Jay described the all-but-identical cars to me, his red and Bobby's green. Bobby demurred, standing back and letting Jay take the limelight, though my eyes kept being drawn to the boy. He spotted me staring at him with my brows wrinkled, and silently laughed as Jay continued his diatribe unabated. He mimed glasses with fingers and thumbs making circles in front of his face, and suddenly I realised what was different about him - the glasses were gone, and I have to say, despite wearing glasses myself, he really was far better looking without them. 'Contacts' he mouthed at me, and immediately I understood. There was no explanation as to why he hadn't worn his lenses so far, but it hardly mattered. Along with what appeared to be a slightly different hairstyle, Bobby suddenly took on a cuteness I'd not really noticed before. Damn, that confused issues somewhat. Jay was still yammering away when I returned my attention to him. He had the rear wheels of his car lifted off the floor and was revving the engine, showing me with delight the way the little engine blew out jets of almost invisible blue flame on the over-run. I wondered if it was really legal for boys that age to have such potentially explosive devices, then I reminded myself not to be such a boring old fart and just enjoy it for what it was - pure fun. "So, you want to have a go then?" Jay asked. ---- The morning passed in a blur of hot sun, engine fumes and laughter. Out in the dunes, with the help of a shovel filched from Mr Meeke's shed, we built a track, all banked turns and little jumps, and some really rather big ones. It took us hours, and all the while the cars sat untouched in the sun, because digging things up is always much more fun when you get down to it. I was one of the boys again. In fact, we were so involved in our play that we hardly noticed the time passing, and certainly didn't realise it was lunchtime. It was only when there came a polite, gentle cough from behind us that we stopped at all. We'd been in the middle of sculpting a particularly steep ramp, and it was taking all of our concentration. All three of us turned in unison, sensing that something was up. A tall, red-haired woman stood with her arms folded, an ironic smile curling the corners of her mouth. "Lunch has been on the table for fifteen minutes, boys. And you haven't." I didn't feel it would be appropriate for me to suggest that the boys wouldn't have been on the table even if they had made it to lunch on time. "Hi," I said, walking over and extending my hand. "I don't believe we've been introduced. Jack Ellison." She took my hand rather uncertainly. Something in her eyes spoke of panic, but so well suppressed that it was hardly visible. "Martha Jones, Jay's mother. I... are you the tenant in the cabin?" she asked. "Yes, yes I am," I replied, somewhat surprised that she had no idea who I was. "This is terribly silly, I know," she said, "and I hope you aren't too offended, but what is a grown man doing building a model racetrack with two twelve year old boys?" I didn't really have a good answer for that other, than it was fun, and if I was to be thoroughly honest I really wanted to get into her son's pants. The second part of that answer really had to be kept to myself. "I was bored with my writing, and the boys seemed to be having so much fun. I hope you don't mind." She looked at me for a long, drawn out moment, head titled slightly to the side. When she spoke, her voice had regained all of its strength. "Tell me, Jack, are you hungry?" Chapter 5 Lunch in the house was a serious affair. I was glad I'd taken a few moments to run back to the cabin and change my sweat-stained t-shirt for a clean, fresh polo. We were joined by Jane, Martha's PA or secretary, I couldn't quite tell which. Apparently she travelled with the household at all times, and managed all aspects of Martha's life, which was a great deal busier and more complex than I could possibly have imagined. "And what do you do?" Jane asked when she had bored of explaining her role to me. "I write books. Sort of." "Sort of?" "Well, my agent sent me here to get a manuscript finished. I did it, but now I've ended up writing a whole load of other stuff which seems to have gone down better, so he wants me to stay and write some more. But it's not really novel stuff, just handfuls of short stories." "They can make a book out of that though, can't they?" "Oh, yes. Just a strange book." "Who's your agent?" Jane asked, laughing. "Daniel Marbery." Jane looked uncertain, and glanced over at her boss. "London," Martha said. "You know, the camp idiot." I just about managed to stop myself spraying my drink out of my nose with laughter. "Yeah, that's about right," I said, as Jane nodded her understanding. "Would you excuse me a moment," Martha said, rising and leaving the room, returning a moment later with a hardback book. I thought for a moment that I recognised the cover, but dismissed it as an impossibility. "Jack, you don't write under the name Ellison, do you?" she asked. "Oh, no. Jack Brenner." Martha gave a triumphant little smile, and held up the book. I almost fell off my chair - it was a first edition copy of my first ever book. "Where on earth did you get that?" I asked, my voice weak. "Picked it up on a visit to London a few years back," she said with a smile. "I thought I'd seen your face somewhere before. I don't often forget a face," she continued, opening the cover to show the bio, with an embarrassing mugshot of me looking very much out of date. I groaned at the sight of it, and she laughed. ---- That was the turning point with Martha and I. By the end of lunch she was insistent that I become another member of the household. Mr Meeke, grumpy old Mr Meeke, was informed that I was moving into one of the guest rooms in the house, and that I was to be given my choice of the west wing study or the orangery for my workplace during my stay. His face was pure thunder, and behind Martha's back he shot daggers at me with his eyes. I simply responded with a beatific smile. I don't know exactly what it was that prompted Martha to be so generous, even if - as the well-thumbed copy of my novel was anything to go by - she had for some reason found herself to be a fan of my works. She was in some way connected to the literary world, though in what fashion I couldn't fathom, and I didn't have the guts to enquire. As I sat the in the orangery - "you have to choose it!" Jay had said with enthusiasm, and I could see he was right - I reflected on how my luck had turned around, and how much of a fool I had been to be jealous of Madeleine's success earlier the same year. Success comes and goes, just like luck. My bedroom was somewhat more austere than the look of the house might have suggested. It contained a bed and a washstand, no longer in use, and a chair to sit by the open window. It looked out over the gardens, which was a pleasant enough view, but the reality was that I would be spending little time there, with such a place as the orangery to work in. I can't quite fathom why an orangery would exist in such a place as Florida. As the name suggests, it is a type of building specifically designed to protect delicate, home-grown fruits against cold temperatures. In England it would be entirely appropriate, but out here? Completely pointless. For one, the high windows in the box-shaped roof extension had to be permanently open in order to catch the slightest breeze. Even then it was stiflingly hot without the intervention of a series of fans. With the fans, it was merely very warm. But what a place to work. So light, and airy, and with the delicate scent of flowers drifting in from all around. It lifted your spirits simply to be there, and when your work was done for the day it was - I noticed - but a moment's walk from the pool. The pool. The massive, very close to the house, not-at-all-a-murky-pond pool. The clean, temperature-controlled, thoroughly modern and convenient pool. As soon as I had a moment, I quizzed Jay; he blushed strongly. "Yeah, well, it's more fun going down to the pond," he said evasively, eyes looking anywhere but at me. "More fun?" "Yeah." "To walk half a mile in the blazing sun down to a muddy hole that's probably full of things which want to eat you, and swim there." "Uh... yep." "I suppose it would be fun if you and Bobby -" I cut myself short. I'd nearly forgotten myself, nearly said something I shouldn't, nearly revealed that I could think of a very good reason why he would want to go down to the pond - to play his little sex games with cousin Bobby. I supposed that he went every day, even before Bobby's arrival, just to get his mother used to the idea, so she didn't become suspicious when Bobby turned up and they suddenly started taking their dip in a freezing, remote, bug infested hole in the ground. " - keep out of your mother's way," I ended, lamely. I couldn't help but notice the slight look of panic which flickered in Jay's eyes when I nearly spilled the beans. Now he knew that I knew, or at least suspected. Perhaps he clung onto the slight hope that I didn't know, and that the end of my sentence wasn't originally meant to be "go there to suck each other off every day". ---- Mind you, not every day in Florida was blazing sun, because with heat and humidity inevitably comes nature's party piece, the thunderstorm. Boy could Florida have a storm to be proud of - lightning searing the earth in fizzing bolts of fury, thunder ripping through the heavens and shaking the earth, alternatively crackling like snapped twigs and rumbling like the passing of a megalithic tube train. I sat at my desk watching the skies tearing themselves to pieces with the force of another storm, the third this week but comfortably the strongest. All week it had felt as though each storm had failed to properly clear the air, that something stronger was needed to do the job. This storm was the 'something stronger'. Something much, much stronger. I was all but alone in the house for once. Martha had announced at breakfast that she was flying to a nearby city for the day - I don't remember which - to do some business, the nature of which I did not enquire; of course, Jane had gone with her. I hoped fervently they'd managed to avoid the effects of the storm. Meeke had already informed us he would be absent for the week, as if anyone really cared, and Jay's dad, David, had still failed to turn up for his promised fortnight, which seemed to be getting pushed back further and further. Which left just me, the housekeeper, Rose, and the boys, who apparently could be trusted to take care of themselves in their mother's absence. With Rose bumbling around doing something in the far end of the house in her unhurried way, and the boys nowhere to be found, I was left in utter solitude in my orangery, allowed to watch the storm unbothered. I got bored and restless, though. The writing would come later. The storm was great, but it had been going on for a while, and frankly I was after a new distraction. I decided that I hadn't seen enough of the house, and that a quick wander around was in order. Rising from my chair, my heart started to beat a little faster - this was slightly illicit, slightly outside the bounds of the unwritten host/guest contract. If I hadn't been invited into part of the house, perhaps I shouldn't have been there. I was passing through the central entrance hall, with its grand sweeping staircase, when one of my worst case scenarios reared its head - Rose. With hindsight, how could she possibly have suspected me of anything untoward? She was the housekeeper, a member of staff, and I was a guest, and there were all sorts of reasons I would be passing through that hall at that moment in time. I really had nothing whatsoever to hide from her, and yet my heart jumped into my throat. Rose, however, couldn't have cared less. "I'm off to town, Mr Ellison," she said, grabbing her coat from a cupboard and a set of car keys from a hidden nook beneath the stairs. "What, in this weather?" I asked, slightly in shock. It was blowing a gale outside, and rain was coming in sideways. Rose laughed at my incredulity. "Yes, Mr Ellison. You know, this really isn't that bad, and by the time I get there it'll be all but gone, you mark my words." "Well, good luck," I said, giving her a mock salute, setting her giggling. She shook her head and wandered off toward the garage. That, I thought to myself, went about as well as it could have done. And, rather more importantly, it left just me and the boys in the house. Which gave me butterflies, for some reason. Actually, I knew exactly what reason. Part of me, a depraved part which held hope in higher esteem than dull probability, part of me wondered if there was any chance I might find myself in a compromising situation with the boys. Ridiculous to even imagine it, I know, but that's what unmet desire will do for you - it breaks down all common sense. On soft feet - now a spy on a mission - I sought out the boys. ---- Where in the hell were they? I'd been end to end in the house, searched all the rooms and drawn a blank. Perhaps they'd left completely, had escaped the house, knowing that they wouldn't be bothered by anyone. I couldn't help but wonder at Martha's parenting skills, leaving two twelve year old boys on their own in the house, but then I reflected on my own youth, shoved out the door in the morning and expected to keep myself busy all day, and I realised that I was being unfairly judgemental. They were twelve - they could probably get up to some mischief, but that didn't make them inherently unsafe. It didn't feel like I was alone, though. I don't know what it was which made me feel that way, but I knew there was someone else in the house with me. The place wasn't old enough to have ghosts, so the only option was that Jay and Bobby were somewhere in the building; but where? Now my mission had evolved from merely satisfying curiosity and sating boredom, to unravelling the mystery of the missing boys. I went back over everything, wondering if perhaps I'd dismissed something I shouldn't have. Then it occurred to me - I had dismissed something. Something which at the time had seemed rather irrelevant. I'd poked my head around the corner of Jay's room and found him entirely absent. Not wanting to miss the chance, I took a quick look at his world and found it no different, or more tidy, than one would expect of a lad his age. Jay loved baseball, and that was apparent in the theme of the posters and ornaments around the place, including in a frame on its own on one wall, a signed shirt from the New York Yankees, about the only baseball team I would be able to name at gunpoint. He also had a fair amount of the expected clothing scatter - there, for instance, were his board shorts hung by the window to dry - and the floor was mostly covered in discarded clothes, toys and magazines, which he seemed to devour. What I didn't really pay attention to the first time, and what jumped into the forefront of my mind now, was the strange way part of the floor had been cleared. In front of his bookcase, in the corner of the room diagonally opposite the door, the detritus had been swept aside in an arc. I hadn't paid heed to it before, but now, as I stood directly in front of it, I realised immediately what had happened - the bookcase had swung out. I knew then, with absolute certainty, that Jay and Bobby would be found wherever this hidden feature led. There was no artifice to the design, as it happened, no book to pull free or hidden latch to trigger. The shelves simply swung out, albeit slowly and with a feeling of great weight. I moved them only a fraction before the sound coming from beyond could be heard. Peering around the corner of the secret doorway revealed a short, dark corridor, with a much lighter room beyond. I couldn't see the boys, but they were definitely in that room. Plucking up my courage, determined not to let this chance past, and prepared to bluff my way out of it if I was seen, I opened the door wide and slipped into the corridor. Thankfully the floorboards didn't creak beneath my feet. I crept forward, seeing more and more of the room as I advanced, but still unable to see the boys. I could hear them though; muffled sounds, giggling and the occasional gasp told me that something naughty was going on. The room looked like a private sanctuary for whoever occupied the bedroom. Light seemed to come solely from a single window high on the wall. It was sparsely decorated, but from my vantage point I could see a television, and what looked like the edge of a sofa. Luckily, there was another chair just around the corner into the room, something for me to hide behind as I tried to spy the boys. On hands and knees now I made my way forward until I could take the briefest glance into the room. Jesus. Well, fuck me. Actually, fuck Jay, because that's exactly what was happening. He lay on the sofa with his knees drawn up, and Bobby in between his legs, hips gyrating as he pushed his little dick into Jay, buttocks tensing on each rapid-fire forward thrust. Jay's eyes were squeezed tight shut, but he was definitely enjoying it, if his hard little spike was anything to go by. I ducked back out of the way and tried desperately not to collapse from light-headedness. My heart was hammering in my chest, and there was the tinny flavour of adrenaline in my mouth. Quite simply I'd never been so thoroughly aroused in all my life. I looked down and my hands were shaking, my skin pale. Desperately trying to remain undetected, I reversed out of the corridor, pushed the bookcase shut and made good my escape. ---- They arrived in the orangery half an hour later, instantly causing me some discomfort as mental images were dragged from my memory to the forefront of my consciousness by their arrival. They were both pink-cheeked, and though Jay was his usual self, Bobby seemed more withdrawn than ever, not wanting to meet my eye. He left a few minutes later, muttering something about going and reading in his room. Jay, though, draped himself over one of the wicker armchairs in the corner of the room and simply sat there watching me work. If anyone can concentrate while the boy they have a crush on - the recently-fucked boy, mind you - is sitting behind them watching, then they are a better man than I. "So," I said, turning away from my computer with an affected air of resignation, "what have you and Bobby been up to this morning, then?" Even with his cheeks already flushed, they somehow managed to become even redder. "Uh, nothing much. Bored with the storm and everything, couldn't find much to do." "Oh, right. Bet you found something to do, though, right?" "What do you mean?" he asked. Suddenly he was on the defensive. I really shouldn't have pushed it any further, but for some stupid reason I felt the need to say, "Well, at least it's not like you were up there fucking, eh?" He looked at me with hatred in his eyes. He knew I knew. The secret was out. There was no way I would have just pulled that out of the air. "Fuck off, dick!" he said, in barely more than a whisper. He didn't even storm out of the room. He just got up and walked out, shoulders slumped. I turned back to my computer and wondered how quickly I could find somewhere else to stay. Chapter 6 I felt like utter shit. I had embarrassed him, and for what? To make myself feel clever? For some vain hope that me hight turn round and say 'yes, we were fucking, do you want to do me now?'. Wrong, wrong, wrong. I wandered around the house, looking for him, but there was no sign, even in the secret room. I wasn't quite sure what I was going to say when I found him, but it would certainly have to involve the word 'sorry' somewhere along the line. I found Bobby, who hadn't seen Jay, and didn't seem too keen to talk to me, either. There was definitely something going on there, though I couldn't work out what it was. Bobby didn't like me, for some reason. I wasn't sure what it could be, but right at that moment I didn't really care - I was far more worried about where Jay was and what he was feeling. He wasn't in the house, I decided. That left the gardens and the grounds to search, and suddenly I knew exactly where he was. Even though it was still raining heavily, I walked straight out of the back of the house and down the garden, past the wall and onto the track. I passed Tom's Cabin, standing empty and silent, and in five minutes was making my way down the slippery, muddy bank toward the pond. As I thought, there was a lone figure, soaked to the skin, sitting on the rock above the pond. ---- Jay didn't even look at me when I sat down, let alone say hello. He just stared at the water, hugging his knees to his chest. Even with the rain running down his face I could see that he had been crying. He must have been soaked to the skin, too, because I certainly was. Fat droplets of warm rain continued to hammer down onto our heads. "I'm sorry, Jay," I said, simply. It seemed like the right place to start. "That wasn't fair of me. And I shouldn't have spied on you, either." He didn't answer. We sat there in the pouring rain, soothed by the sound of it hitting the water of the pond. Slowly Jay unwound, the tension beginning to leave his body, the frown smoothed from his brow. "It's not what you think it is, you know," he said, after what seemed like an hour sat beneath the downpour. "I know, mate. Most lads try things out when they're your age. Doesn't mean anything." He didn't answer straight away, instead returning his gaze to the water. When he spoke again, I could hardly hear him above the weather. "You can't tell mom or dad, OK?" "Of course not, mate. Of course I won't." "Dad would go nuts. He's all alpha male, you know? Like king of the jungle sort of thing." "And you're not?" He looked across at me and laughed. "It turns out I kinda like taking up the butt, so no, not really." I couldn't help but laugh at his candour. "Yeah, well, that doesn't mean you can't be a rough, tough man, though. You're still into baseball, right?" "Yeah, I guess. It's just now sometimes when I'm watching the Major Leagues I'm kinda looking at how hot the guys are in their uniforms. Pretty gross, huh?" I looked at him. He was grinning, but there was so much self-doubt just beneath the façade. It was a hell of a risk, but I had to reassure Jay that actually, it wasn't so abnormal. "It's not that gross, Jay. I mean, I couldn't help but notice how hot you look in your board shorts. Bet you're smoking in a baseball uniform." He turned and stared at me, his mouth slightly open. He seemed to have been struck speechless, but there was a hint of amusement in his eyes, or maybe joy, it was hard to tell. "Tell you what, mate," I continued, before he could find the right words to say, "I'm soaked through already and I've not had a swim yet today. I'm going in." And without waiting for him to respond, I stood and stripped out of all of my clothes, and dived into the water. I didn't look back, but a splash only a few moments later told me that I was no longer alone in the water, and when I turned round there he was swimming toward me. A quick scan of the rock told me all I needed to know - he was as nude as I was, his clothes in a ragged bundle with his drenched boxers clearly visible on top. "It's better like this, isn't it?" I asked, already suspecting that both Jay and Bobby swam nude when no-one else was around. He immediately confirmed my suspicion. "Well, Bobby and I kinda do it like this when it's only us. I reckon Meeke must spy on us sometimes, 'cause we reckon we've heard someone in the trees a few times." I didn't dare admit that it was almost certainly me they'd heard. Instead I said, "I'd like to see that!" Jay's face clouded a little. "You really wanna see Bobby. He's the one with the big dick. I wouldn't bother, he's not into guys." Jesus, was that jealousy in his voice? I sought to reassure him. "Only have eyes for you, mate. I like your little dick." "Oh yeah?" he said challengingly, coming close to me. "Come on then, feel it." And with that he grabbed my hand and dragged it down to his crotch. His little dick had shrivelled to a tiny flap of skin in the cold water, but as I did as he commanded, it began to grow. He, too, was nimble of finger, quick of hand, and in seconds I was somehow erect, despite the conditions. "Mate, I really, really want to suck you off," I said, the desperation in my voice making Jay laugh. "Can we get out so I can do it?" He nodded vigorously, and I followed his gorgeous, naked arse through the water as we both swam for shore. By now the storm had at last abated and, as is often the way in that part of the world, strong sunshine immediately followed. Jay draped himself across the rock, and in a moment of sheer poetry a shaft of sunlight pierced the trees above our heads and fell directly upon him. He glowed in the sun, his skin paler at the waist where it was more frequently covered. And there, in the middle of the whitest patch of all stood my prize, proudly erect, long sought and hard won. ---- He lazed in the sun next to me, our bodies warmed through and now dried. His arms supported his head, his eyes were closed and there was a contented smile on his face. Frantic passion had overtaken us and he had gasped in orgasmic bliss only a handful of moments after leaving the water. His soft lips, so often host to a wicked smile and today grinning like the devil's apprentice, had coaxed a similar peak from my body. The result now adorned the face of the rock, drying to a crisp white streak in the hot sunshine. God how I needed that. Years of pent up tension, years of failing to find satisfaction, all blown away in five short, hot minutes. I realised now what I hadn't before: loving a boy was different to loving a woman, and I needed both to feel whole. Well, at least for now I had one half of my satisfaction. --- I had neglected to write properly for too long. A less than subtle hint to that effect had arrived from Daniel by email. I resolved to remedy the situation, and inspired by the love and lust I felt for Jay, I set to work on wearing the letters off my keyboard. The stories which flowed out of me over the coming days and weeks were eventually woven together into the book which made my name. Looking back on it, they're inspired by a feeling of lightness, and to a certain extent unreality. Sometimes, when he and Bobby were bored of each other, or perhaps just because he wanted to, Jay would come and sit with me as I worked. More often than not he would lounge on a chair, book or magazine in hand, and do nothing to disturb my concentration, beyond merely existing. Occasionally even that was enough to stop me working altogether, and with the uttering of our codeword in a sentence ('pond') he would slip away to some pre-arranged location - it changed every day - and wait for me to come to him. There, hidden away from prying eyes, we would make love. I preferred to worship his boyhood on my knees, and he liked to allow me my release in the deep crease of his behind, though never within, not there, not yet; Bobby was small and thin, I was fat and long by comparison, too large for comfort or enjoyment. He would grin and run his fingers through the sticky, slimy mess with which I adorned him, and push his slender finger into his behind just to tease me, or smear it around his rejuvenated spike and shiver at the sensations. So it went on, day by day, exciting, unencumbered by emotional baggage, sex for the sake of lust and a little love mixed in. ---- Jay buried his tear-streaked face in my shoulder and sobbed. I'd heard the shouting match he'd had with his cousin, and moments later had found myself with my arms full of a crying boy. For now there was little point enquiring as to what had happened. Instead, I just rubbed his back, worried for him but at the same time pleased that he felt close enough to me to rush into my arms for comfort. When he'd cried himself out he looked up at me with a pathetic expression. "I'm sorry," he said, making to get down from my lap. I held him there, though, both from enjoyment of the closeness and concern for his well-being. "What happened? Why were you and Bobby yelling at each other?" "Because he's a dick." "Why? I thought you guys got on really well." "Yeah, well, so did I. But he's being a dick today." "That's it, is it? He's just being a dick. Any specific dick-ish behaviour?" Jay paused for a moment, sighing heavily before he continued. "I told him I didn't want to do stuff with him any more," he said. "What, like playing with your cars and stuff?" I asked, just in case that's what he meant. It wasn't, though. "No, sex stuff, idiot," he replied with a cutting look. "Why aren't you going to do it with him any more?" "'Cause I'm doing with you instead!" he said, reaching down between his legs to place a hand on my crotch. My heart jumped into my throat. "You didn't tell him that, did you?" "No, of course not. I just said I didn't want to do it with him." "And he got angry with you?" "Yep. He got real mad. Called me a stupid faggot. So I shouted at him that if I'm gay then he is, too." "Then what?" "Well, that's kinda all I remember, until I was sitting here with you." "Where is he now? Don't you think we should find him and make sure he's OK?" "Why? He's the one who was being a dick." "Yes, mate, but he's still your friend. You ought to be worried that he's alright." "I guess." ---- He was in the garden, on a swing chair beneath the canopy of a big old tree. "What are we going to say to him?" Jay asked as we approached across the lawn. "I'm saying nothing," I said, stopping where I was. "It's up to you." "But I have no idea what to say!" "Just check he's OK, alright?" I said, turning to walk away. I found a spot on a wall near the house and watched from a distance. Bobby looked up when Jay was a few feet away, and there was an exchange of words, culminating in Bobby moving up and making space for Jay to sit down. They spoke for several minutes, sometimes in an animated fashion, and at one point I noticed them both looking my way. By the end they were laughing, and Jay gave Bobby a high five before walking back across the lawn to where I was sitting. There was a big grin on his face. "Well?" I asked. "We're good," he replied, nonchalantly. "What did you say to him?" "Oh, this and that, you know." "You're not going to tell me anything, are you?" I asked. "Hey, Jack," he said, avoiding the question. "Wanna find somewhere so you can suck my dick?" Chapter 7 We were in an attic, another lost remnant of this vast house, full of slightly mouldy packing boxes. Jay had chosen it as today's meeting place. Thankfully there was an old mattress up there, which made our coupling more comfortable, though the heat and humidity served to bathe us both in sweat as we worked toward our pleasures. I lay on my stomach between his outspread legs, gently suckling on his steel-hard boyhood. I marvelled at the quality of erection he could achieve and maintain, a spike as rigid as marble with a velvet skin able to glide up and down its length. It fitted my mouth as if made to measure, the little cherry on the end nudging the roof of my mouth each time his hips gave a gentle upward thrust. It was a no-hurry day all round, and our sometimes frantic lovemaking was shelved in favour of gentle exploration. As was becoming a more frequent theme, Jay's mother was out of town, which left us with the time and space to explore, with only Bobby to be kept at bay. I lifted my head out of his crotch, causing Jay to raise his head and open his groggy eyes. "Hey. Why'd you stop?" he asked. "What does Bobby think you're doing when we're together like this?" Jay shrugged. "Not sure." "Do you think he suspects we're doing stuff? If he finds out, we could be in serious trouble." "Don't worry, he won't tell," Jay replied. "And how do you know that?" "Well, he kinda worked it out already. When I went to speak to him in the garden - you remember that? - he told me he knew we were doing stuff, and he was so mad he was going to tell mom." My heart rate shot through the roof at that thought, but Jay seemed quite calm. "But then I told him I'd tell Talisa what me and him did before, and he nearly shit himself." It was beginning to become a little clearer. Talisa was Rose the housekeeper's daughter, who sometimes appeared at the house. She was a year younger than the boys, but already on her way to womanhood. I'd noted the gentle curve of her backside on more than one occasion, but didn't harbour any serious interest in her, especially with such a pliant boy as Jay to keep me occupied. It was clear from what Jay said that Bobby was keen not to put the girl off. "He wants to get into her pants?" I asked. "Yep!" Jay said with a grin. "I told him I would tell her about him screwing my butt if he told about us, and he promised he never would." "Just like that, huh?" "Yeah. Well, kinda. I promised to help him try to get her, too." "You better keep that promise, Jess. I don't want to be doing any jail time just because of this little thing," I said, grasping his tool and flicking my tongue over the exposed head of his boyhood. He gasped in pleasure and dropped his head back onto the mattress, eyes closed and mouth agape. I claimed it with my mouth once more, and urged him on to his peak with a sharp, rhythmic bobbing of my head. I loved the feel of his shaft kicking uselessly in my mouth as he got there, the way his back arched, the shuddering from his muscles as they tensed to their fullest, especially across his slender stomach where a narrow ridge of muscles tapered toward his groin. But none of these things was as wonderful as the expression of unbridled desire on his youthful face, his mouth hanging open in a silent scream, eyes clamped shut as his heels thundered on my back. Then, when the very zenith of pleasure had passed, the slightest hint of a salty tang which passed for his fluids sprayed into my mouth on the very last kick, same as always. Then my release, as the now-sleepy, sweat-slicked boy rolled willingly onto his stomach, allowing me to nestle gently in between the twin globes of his narrow backside, to slide back and forth and eventually dress his lower back with my adult offering. Each day I became more daring, pushed his trust a little further. Each day I lingered when the tip of my shaft passed over his pucker, sometimes pressing forward, other times simply teasing. It was on this hot, humid day, with our bodies both already tacky with drying sweat, that Jay finally relented. Or rather, I knocked at the door and found it open, the interior mine to plunder should I desire. His hips lifted as I pressed into him, and suddenly, with little drama and no ceremony our bodies merged into one. I did not surge into him with all of my strength. I did not become sheathed to the hilt within his soft treasures. I managed all of two fingers' width before he weakly protested, yet he allowed me to keep the territory I had gained, and to use it for my pleasure. I took his compliance and used it to best effect, making short work of meeting my own desire in the depths of his behind, flooding it with happiness. He sighed as I slipped free, and appeared to drop into an exhausted sleep. I tumbled down beside him, draped an arm across his shoulders and drifted gently on a cloud of dreams, dreams of boys and their energetic, selfless love. ---- David, for the third time in about an hour, laughed uproariously and slapped me on the shoulder, in what I assumed was a friendly gesture. This, then, was Jay's dad, quite the alpha male as his son had suggested. I was never quite sure how David saw me, but as a threat to his dominion wasn't even a possibility. He arrived one evening quite out of the blue, a month late and unapologetic about it. Jay's demeanour changed instantly, and our sex play stopped altogether while his father was around. It was as if the sheer force of David's masculinity turned him straight. Of course the reality was that Jay was scared, and though sometimes it's important to stick up for yourself and be who you are regardless of anything, at the age of 12 there are some fights which are better delayed until you are old enough to cope with the emotional battle scars. I retreated into my work, the stories taking a darker twist now, fuelled by my darker mood. The remainder of the household seemed to lift when David arrived, but I took issue with his boorish stance and found myself intensely disliking him. Jay, aside from the suppression of his burgeoning, non-conforming sexuality, worshipped his father, and the two of them spent many happy hours doing the sort of father-son things which wouldn't seem out of place in a tourist brochure - going to baseball games, fishing for enormous fish out at sea, and other wholesome pursuits. Bobby, of course, was always close at hand, his idolisation of his uncle quite clear. It was with some sense of relief that the two long, dragging weeks of David's holiday finally passed. ---- He lay face-down beneath me, submissive, back arched, bottom in the air. His blue eyes were squeezed tight shut, his mouth hanging open, little 'ah's emitted on each gentle undulation of my hips. He'd needed me as much as I'd needed him, but been scared to seek me out, scared in case his father found out. I didn't bother trying to explain that the situation for me would be a great deal worse. Instead I accepted his submission, tenderly making love to him now that I could, holding him close as I kissed the back of his neck, gliding my fingertips over the smooth skin of his chest and stomach, raising goosebumps as I went, until his hard little spike was beneath my fingers, begging to be pulled away from its position tight up against his stomach and toyed with to add to his pleasure. Fully half of my length was accepted into him now, passion and practise combining to make him more pliable than ever, more receptive to my manhood. We moved in unison, flowing, feeling each other, floating along on a wave of pleasure. There was no goal, no hunting for release, there was merely the pleasure of the moment and the joy of the union between us. Some time passed, but how much was impossible to say. My peak arrived, but so gently that it was merely another moment in the union, my essence flowing into him in one long stream. Unable to continue I fell to one side, dragging him to me, hand snaking around and grabbing his spike, abusing it until he reached a gasping, writhing peak, head pushed back against my shoulder as his back arched in pained pleasure. I held him tightly to my front, inhaling the scent of his hair, feeling his heart hammering in his chest, listening to his panting breath, tasting the sweat in the crook of his neck and watching his boyhood slowly return to its sleeping state. When finally enough breath returned to his lungs, he spoke. "It doesn't hurt any more. Thank you." Chapter 8 Time. I've never really understood its passage, nor been able to track it. A common affliction for the artistically inclined, so they say. Summer days blended into each other; one long, hot, humid blur of writing furiously and making love gently. And sometimes furiously, too. But time had been working in the background, heedless of any lack of interest on my part, and time had passed until there was no time left. No time for more writing, no time for more sun, no time for more swimming in the freezing pond, but most devastatingly of all, no time for making love to Jay. With a suddenness which dropped a ball of molten lead into my stomach I realised there were but a handful of days left before my return flight to the UK. I tried to work out any way of extending my stay, and Martha insisted that I do so if at all possible, unaware of my real drive for doing so. She liked what I had written during my stay, wanted me to stay longer and write more, said she might be able to put me in touch with a friend who would be similarly interested, a friend in New York who could pull a few strings. But there was nothing to be done. Daniel insisted that I return to take meetings he had arranged for me in London, meetings which apparently could not be conducted remotely, and so I complied, because I could sense that my career hung on it. It upset Jay in the way that a good friend leaving always upsets a young boy. He became angry, not understanding why I could not stay. He shunned me, forcing me out of his life before the last days were done. It pained me that he did so, but I couldn't be angry with him, not with Jay. I cared for him a little too much. Not loved, perhaps, not yet, but cared for a great deal. Only on the last night, as I sat alone in my room on my bed, surrounded by the unpacked detritus of my months abroad, did he come to me, contrite, apologetic, upset, demanding of love, physical love. We fucked on my bed, he on top, face in the crook of my neck, biting down on me as he forced me further inside than ever before, until there was no more forcing to do. He sat up then, triumphant but unsmiling, his boyhood a shrivelled flap of skin, unresponsive to my touch. He stared into my eyes as he began to gently oscillate above me, until the sensations at his waist grew too great, and those ice blue eyes fluttered closed. He made love to me, even though it was my shaft buried in his behind. He controlled the pace, the tempo, my pleasure. He owned me, deciding when I would be allowed to reach my peak, and how intense it would be. As he climbed free of me, having received my sacrifice, he shunned my attempts to pleasure him and lay down with him back to me, pulling my arms tight around his body. That night, for the first and last time we slept together. ---- Delivery Failure Notification: message returned to sender. Reason: the address could not be found. I stared at the screen, unable, or perhaps unwilling to comprehend. It was, judging by the undelivered emails in my inbox, the nineteenth time I had tried to send an email to Jay. I wanted to scream, or cry, or thump the damned machine. Anything but sit here futilely staring at that same message. I'd gone through the obvious, checked and rechecked the address scrawled on a scrap of newspaper, hastily shoved into my hand as I was leaving their house. I'd substituted the oh's for zeroes; no luck. Tried the same user name at a different domain, but that hadn't worked either. If only I'd thought about it ahead of time I could have tested the address, made sure I could get through to him. But no, instead I overslept, had to rush to gather my things, and ran out to where the taxi waited to whisk me off to the airport. Perhaps it was better that way - no long, drawn out goodbyes, no chance of Martha seeing quite how upset I was to be leaving her son, or her son's reaction. It was just a simple departure, my parting gift for Martha hastily handed over, not even wrapped, and a quick, chaste hug for Jay, who somehow kept from crying though I could see that he desperately wanted to do so. Now we were separated by thousands of miles and an email address which didn't work. I spent frantic hours trying to find some sign of him on the internet, but to no avail. He could not be traced. I even tried to get Martha's details from Daniel, thinking there might be a way to get her to pass a message on without being obvious, but he claimed never to have met her, and I believed him. I thumped my hand down on the table. When the pain had subsided, I gently stroked and apologised to the antique oak surface. ---- A grey morning to be out and about in London. I met Daniel for breakfast, his enthusiasm for my latest work still undimmed, his admonition that it really needed to be tidied up and published ringing in my ears. I hardly listened to him, agreed a date to deliver, and promptly forgot it as soon as he had left the cafe. I took a wander around to the museum. The place where I had first spied Jay all that time ago, before remarkable coincidence brought him into my life one more, all those months later. It reminded me of him, and highlighted how empty my world was without him. Kids ran around the various halls, making a thunderous commotion, happy to be in here rather than out in the dank, cold city beyond the walls. I paid little heed to them, not even to the rather feminine boy who shyly returned my smile. Cute enough, I suppose. Just not... well, Jay. Epilogue As the first flakes drifted down out of a leaden sky, I smiled to myself, probably the first lightening of my features in months. I was still here, stuck in this grey metropolis, feeling it like a cage around myself. Yet, for the first time in years I had reason to be thankful, at least where my career was concerned. My summer's work was, it seemed, in some considerable demand. The series of short stories I had written whilst love was foremost in my mind had really taken the fancy of a publisher in New York, and so here I was. I'd given up the lease on my flat in London, and had all my possessions moved into storage. I was here indefinitely, starting with Christmas and seeing where I went after that. And now it was Christmas. Or at least, the Christmas season. The Holiday Season, it was called. I tried but failed to protest against the name. New York was freezing, and now, on the 18th day of December, seven days before what was usually my favourite day of the year, I was going to a party and it was snowing. Somehow this felt right, as if I'd slipped into a movie and was simply following the lines of the plot. I stepped out into the swirling maelstrom, surprised by the totality with which the storm had engulfed the city in a few short hours. Darkness had descended like a huge hand over the tower blocks, snuffing out light and spawning shadows at each turn. Lights flickered unexpectedly to life only a few hours after they had ceased burning. I felt strangely lifted by the darkness, given a purpose and an ill intent, a stalker in the night, a secret agent on my way to a clandestine rendezvous. My moment was ruined as the first cold trickles of melted snow invaded the warm cocoon of my utterly inadequate shoes. Cursing loudly enough to justify the cold stare I was given by a passer-by, I shook the snow from my hair and looked desperately around for a taxi. My saviour came in blessedly short time, and through a hole wiped clean on the misted window I watched the city glide by, blurry, distorted. The party was part business, part social. I liked Matt Piezovski, the publisher, and so I was pleased to be invited to his 'little do'. I knew, though, that there would be plenty of opportunities to speak to people I really rather needed to speak to. I'd never been particularly astute when it came to business, but one thing I did understand was the traditional maxim 'it's not what you know, it's who you know'. But mostly I was going there for the enjoyment of the occasion. Madeleine Atkins, that beautiful author with whom I'd shared the tour which kick-started this whole phase of my life would also be attending, and I looked forward to catching up with her and renewing our friendly rivalry. I was impressed the second I passed through the door and into his apartment. My coat was taken by a charming young man, and in its place appeared a glass of champagne. Not at all what I expected from a Christmas party, and another reason to love this city. Matt was on dazzling form, breaking off from a conversation to immediately dance his way through the already crowded room and greet me with a bear-hug, his favourite way to say 'hello' since we'd started doing business. I was immediately dragged through the crowd to talk to someone - I don't remember who - and then the whirlwind evening began. I had fun, actually. In fact I enjoyed myself immensely, and somehow skated that fine line between sobriety and inebriation. The people there were fantastic, and I made several contacts I maintain to this day. As two in the morning rolled round, I found myself wondering where the time had possibly gone. I slumped heavily into a beautifully designed but thoroughly uncomfortable chair and stared at a wall of photos. I was, if truth be told, a little drunker than I wanted to be just at that very moment, and needed a pause to compose myself. I was getting loud, and it wouldn't do to be louder than Matt. And besides, someone had asked about the inspiration for my short stories, and I was a hair's breadth from telling them the truth before my survival instincts kicked in and diverted my mouth elsewhere. But it was too close a call. Memories of the time had flooded my head, clouding my emotions. It hurt to think of what I had surrendered at the end of summer, the recall what I had walked away from. Suddenly I was jolted to attention, the feelings of insobriety washed from me in an instant. There he was. There was Jay. My god, he was everywhere! Not in all of the photos, but enough of them to thoroughly freak me out. What on Earth was he doing in all those photos on Matt's wall? And there, I realised, was Martha, too. Martha and Jay, smiling and laughing. And David, and Bobby. I sat dumbfounded, and barely noticed Matt's arrival on the other chair. "Great party, huh?" he asked, thumping me on the shoulder. "Sorry?" I asked, turning to him. "You OK, buddy?" "Yeah, sorry Matt, just zoned out there for a moment." "Zoned out, huh?" His gaze travelled to the wall of pictures, and I felt my stomach lurch with guilty fear. "Oh, I see..." he said, voice full - I thought - of accusation. Oh God, what have I done? "Must be hard for you," he went on, "being stuck out here without any family at this time of year." I nodded, thankful that he seemed to have misinterpreted my interest in the pictures. "Look, Jack, I like you, buddy. I think you're one of the good guys. Why don't you come spend the holidays with me and my family, yeah? That," he said, pointing to a portrait of Martha, "is my big sister, Martha, and that's her husband David, and their boy Jay. She has a great little place down in Florida where we go this time every year. Why don't you come with us and see them, huh? Get a bit of family time?" I nodded dumbly, and fell off the chair. Zack Mack ( :: :: @zackmcnaught)