Date: Sun, 08 Apr 2007 13:16:32 -0400 From: Miguel Sanchez Subject: Julio, The Growing Years Chapter 41 Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and that of love. Any resemblance to actual places, events, or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story may contain erotic and/or sexually explicit behavior between consenting teens. If it is illegal for you to, or you find this sort of work offensive, don't download or read it! The people in this story do not use protection because diseases don't exist here. However, in our world they do so please use caution and protection. This story is protected by copyright. It may not be downloaded or copied for other than your private enjoyment and may not be changed in any way without the expressed written consent of the author. This story may not be put on any other site without the author's express written consent. I reply to all emails, except flames. You may write me at I hope you enjoy this story. Miguel Sanchez Copyright Miguel Sanchez 2006 Julio -- The Growing Years Chapter 41 Paulo and I stopped talking and watched the playtime. Matt was trying to tickle Marco and Marco was playing along. Matt finally succeeded in finding a ticklish spot on him and then Marco turned the tables. It was like old times with the laughter. After a few minutes Marco stopped tickling Matt and the two of them sat together getting their breath back. I took everyone out to dinner then came home and relaxed before going to bed. The next few days were pretty uneventful. I would go in and make my rounds at the hospital and Matt would stay home with his foster family and newly acquired Uncle. "Uncle Paulo, what is Dr. Dad like? I know he's a kid's doctor and all that but does he do that just as a job?" Matt came over and sat beside Paulo. "I think you know better than that amigo. Look at how he treated you. Do you think he was just doing his job or did he care about you too?" Matt thought about the question before he answered. "No, I think he cared about me. I could see him get angry at times when my mother was yelling at me and calling me those bad names." Paulo nodded his head as Matt leaned against the man. "That's right; he does care about you and all children. Miguel is more than a Doctor. He has a Foundation and it helps children in my country. His father started it when Miguel was just a little boy. His Papa built a Children's wing on the hospital there and he just opened a Children's Home for boys and girls who live on the streets." Matt's eyes got big when he heard that. "You mean there are children living on the street where you live?" Paulo wrapped his arms around the little boy. "That's right son and Miguel is working hard to see they have a home where they can live and be safe. All the kids there are fed, given an education, medical care if they need it and most of all, they're loved." Matt saw Miguel in a whole new light after listening to what Paulo had said. "Wow, Dr. Dad is really special then. He's like a super hero." Paulo giggled at how he referred to me. When I arrived home I had quite the welcome. "Dr. Dad, you're home." I had to brace myself because I had an incoming 740Matt. He wrapped his arms and legs around me and gave me the biggest hug and kiss I'd ever had. "To what do I owe this son?" He smiled at me then kissed me again. "I'm just saying hi to the bestest Dr. Dad in the whole wide world." Paulo was smiling at me holding Matt in my arms. Matt kissed me once more then wiggled so I let him down. "Uncle Paulo told me about you Dr. Dad. You're a real super hero." I ruffled his hair then pulled him into a hug. "I'm not a super hero son, just someone who believes every child deserves a chance to be a kid and grow up safe, healthy and loved." Just then Marco came in carrying a large bag. "Come on everyone, lunch is served." Marco bought submarine sandwiches for everyone and we chowed down on the patio. After lunch had settled, Matt talked Marco and Steven into the pool. Paulo, Angel and I sat and watched the 2 older kids romp and play with Matt. Paulo and I were enjoying the festivities when the doorbell rang. I got up and answered it and there was Barbara standing there. "To what do I owe this visit?" She came in and I could tell something was on her mind. "Is there some place we can sit and talk?" I nodded and led her towards the kitchen. Paulo was standing there so I made the introductions. "Paulo, this is my friend Barbara Miller. She's with the Department of Social Services. Barbara, this is my very good friend Paulo Cortez. He's an attorney in Receife, Brazil. He's also Marco's Dad." She reached out and shook his hand. "Maybe Paulo can hear this to Miguel, if you don't mind." I could tell this was really serious. "Sure come in here and sit down." Paulo and Barbara sat down while I poured us some coffee. "Miguel, the DA filed charges against Matt's mother. A grand jury indicted her on charges of Child Endangerment and Neglect and Child Abuse." "That's what the ADA told me they would push for," I replied sipping my coffee. "He said he could stack the charges against her but felt they had the best chance of convicting her if they went for those." Barbara nodded her head. "I know I've spoken with the ADA handling the case. Now, here's the next big shocker. This morning when I came in, my boss said she wants to keep Matt fostered here locally." Paulo interrupted at that point. "I take it he has family else where?" She nodded her head again. "Yes, Matt has family in New York. That at first didn't bother me. Before I came over, I received a phone call from Matt's Aunt. She informed me that they would be unable to care for him. I questioned her as to why and I was informed that Matt had problems they felt they couldn't address." Paulo was slowly coming unglued. "Problems they couldn't address?" I patted Paulo on the arm. "Mr. Cortez, I detected an air of sarcasm in her voice. I don't know if Matt's mother called her or what but it seems we have a problem here. My boss will object to Matt being adopted but that is the only recourse for him. I don't want to see him bounced around from foster home to foster home until he's 18." Now I was getting mad at these latest developments. "You think a judge won't terminate her parental rights?" Barbara shook her head. "I don't know. It's going to be a tough call what with my boss wanting to reunite the family." Paulo set his cup on the table firmly. "Doesn't anyone ever consider the rights and feeling of the child?" Barbara nodded her head. "When the child is old enough to express those feelings." "Old enough," Paulo said strongly. "You mean to tell me that Matt's feelings will not be taken into account here?" "They might," Barbara replied. "But I know the judges and they and Social Services seem to know what's best." "We'll see about that," Paulo said with fire in his eyes. "Miguel, do you know a local attorney? I know I can't represent him because I'm not licensed here but I have another idea I would like to bounce off of him." When Paulo got a bee in his bonnet there was no standing in his way. He always stood for the child and what their needs and wants were. "What are you thinking my friend?" Paulo poured another cup of coffee then rejoined us at the table. "Well, if the child can't be heard, then he needs a guardian who can be." Barbara looked up when Paulo said that. "You can be Matt's Guardian ad Litum Paulo and the court would listen to you. Most children don't have them and that's a shame." Paulo was all smiles at that point. "Listen Barbara, if your boss is out to keep Matt in the system, don't say a word about this. When is his mother's preliminary hearing?" She pulled out her briefcase and got her calendar. "Tomorrow morning at 9, she's being arraigned in Circuit Court." Paulo gulped his coffee down. "I better get to work then. I'm going to prepare a petition as his Guardian to request her parental rights be terminated." Barbara smiled then shook her head. "Prepare the petition but I'd talk with the ADA first. I'll be there about 8:30 and we can talk with him together." I was watching Paulo at his best. "Paulo, I think we should sit down and have a talk with Matt too. Barbara, I can't adopt Matt. I have too many things going on now that require my attention. Angel would stay here and mother Matt silly and he'd love it but I wouldn't feel right about it. My boys always came first when they were younger and Matt wouldn't get anything less." Paulo's eyes lit up and I could tell something was going through his mind. "I have an idea; Barbara, what about you and your husband adopting him?" That was something I hadn't thought of. I could tell Barbara was seriously thinking about the idea. "I'd love to but I'd have to talk with Casey first." She got up and made a phone call and talked with her husband for about 15 minutes. She was smiling and crying at the same time. "Casey loved the idea then we had a 3 way call with the boys. Matt and Joey are ecstatic about having Matt for a little brother." "I guess it's time to have a talk with Matt about this," I said somewhat interrupting Paulo. "We're assuming he's going to go for this." "Go for what Dr. Dad," a voice then asked. I held my arms out to him and he came and sat on my lap. "Well son, there is a little problem that came up but" "My Aunt and Uncle don't want me do they?" I put my finger on his lips. "Please let me finish son. Now, to answer your question, no but I think your Mom had something to do with that." Matt's eyes started to water when I said that. "But Dr. Dad, you said I can't stay here for ever." I shook my head and kissed him on the cheek as I held him. "That's true but I'm letting not you leave here until we've worked something out that you'll like and I think we've done that." "Oh," Matt asked as his eyes lit up. I put my finger across his lips again and this time he kissed it. "Yes son, we have. It's complicated and I know you won't understand all the legal ins and outs so I'll just cut to the chase. Barbara and her husband Casey would like to adopt you, provided that is what you want." "Huh Barbara?" Matt sputtered. "I'll have Matt and Joey for big brothers?" Barbara came around and kissed him on the cheek. "That's right Matt. Casey and I would love to adopt you. The boys are already getting a room fixed up for you." The tears finally started falling. "Oh man, I can't believe this. Will I still be able to see you Dr. Dad?" I wiped the tears off his face as he wrapped his arms around me. "You better believe it son and yes, you can still call me Dr. Dad." The next day, Paulo, Matt and I were at the courthouse. Barbara was standing there with the ADA as we entered the building. She motioned us over and I introduced Paulo as Matt's Guardian ad Litum. "My boss is planning on being here. I don't know what she's got up her sleeve." The ADA giggled. "I don't care because I'm moving to have her parental rights terminated. I have more than enough evidence to convict her." At 9, we all went into the courtroom. The Bailiff called the court to order and the presiding judge came in. We listened as person after person was arraigned, Matt was getting restless then we heard Ms. Davis' name called. The ADA stood and went over to his table then I saw another man walk over to the defendant's table. Ms. Davis was led in by a female deputy then the judge spoke. "Ms. Davis you're charged with two felonies, Child Neglect and Endangerment and Child Abuse. How do you plead?" She looked over at the man beside her. "Not guilty, Your Honor." The Judge looked at the ADA. "Bail recommendations Mr. Prosecutor?" He ADA pulled a file out of his briefcase. "Your Honor, these are very serious charges. The state has ample evidence to convict her. I'll agree to release her on substantial bail but there is the matter of her son who is in foster care." Just then a female's voice interrupted. "Joyce Davenport, Director of Social Services asking to be heard." The judge glared at her. "Why is Social Services here?" "We're providing services for the minor child," Ms. Davenport replied. "I want to see the family reunited. The boy needs his mother." "It's the mother who caused the child's illnesses Your Honor," the ADA said interrupting Ms. Davenport. "We're moving to terminate Ms. Davis' parental rights." "Social Services is seeking to move the child into a permanent foster home," Ms. Davenport countered. Paulo couldn't sit quiet any longer. "Paulo Cortez, Matthew Davis' Guardian ad Litum." The ADA motioned for Paulo to come over. Ms. Davenport tried to quickly counter. "We're moving to remove the minor child from his current foster parent." The ADA quickly replied, "On what grounds?" "He's a single male," Davenport replied. "That's contrary to good care for the child." "Excuse me?" The Judge snapped. "Good care for the child? Are you aware of the number of single parent homes in this city? You better have a better reason than that." "He's a single male with all males in the house," she shot back. "On the contrary," Paulo said. "There are 3 grown males yes, but one of them is married. Two of his sons are in college and one just graduated from Johnson and Wales. Is she challenging Dr. Sanchez's fitness?" Davenport got quiet. "Social Services still wishes the family to be reunited." "I've heard enough," the Judge said banging his gavel. "Mr. Cortez, what is your stance here?" "We're requesting Matt be deemed a ward of the state so he can be adopted. There is a family willing to adopt him and Matthew wishes this as well." The judge thought for a moment. "Who is this family that wishes to adopt the boy?" Paulo turned at looked at Barbara. "Curtis and Barbara Miller. She is the Assistant Director at Social Services." "Social Services objects to this," Davenport interrupted. "On what grounds," the Judge asked. "I was never informed of this," she snapped. Barbara stood and looked at her boss. "That's because you've put kids back with parents time after time knowing full well they were unfit. 10 of the children were later removed because the parents were caught abusing them. The other 2 fled the jurisdiction." The Judge's eyes got wide. "Is this true Ms. Davenport?" Suddenly she got very smug. "It's our job to reunite families. They met our requirements." "Our requirements," Barbara shouted. "Everyone was still under court supervision. 3 didn't even have an address we could verify. Since when are those our requirements?" "That's not my problem," she spat. "The families were put back together." "At what cost?" Paulo interjected. The Judge banged his gavel. "Ms. Davenport, I'm ordering the District Attorney's office to do a complete investigation into your office. I'm relieving you of your duties pending the out come of the investigation. Mr. Cortez, I can't allow Mrs. Miller to adopt Matthew yet because legally, his mother hasn't been convicted of a crime. I will however transfer custody from Dr. Sanchez to Mr. and Mrs. Miller pending disposition of her legal problems. Bail is set in the amount of $100,000. Court is adjourned." I walked over to Barbara. "Looks like you're going to have your hands full." Matt looked between his new Mom and me. "Dr. Dad, when will I go to my new home?" It dawned on me that Marco had his oath tomorrow. "How'd you like to go there tomorrow? Marco becomes a citizen and I know he'd really like you there. Afterwards, we're all going out to dinner. Barbara, I'd like you and Curtis and the boys there too. Then you can go home with your new family." I could see Matt smiling but he was also sad. He went over and hugged Barbara then took my hand. We left the courtroom and Barbara returned to the office. Paulo, Matt and I drove home and Matt was unusually quiet. Paulo reached into the back seat and rubbed his knee. "What's wrong kiddo?" I was looking at him through the rear view mirror. He shook his head but his eyes were giving him away. "I dunno Uncle Paulo. I want to be with my new family but I don't wanna leave Dr. Dad. He's the first man in my life that really cares about me." We pulled into the driveway. "You're just like any of my children Matt. I love you very much but you'll have another Dad and he'll love you too." We got out of the Blazer and Matt jumped into my arms. "I know Dr. Dad, but you're the first." I kissed him on the forehead then carried him inside the house. "That's true son and I'll always be here for you. You'll still be one of my boys and you can visit anytime." I was about to set him down when he asked, "Can I even spend the night?" I nodded my head. "As long as it's alright with your parents, you sure can." That night was a little solemn. Matt was both happy and sad and he was torn between both emotions. After dinner, we relaxed and watched TV. Matt was going between each person so he could spend time with each of them. The last hour was reserved for me. About 30 minutes before bedtime, I sent him to get his shower. I was expecting a call from him but it never came. He came back out in his undies and took his place on my lap. "Can you put me to bed Dr. Dad?" I stood up and he locked his legs around my waist then I carried him to his room after he gave everyone s kiss goodnight. The next morning we were all up early. Angel and I fixed breakfast then when everyone was well fed, I helped Matt pack his clothes. "Dr. Dad, I'm really going to miss you. I can't believe life can be this good." "Matt, every child deserves the chance to grow up safe and happy. Not everyone has what I have here and I've been lucky that I could have a nice home. But material things aren't what's important, love is." Matt came over and wrapped his arms around me. "Dr. Dad, you sure have a lot of that here." We carried Matt's things out to the Blazer then drove to the Federal Building. Marco stood with the others and took their oath of allegiance then said the Pledge of Allegiance to the flag. Marco's attorney talked with him briefly after the ceremony then ran into Paulo's arms. "Daddy, I hope you're not mad that I became an American Citizen." Paulo wiped his eyes and cleared his throat. "No son I'm not. I know there are more opportunities here in the United States and the education here is far better than in Brazil." Everyone was hugging Marco. Marco looked at Matt standing in the background. "Come here little brother." Matt ran over and jumped into Marco's arms. "What are you going to be Marco?" Marco was about to speak when a woman walked past mumbling. Marco set Matt down. "Would you care to say that again lady?" The lady turned and walked over towards Marco. "Why are you holding that little boy? Are you some sicko?" Marco was about to answer when Matt stood in front of her. "Why don't you just mind you own business? I wanted MY brother to hold me so go and shut your mouth." "You ought to mind your mouth young man," the biddy shot back. I went to step in but Angel beat me to it. "Lady, and I use that term loosely, you should just move on. It's a shame you don't have children so you would know what it's all about. I'm truly sorry your life is so miserable." The woman turned and stormed off. I was proud of Angel for defusing situation. I was astounded at how fast he jumped and called Marco his brother and defended him. I took everyone out for nice lunch then relaxed for the afternoon. Matt wanted to spend time in the pool one last time so he got Marco and Steven so play with him. About 5 we were ready to head to the restaurant for dinner. Matt held my hand and seemed to walk slowly from the car to the restaurant. "What's wrong son?" He tried to smile. "Just a little nervous, I've never met Mom's husband." He was right. Matt had met Joey and Matt but Curtis wasn't there that evening. "I've met him son and I think you'll really like him." We were about to walk in when Joey opened the door. "Hey bro, how are you?" Matt seemed to relax right away. The waitress took us to our table and we got seated. Matt and Joey were introducing him to Curtis as Barbara was talking with Paulo, Marco and the others. I watch quietly as Matt and Curtis talked. Matt was reserved at first then he leaned in and melted into Curtis' arms. I had to wipe the tears from my eyes as the two began to bond. Matt came over then gave me a hug. "Dr. Dad, he's a special person. Now I have two Dads and that makes me feel so good." Dinner was a happy occasion and Matt was the center of attention with his new family. After we were all stuffed, Matt and Marco still had room for desert. Once that was finished, it was time to leave. Matt came up and held his arms out to me. I leaned down and picked him up as he rested his head on my shoulder. "Dr. Dad, I'm gonna miss you but I'm not scared of leaving like I thought I would be." I was getting sad now. "I'm glad cause there's no reason to be scared." I set him back onto his feet then we headed to the parking lot. Matt went around and gave everyone hugs and kisses. After that was done, Matt and his family started heading to their car then he suddenly stopped and ran back towards me. I knelt down and he ran into my arms. "I'll call you Dr. Dad." "I gave your Mom my card with my private home number so you better," I told him as I playfully swatted his bottom. He gave me a boyish squeal as he ran back to Barbara and Curtis. I watched as they left the restaurant with Matt, starting his new life. To be continued The Fantastic family of groups for all your gay story needs older stories from the management team for all your fantastic picture needs for your pics of fantastic scallies our Google backup group in case yahoo strikes And not forgetting the three great groups operated by three members of the management but not strictly part of the fantastic family First we have our yummy man Bill littleleroys groups where you can get great pictures of all your yums. Secondly we have two fellow nifty authors' sites which cater for different audiences. First there is Marky's picture group this group only allows pics of sexy lads in either water or around water And his newest group for all other hot lads And lastly we have Haggis's story group So pop along and join one of these great groups soon. Miguel Sanchez Groups co-owner fantastic groups