Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2007 09:54:10 -0400 From: Miguel Sanchez Subject: Julio, The Growing Years, Ch. 51 Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and that of love. Any resemblance to actual places, events, or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story may contain erotic and/or sexually explicit behavior between consenting teens. If it is illegal for you to, or you find this sort of work offensive, don't download or read it! The people in this story do not use protection because diseases don't exist here. However, in our world they do so please use caution and protection. This story is protected by copyright. It may not be downloaded or copied for other than your private enjoyment and may not be changed in any way without the expressed written consent of the author. This story may not be put on any other site without the author's express written consent. I reply to all emails, except flames. You may write me at I hope you enjoy this story. Miguel Sanchez Copyright Miguel Sanchez 2006 Julio --The Growing Years Chapter 51 We returned to the common room and only the girls were there. "Where are the others?" Just then I heard 10 boys whooping it up coming towards the common room. The boys came into the room and I could tell the twins were a little in awe. Chico came over to Paul and patted him on the back. "So how do you like our home?" I saw him wince. "It's really nice. Do you have a pool here too?" Phil looked down. "Paul, you know we can't swim." Mikey came over and lifted Phil's chin. "That's ok guys. I couldn't either when I first got here. But Sammy and Papa helped me learn and I bet they'll help you guys too." I looked at Guillermo. "Did you get the boys settled into their room?" "Yes I did Miguel. I was about to take them to the closet when they wanted to find you." I nodded my head then knelt down to the girls. "I guess the next order of business is to show you young ladies to your room. If you'll follow me, we'll get you settled. Juanita, you and Nicky can go with the boys and pick out some clothes you'll like. What we don't have in stock, we can get or take you shopping. I do think Jackie or Casey might need to help with a few special items." Chico chimed in on that note. "Yeah, they need boobie holders." All the boys laughed at that until Andrea spoke. "Oh, and I suppose you'd like it if we went without them?" Mikey and the little ones made faces. "Eeeewww no way." Jackie and I took the little ones down to their new room. When they looked in the bathroom and saw the tub they gasped. "Oh wow, our own bathtub. Do we have to share this with the boys?" I shook my head. "No girls, this is your room. This wing of the home is for the girls. The other wing is for the boys. Once the second floor is finished and the new dining room is complete, those wings will be off limits to the others." The twins looked up at me and started to cry. "Miguel, we're still hungry." It was just 5:30 and dinner wouldn't be ready for at least another 90 minutes. I knelt down and held my arms out and I had 3 little girls in my arms. "Shh now, no need to cry. None of my kids will go hungry. Let's see what Hanna has for a snack. Do you like fruit?" I picked the twins up and Jackie had Patty then we went over to the kitchen. As soon as I went inside, the kids could smell all the aromas. Hanna looked up and smiled at the new arrivals. "Well, well children, how do you like it here so far?" "Fine," the three girls said in unison. "Hanna, our guests are still hungry. Is there any fruit we can set out for a snack?" Hanna got a big metal bowl and filled it with apples, oranges, pears and bananas. The girls each took a banana then Hanna brought it out to the common room. When they finished their snack Jackie took them to the closet and got them some new clothes. I saw David and Guillermo in his office so I decided to join them. David looked at me and shook his head. "Miguel, I can't believe the things I head them say about their old home." "I can't either but apparently it's true. The girls were still hungry after the lunch they had. Nicky tells me they routinely were used as sex toys. I saw Paul wince in pain when Chico touched his back. After dinner tonight, we're going to give all the children exams. Guillermo, do you have film for your camera? I'm going to want photos to document any signs of abuse I see then I'm going to have a long talk with Judge Romero. I'm not about to let the people responsible for this get away with it." I was about to go across to my office when Angel and Billy came running up. They were both trying to talk at the same time. I held my hands up then they got quiet. "One at a time please." Billy went first. "Papa, Jeff's sick. He's throwing up and I see something on the back of his pants." Angel quickly went next. "Nicky says her abdomen is really hurting her." Great, who to handle first. "David, you go and check on Jeff. He might have some remnants of the flight still in his system. Then take a look at his rectum and I'll go and see what's going on with Nicky." I followed Angel down the girl's wing. Juanita was sitting on the side of the bed and Nicky was curled up tight into a ball. "Come on sweetie, roll on to your back for me." Angel and Juanita helped her roll onto her back then I tried to feel her abdomen. Something wasn't right here. "God Miguel this hurts." "Nicky, what happened? This can't be from something that happened a while ago. Angel, go tell Guillermo to call the hospital and get 2 ambulances over here. Juanita held onto Nicky's hand. "Baby, what happened? Did that jerk manage to rape you before the Sheriff arrived?" I grabbed the spread from the other bed and covered Nicky. "Sweetie, help me get her shorts and panties off." We wiggled her tight shorts and undies down and off her legs. Angel came back in then helped me roll her onto her side. "The ambulances are on their way Daddy." I gently lifted her butt cheek and I was shocked at what I saw. There was dried blood on her skin and around her rectum and I could see it was still dilated. Just then I heard Juanita gasp. "Shit baby, he did, didn't he?" "Angel, help Nita get a pair of stretch shorts or something on. I have to go check on Jeff." I ran out of the girl's wing and down to the boy's. Mikey was heading towards me. "He's in here Papa Miguel." Jeff was now on the bed but I could tell he was in a lot of pain. "What is it David?" He just shook his head and led me out of the room. "He's been penetrated but I'm not sure by what." I couldn't believe was I was seeing and being told. Carlos said the report he'd gotten was the kids hadn't been hurt but what I'm seeing here tells me otherwise. I was mad and I was going to get answers and I didn't care how I had to do it. My thoughts were interrupted by the sounds of sirens. I walked down the hall to the front door and I saw Danny leading the ambulances. Steven ran up as the units backed up to the door. "Take them to room 6 while I get the other's down to the girl's wing." The medics came in and Steven took 1 crew down the boy's hall while I had the other follow me. We hurried down the hall and I tuned into the room. I hurried over to Nicky and quickly assessed her. The medics brought the stretcher in and we quickly got her on it. Down in the boy's room, David was helping the medics load Jeff onto the stretcher. They got him covered and strapped down then headed back to the door. David and his medics came out of the boy's wing as my crew was reaching the front door. "Before you take off, I want IVs started in both patients. Guillermo, try and keep the others calm." Angel came up with Juanita. "Daddy, can she go?" I had to shake my head no. I went over and put my arms around her and held her. "Sweetie, I'm pretty sure she's going to need surgery. She'll be going into the ER and then to the operating room. As soon as I know something, I promise I'll call here and let everyone know. Angel, you and Steven help here with Guillermo and the others. These new kids I know are scared out of their mind." Steven came up and hugged me. "I've been through this before Dad with Jay and Ronnie. I remember being scared so I'll help them Dad. You just get them better." I gave Angel a hug then went to the ambulance with Nicky. "Let's go guys, lights and siren. I need to speak to the hospital too." The paramedic got the hospital on the radio then handed me the hand set. I told them who I was and what I needed when we arrived. I found out that Dr. Perez was on duty and I requested that he be one of the doctors waiting for us. As soon as we arrived, Jeff was wheeled into one exam room and Nicky was taken into another. I had Dr. Perez go with Nicky and I went with Jeff. The doctor that came in recognized me right away. "Hi Dr. Sanchez, I'm Dr. Castanza. I give 2 days a week at your clinic. What have we here?" I filled him is as best I could based on what I knew. I couldn't stand to see Jeff in pain any longer. "Dr. Castanza, let's give Jeff 4mg of Morphine and 25 of Phenergan." He got the pain medication on board then started examining Jeff. I learned his rectum had been torn from being sodomized but Dr. Castanza needed a CT scan to see the extent of the internal damage. He swabbed Jeff's rectum to check for signs of semen. While we were waiting on Jeff's CT, I went over to see how Nicky was. Dr. Perez was making some notes then I got there. "Miguel, she been both vaginally and anally raped and I've swabbed for sperm. She's in CT right now and as soon as she's done there, I'll be taking her to surgery." I went over the Physician's Lounge and called the home. I told Guillermo what I knew so far then spoke briefly with Juanita. I told her I would call back when Nicky was out of surgery. "Sweetie, I know you're scared right now but she's in excellent hands. Dr. Perez operated on another child at the home and he did just fine. Try and relax as best you can." I spoke briefly with Steven and Angel learning that all the kids are in very solemn moods. The kids have formed little groups and are pretty much staying to themselves. After hanging up, I broke down and cried. I was so angry I could barely think. I looked at my watch and it was almost 9. I had Carlos' home number so I decided to give him a call. As the number was ringing, I knew I would have to keep my cool because I didn't know what he'd do if I came on blasting him like a lunatic. After about 5 rings a voice came on the phone. "Hello." "Carlos my friend, how are things going?" "Ahh Miguel," he replied. "I was meaning to call you. How are the kids settling in?" At that question I really lost it. "How are the kids? Carlos, I thought you told me none of them had been injured. Nicky and Jeff are on their way into surgery now just what in the hell is going on?" Suddenly the line went silent. I didn't know if he was in on this or was shocked to hear about Nicky and Jeff. "Miguel, I can assure you I had no idea what happened to them. I told you everything the Sheriff told me but I can assure you, I will get to the bottom of this." I was still fuming. "That's good Carlos because I'm going to come there and one way or another I will get some answers." We talked for another few minutes as I managed to get my temper under control. After hanging up, I sat there lost in thought until a voice called my name. "Dr. Sanchez?" I looked up and there was Dr. Castanza standing there. "Yes Doctor, what is it?" "I have Jeff's CT scan here, would you like to look at it with me?" Dr. Castanza put the films up on the reader and I was shocked at what I saw. His rectum had what appeared to be a 1 inch tear in it. "I think you should start him on some antibiotics before you bring him to surgery. You might need to type and cross match him for a couple units of blood too." He nodded his head. "I've already done that. Would you like to assist me in surgery?" I was still angry at the revelations that had taken place. "I don't know how good I'd be. I'm having a hard time keeping my emotions under control." Dr. Castanza had to wait on an OR so I grabbed myself a cup of coffee. After drinking it I felt I could assist him so I went and changed into a set of scrubs. I had just finished changing when Bill came in. "I just finished operating on Nicky. She'll recover but who ever raped her really did a number on her." That was news I didn't need to hear right then. I'd just got my emotions under control and now I was livid again. "How bad was it Bill?" He shook his head as he got out of his scrubs. "I had to do a total hysterectomy on her. It appears that what ever this animal used ripped her uterus to shreds. I'd seen signs that someone cauterized the area but that's all they did. Her anus was in better condition. There was a small tear in her rectum and I've repaired that. She'll be on soft foods for a few days then she should be fine." I sat down and took some deep breaths. I was about to say something when Dr. Castanza hurried past. "You coming Miguel?" I quickly gathered my thoughts then joined him in the scrub room. We scrubbed up then went in to the operating room. I went over to Jeff and he had a glazed look in his eyes from the Pre-Op medication they'd given him. "Can you hear me son?" It took him a few seconds to focus on me then smiled. "Hi Papa, I feel weird." I smiled at him. "That's the medication they gave you. You'll be going to sleep in a minute. I just wanted to see you before you did." "Are you gonna operate on me?" I nodded my head. "Yes I am son. I'm going to assist Dr. Castanza." Just then he got a wicked look on his face. "Do you think you can make it a little bigger?" I lifted up the sheet and giggled. "I think it's just fine the way it is hot shot." "You're no fun Papa." I pulled my mask down and kissed him on his forehead. "You're going to sleep now son. You'll be sore when you wake up but I'll have medication ordered so you'll be comfortable. Sleep tight son." I nodded my head and I watched as Jeff drifted off to sleep. We got him positioned then started to work. It took 3 hours to completely repair the damage this jerk did to him. I went back and scrubbed again then changed out of my scrubs. It was now almost midnight but I knew if I didn't call, there would be hell to pay when I got back. I called the home and Steven answered the phone. "Hi Dad, how are they?" I filled him in and had to calm him down as he started crying. He told me Juanita fell asleep after Angel had her lie down with her. "I have to check on Nicky and Jeff then I'll be back." "OK Dad," Steven said through a yawn. "You might have to move Mikey out of the way." As tried as I was, I'd just curl up then fall right to sleep. "That's fine son. You should get some sleep yourself." I could hear Steven yawn again. "I am Dad. I'm going as soon as we hang up." "Sleep well son. I'll see you later today." We hung up then I went to see Nicky. When I went into the recovery room, I could hear her moaning. I went up to her and took her hand. "How you feeling sweetie?" I saw tears start for roll down her cheeks so I got some tissues and wiped them. "Oh Papa, I hurt." I leaned down and kissed her forehead. "Hang on love, I'll be right back." I went to the nurse's station and pulled her chart. "Can I help you Doctor?" I was reading her chart and I hadn't seen her given anything. Bill had ordered pain medication and antibiotics. "Why hasn't this patient been given her medication?" She snatched the chart out of my hand then I saw her scribble something in it. "She's been medicated." The antibiotics were IV and a small bag would have been hanging on her IV pole but there wasn't. "Where are the antibiotics Dr. Perez ordered?" She slammed the chart down on the counter. "I told you doctor, she's received them." Just then someone came in and set a pharmacy order on the counter. "Here are the meds for bed 4." I looked at the paperwork and I got livid. "What does this say nurse?" She looked at it and wrote another name on it. "That's supposed to be for Bed 7 Doctor. I told you, the baby in 4 has been medicated." Another nurse came up to the station. "Did you get the meds for Nicky Franklin?" The nurse went to leave but I stopped her. "Excuse me, has Nicky been medicated yet?" "I'm sorry sir, I don't believe I know you?" the young nurse said. I looked at my jacket and realized my ID wasn't hanging. I reached into my pocket and put it on. "I'm sorry nurse, I'm Dr. Sanchez." The nurse saw medication on the counter and looked at it. She saw the changes then went behind the station to get a chart. She carefully looked it over then looked at the medication again. "Excuse me Miss Franklin but this medication here can't be for Bed 7." She glared at the young nurse. "Go hang that on Bed 7 now." "Are you kidding?" she said holding the medication in her hand. The charge nurse went to grab the medication when I reached in and grabbed her wrist. "Miss Franklin, let me see the chart on Bed 7 now." "Are you doubting my word Dr. Sanchez?" Miss Franklin snapped. "I'm slowly losing my patience Miss Franklin," I said though my teeth. "I said get me the chart on Bed 7 NOW!" She just stood there. I looked at the young nurse and she quickly got it for me. I saw Bill was the attending and the other thing that jumped out at me was Bed 7 was a 9 month old baby. I went to the phone and called security. They quickly arrived then I looked at the charge nurse. "Miss Franklin, as a member of the Board of Directors I'm hereby terminating you. I'm also filing charges against you for attempting to kill the baby in Bed 7. Security, take charge of this woman and call the Sheriff's office." I looked at the medication on the counter and checked with what Bill had ordered. I looked at the young nurse standing there then smiled. "You did the right thing checking the chart, nurse. Who else is on duty here?" I could see her thinking. "I think Mr. Garland is the next senior nurse on duty Dr. Sanchez." "Have him come see me please. I have to give Nicky her medication." I went to her bed and hung her antibiotics then gave her the morphine. She looked up at me and smiled as the narcotic started to take effect. "Thanks Papa." I leaned down and kissed her forehead as she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep. I was about to find Jeff when a young male nurse came up to me. "Did you ask to see me Dr. Sanchez?" I went back to the nurse's station to find what bed Jeff was in. "I understand you're the next senior nurse on duty?" He shrugged his shoulders. "I don't know Doctor. Why are you asking?" Just then security led Miss Franklin past and she was running off that the mouth. "Garland you fag, you're a disgrace! That bitch patient of yours Doc doesn't deserve shit, she should suffer!" He shook his head. "The rambling's of a crazy woman." I looked at his ID and it read Mike Garland. "Mike, I don't care if you're straight, gay, bi or what ever. As long as you care about the patients here, what ever you do in your bedroom is your business." Mike took my hand and shook it. "Dr. Sanchez, I don't bring my sexual practices to work but she over heard me talking with my boyfriend and she's been a real bitch to me ever since. I didn't know who to talk to about it. Are you really on the board?" I found Jeff's chart and saw he was in bed 10. "That I am Michael. My Papa had the children's wing built on the hospital and when he died, I took over running his foundation." We walked down and checked on Jeff. I saw him resting and I gently checked his pulse then he opened his eyes and smiled. "Hi Papa." I smiled back at him. "Hi yourself son, how are you feeling?" "I'm sore," he whispered. Mike looked at me then headed to the nurse's station. "I'll bring him something. I know he's not had his medication." Mike came back with a syringe and his chart then handed them to me. "How much morphine?" "4mg's" Dr. Sanchez. I looked in the chart and confirmed the written order then administered the medication. Jeff looked up at me then his eyes started to close. "Thank you Papa." I went to the nurse's station and wrote my notes. "Mike, I see that they have pretty standard recovery room orders. Once the anesthesia has worn off, they'll be transferred to their room. Dr. Perez and Dr. Castanza are on call but they'll be in soon. I'm going home." I don't know how I managed to make it back to the home but I did. I locked the front door then checked on all the kids. Angel and Juanita were snuggled together, Casey had the three new girls with her and the other girls were in their rooms. I checked the boy's wing and found Jack with Robbie and Joey. Phil and Paul were snuggled with Guillermo in a mass of arms and legs. The other boys were huddled together in their rooms except Mikey and Shane. I went to my room and I found the missing two. I got undressed and wiggled into bed as Shane rolled over against my chest. "Good night Papa." To be continued Please make sure your age, gender and location are on your profile. The Fantastic family of groups for all your gay story needs older stories from the management team for all your fantastic picture needs for your pics of fantastic scallies our Google backup group in case yahoo strikes And not forgetting the three great groups operated by three members of the management but not strictly part of the fantastic family First we have our yummy man Bill littleleroys groups where you can get great pictures of all your yums. Secondly we have two fellow nifty authors' sites which cater for different audiences. First there is Marky's picture group this group only allows pics of sexy lads in either water or around water And his newest group for all other hot lads And lastly we have Haggis's story group Here is another fine group owned by a cool lad who is also a great author So pop along and join one of these great groups soon. Miguel Sanchez Groups co-owner fantastic groups