Date: Fri, 10 Oct 2008 15:08:03 +0000 From: Miguel Sanchez Subject: Julio, The Growing Years, Ch. 72 Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction and that of love. Any resemblance to actual places, events, or persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. This story may contain erotic and/or sexually explicit behavior between consenting teens. If it is illegal for you to, or you find this sort of work offensive, don't download or read it! The people in this story do not use protection because diseases don't exist here. However, in our world they do so please use caution and protection. This story is protected by copyright. It may not be downloaded or copied for other than your private enjoyment and may not be changed in any way without the expressed written consent of the author. This story may not be put on any other site without the author's express written consent. I reply to all emails, except flames. You may write me at I hope you enjoy this story. Miguel Sanchez Copyright Miguel Sanchez 2006 Julio -- The Growing Years Chapter 72 I went and found David and had a talk with him. "What's up Miguel?" "Keep an eye on Andrea. I think she just had a contraction but this is only the first she's mentioned." David and I went back inside and saw Carlos, Brianna and Felix sitting with her talking quietly. The younger ones had taken off outside and were happily playing. I noticed Ronnie and Hanna loading the truck up so I hurried out before they left. I caught up with Ronnie. "What time is the big dinner planned for?" Just then Hanna came up. She looked at Ronnie then thought for a moment. "We'd thought about between 2 and 3. I put some pastries in the refrigerator for the children to snack on around noon or so." "OK, that will work. We can bring some left overs for sandwiches back if they get hungry." Ronnie's eyes got big. "If they get hungry after all they eat, you might have a few with stomach aches Dad." I had to laugh at that. "You seem to forget son just how much you and your brothers put away when you were younger." Hanna was laughing at that. "There will be plenty to send back. There are also a few deserts for the children too." I could see her smile when she said that. "You love cooking for them don't you Hanna?" "You already know that answer to that Miguel. I've never been happier in my life since I've been working for you." She leaned in and gave me a hug. "We'll get the children over there about 1:30 so they can play a little then get cleaned up in time for the feast." Ronnie and Hanna left then I went and found Guillermo. "What's up Miguel?" I brought him into my Dad's little study then took out an envelope. "I know I don't say this near as much as I should but I don't know what I'd do without you." He opened it and shook his head. "I can't Miguel." I put my finger on his lips. "Please you've earned it and you give the kids a sense of well being. I come and go a lot and you're able to keep them on an even keel when I'm gone. I don't think anyone else could ever do that." He wiped his eyes. "I don't know what to say other than you know I'm really happy here. I never thought this place would mean so much to me as it does to the children." I went around and talked to the other staff then found David. "How's Andrea doing?" "She seems to be doing a little better. I think the morning excitement combined with her close due date might have precipitated the contraction. I do think it best if she stays with us until she delivers." I nodded my head. "I have to agree with her staying with us. If an ambulance can't get to her fast enough, someone might be bringing a little boy into the world." We looked into the living room and no one was there. We went out back and found Andrea sitting beside her new parents while Felix was romping with the other children. I went over and sat beside the new family while David got hijacked by the twin girls. Andrea saw me sit then slid over and leaned against me. "Papa, this day has become so wonderful for me. I'm going to miss everyone here so much." I wrapped my arm around her shoulder. "I'm sure you will at first but you'll soon have your hands full." She rubbed her belly. "I know and that's another thing I can't wait for." I then saw her smile change to one of apprehension. "What's wrong, why did your smile just leave?" I could see her try and speak. "I guess I'm a little scared too." I smiled and tried to reassure her. "Delivering a baby can be scary but women have been doing it for a very long time. I'll be there with you as well as your OB and there is medicine available to keep you comfortable." Soon the children began telling us they were hungry so it was time to dig the snacks Hanna had left. Before I took them out, I pulled a plate down and made sure there was some left for the adults. "What are you doing Daddy?" I was startled as I was lost in what I was doing. "Getting snacks out for the kids," I replied as I reached back into the refrigerator. "Can you take this milk outside?" Angel took the jugs while I found some paper cups and napkins. I managed to get everything outside then moved back before I was trampled. I saw Carlos and Brianna giggle as Felix was right in with all the others. After they had their snack, we had a couple hours before we had to leave to go for dinner so a few brave adults called for swim time. The kids all hurried upstairs then changed into their trunks as did those who volunteered to play with them. I had been so busy with everything, I had neglected my guests. I went to look for Danny and Rolando when I heard Chad squeal, "Faster Papa, faster." I looked out towards the play area and there was Danny and Rolando pushing Chad on a whirl-around. I felt a hand on my shoulder and there was Javier. "Sorry for neglecting you my friend." He smiled at me shaking his head. "Not to worry Miguel, you've been both busy and truly happy with the children. Danny filled me in on the case he's working on but right now, he's hit a wall. I just hope who ever it was behind this has moved on and not something we can expect more of." "I hope so too. We sure don't need any more children being abused. I have to say Chad's lucky he managed to get out of the room before God only knows what would have happened." Javier and I got involved in talking when the adults were herding the children towards the house. As soon as I saw who was bringing up the rear, I broke out giggling. "Steven, what's Angel going to think about your girlfriends there?" Jean and Jenny both giggled then Jean playfully slapped at my arm. "Oh Papa, Steven's not out boyfriend." He had a girl on each hip. "Dad, I think you just want grandchildren," He replied smiling as he went inside. Javier had to giggle. "I think your son may have hit the hail on the head." I turned red then smiled. "I can't deny that my friend." Just then David came up with a soggy Mikey. "Papa Miguel, can you help me?" No sooner had Mikey asked when Chad added, "Can't Papa Danny help me?" I had a little dilemma on my hands. I looked at Mikey. "How about you help Danny with Chad?" He took Chad by the hand. "Sure Papa Miguel, come on Danny." Danny just grinned. "Thanks buddy." Javier was laughing after everyone went inside the house. "Have you thought of going into politics?" My mouth flew open and I started shaking my head, "Oh no anything but that. I'm far from a politician." I don't know how long Javier and I bantered back and forth but soon Angel was standing in the door looking at us. "Daddy, you're holding us up." "Huh?" I asked surprised. "We're waiting on you and Judge Romero." Javier and I went inside then I locked the back door. Danny, Rolando and Chad were waiting by the front door as Javier and I came out. Everyone was ready to go so it was now on to the home. The vans pulled in first followed by Danny, Judge Romero; the Rivera's then me in the Blazer. My crew hopped out then Angel went over to help Brianna get Andrea out of their car then inside. The kids piled out of the vans and headed inside. As soon as I stepped inside, I could smell all the food being cooked. The new kitchen and dining area made it impossible not to be tempted to go inside and see what delicious items were being made on any particular day. As soon as our other guests came in, we all went into the common room. The doors leading into the dining room were open and gathered around a big table were all the children, Angel, Steven and Ronnie. Danny came up and put his hand on my shoulder. "What's going on in there?" I turned and looked at him then back to the dining room. "I'm not sure but it might have something to do with Hanna's cookies." As soon as I said that, Danny was off joining the children. A few minutes later, I heard something new. Ronnie was ringing a bell he'd hung outside the kitchen door leading into the dining area. Everyone got quiet. "Alright kids, please line up by the trays and we'll begin serving you." Just then a German accented voice was heard. "Children, there is plenty of food for everyone. You know Hanna's rule, take what you want but you must eat it all. Before we begin, I have one thing to say. Herr Sanchez, thank you for all you have done here. The new kitchen made preparing this so much easier. I think you should get the first plate of food today." Just then all the children let out a cheer. "Yeah, come on Papa Miguel get over here." I had to wipe my eyes as they were a little wet. I walked up and took a tray and put a plate on it with my utensils then made my way down the line. The turkeys, ham, sweet potatoes and other items all looked scrumptious. Down at the end of the line was about 4 loaves of what appeared to be home made bread. Hanna was down there putting 2 slices on my tray as I looked at her. "Is this homemade Hanna?" She nodded her head. "Yes it is Miguel. It's homemade like I did in the old country." I reached down and took a small pinch and tasted it. "Oh my Hanna, you're going to spoil us. I want you and your fine staff to come out here and join us. After all, you all are a part of this family too." She let out with that German laugh of hers. "Nonsense Miguel, one of my cooks does nothing but our baking. She helped your son with the deserts. Now go and sit down and enjoy your meal before it gets cold." Ronnie was standing motioning me to come over and I sat in the middle of a long table. Soon the others came and sat down once they had prepared their plates. Joey and Nicky were that last two in line then they set their plates on the table. They then moved behind their respective loves. Nicky leaned down and kissed Nita on the cheek then looked at me. "Miguel, just saying thank you for all that you have done for us just doesn't seem fitting. When I and some of the others came here, we all thought this was going to be just another hell hole even though Christina and a couple other girls and even a few of the boys tried to tell us differently. Later that day Jack and I got sick and we were rushed to the hospital where you saved our lives. Once back here, I was still finding it hard to believe this was all too good to be true. I guess what really clinched it and made me see was when Jack and I had our first meal here. It wasn't like before where we had to fight for the lousy stuff they put out but good food. We really do appreciate all you do for us." Jack then leaned down and kissed Jeff. "There is one more thing Miguel. You are truly a Papa to us. You let us be who we are not what you want us to be. I don't think at that other place Jeff and I could be together like we are here. I know we don't say it enough but we love you and we do really thank you for taking care of us. Oh before I forget and I don't mean to ever forget him but Guillermo, thank you too." I was deeply moved by what they'd said and I had to wipe the tears from my eyes. Jackie then stood. "Kids, you don't realize this but you all bring a joy into our lives also. You all have become very special to all of us more then you'll ever know." After all the talking was done, it was then time to dig in to Ronnie and Hanna's feast. Two of Hanna's cooks came around with iced tea so we could have something to wash it down. I had managed to devour everything on my plate then went back for seconds. When I came back to the table, I noticed Carlos and Brianna talking softly to Andrea and she'd barely touched her food which for her, wasn't like her at all. I set my food down then went over to her. "Are you all right sweetheart?" She shook her head. "I dunno Papa Miguel." Just then she got hit with what had to be a huge contraction. "Let's get you down to your room so you can lie down." I helped her to her feet just then we started for the door. David saw us and came over to give us a hand. We walked slowly and as we were about to enter her room she screamed then a gush of liquid started coming out of her shorts. We got her inside as Brianna eased around the fluid. She hurried into the bathroom and got some towels. She pulled the covers down and set the towels down as David and I started to get her shorts and panties off. "Miguel, what are you doing?" Andrea looked over. "Mom, he's helping me." "I understand but I'm your Mom, I can." Andrea then giggled. "Mom, Papa Miguel is also a doctor. He and David here take care of all of us." I looked over my shoulder and poor Brianna was red. "Sorry Miguel, I didn't know. What are you going to do now?" I got Andrea in bed then David went down to the clinic to get me some exam gloves and lube. "Right now, I need to see how much she's dilated." Just then the girls were standing at the door. "Daddy, is she alright?" I looked at my daughter and smiled. "She's fine love, her water just broke." I took the covers and pulled them up over the girl then got a towel to wipe the mess. David came back in then he started to close the door just as Jackie stuck her head in. "Is everything OK Miguel?" "Everything is fine Jackie. I'll be out in a few minutes and let everyone know how Andrea is." David closed the door then handed me the gloves. "Andrea, I'm going to examine you, is that OK?" "OK Miguel, I trust you." David and I got her legs up. "Now this is going to be a little cold and wet." I rubbed a little lube on her then inserted 2 fingers inside and felt her cervix. It only took a second to know what I needed. David took some tissues and cleaned her. "What's the verdict?" I removed my gloves then washed my hands. I sat down and talked with everyone. "Andrea, you're just starting. You're barely dilated so it's going to be a while before you're any where near ready to deliver. How are you feeling?" She smiled at me. "Believe it or not, I'm hungry now." I smiled at her. "I can believe that. I do want you to rest for a while in here but you can have company and I'll get you some more dinner." David and I went out and let the other girls come in and visit. "Do you think you should call her OB?" I thought for a moment. "Yeah, I think that's a good idea. It's been a long time since I've delivered a baby but I could do it if I had to." David took off for the dining room and I headed to my office to call Dr. Miles. No sooner had I sat down when Carlos stuck his head in. "How's Andrea, Miguel?" I motioned him to come in and sit down. "She's fine, her water broke and when I examined her, she hasn't started to dilate so it's now a waiting game. I don't think it's wise, however, to let her go back to my house. It's closer here for an ambulance should she start to go into labor." Carlos was new to this. "How long will it take?" I shook my head. "I haven't a clue my friend. It could be several hours to her not going into labor for a few days. I was just about to call and have a talk with her OB. She's down in her room if you want to go and see her." Carlos left then I placed the call to Dr. Miles. He'd given me his personal home number so it was easy to get in touch with him. "Dr. Miles, this is Dr. Miguel Sanchez." He remembered me and Andrea. "Oh yes Miguel, how's Andrea? I assume that's why you're calling." "Yes it is Dean, her water broke about 30 minutes ago and when I examined her, she's yet to start dilating." "Is she in any discomfort?" He asked. "No she isn't, in fact, she's feeling better since her water broke." "That's a good sign but now it becomes a waiting game." I giggled. "Yeah, I know but all of the children had been over at my house for Christmas and I don't think it wise for her to go back." "That's up to you Miguel. I don't think it would be a problem personally." I had to think that over. "It is closer for an ambulance to come here to the home than out to my place. I'll talk with her and then make a decision on that." "That sounds good Miguel. Call me if she goes into labor tonight." I hung up the phone then went to the dining room. I knew the boys would he wondering what was going on with their sister. As soon was I walked in Mikey and Shane came running up. "What's wrong with Andrea Papa Miguel?" While they were talking in unison, Mikey launched himself at me. I caught him in mid flight then tucked him on my hip then carried him over to where the others were sitting. "OK boys, I know you're all wondering what is going on with Andrea." Joey stood up. "Is she having her baby?" I set Mikey onto his feet then took a mouthful of my tea. "Not yet Joey but her water broke." "Her what broke?" The twins asked. I now had to explain what that was and did so to everyone's understanding. "I don't know if she will be coming back to my house this evening or not. I'll talk with her about it. If she decides to stay here, I'll be staying here as well." José raised his hand. "How long will it take?" "We don't know José," I started answering him. "It varies greatly with each person. It could be another few hours or it might not be until sometime tomorrow or even the day after that." I went and got myself some desert then sat down and tried to enjoy it. ***** Over in another part of town two men were sitting together having a few drinks. One man, dressed in a fine silk suit was fuming. "God damn it you ass, how did you manage to forget the tape you made for me?" The other man, dressed in somewhat tattered clothes, was trying to apologize. "Shit man, I'm sorry. I had to get in and get out fast. You didn't tell me the heat was on." The silk suited man guzzled his scotch. "What the hell did you expect after you wacked that man and woman, a fucking ticker tape parade. Give me a good reason I shouldn't kill your sorry ass and cut my losses?" The other guy started shaking. "Gee boss, you wanted a little kid and I knew he wouldn't just do what we wanted. You know little kids take time to get into things." Silk suit poured himself another drink. "Yeah, I guess you're right on that but now we still have one other problem." "What's that boss?" Silk suit sipped his scotch. "You know what I mean or do I haveta spell it out for ya?" The man sat and thought for a moment. "No boss, I know what you mean. You want me to handle it like I did those other two?" "Hell no, do you want even more heat? I want you to just send a message that my patience is getting thin." The man slugged down the rest of his drink then refilled his glass. "No problem boss, I know just how to handle it." Silk suit drank down the rest of his scotch. "You better because if you disappoint me again, I will cut my losses, permanently." To be continued