Date: Thu, 20 Jan 2005 02:42:26 -0500 From: g d Subject: The Contest The Contest by Parrafan DISCLAIMER This is a made-up story. Only adults (by whatever definition applies in your jurisdiction) may read it. No-one in this story corresponds to a real person, living now or previously. DEDICATION I dedicate this story to Boisterous (boys-stir-us) whose stories have always stirred me. THANKS To Rebel, Ulissnin, Paul, Miguel, Frank, Mr Malaprop, Kent, Danny and Michael, for your supportive comments. You know who you are. * * * "Howdy, friend", the middle-aged barkeep greeted me as I ordered a glass of the house claret. "Hi", I replied non-commitally, picking up my vino for a tentative sip. "First time in Town?", he inquired. As his question was within the bounds of normal conversation between strangers, and not yet close to nudging the red line of my "Nosy-ometer", I replied with a vaguely affirmative grunt and a nod of the head. "You'll find we're a friendly bunch, I'm sure. Salesman?", he continued. "Newspaperman", I replied, because that's what we called ourselves before the word 'journalist' became widespread and devalued. "Oh - City boy, eh?", he smiled as he polished another glass. "Only for work. Otherwise my heart lies in them thar hills since I were a young'un", I countered, trying to match his down home accent, and not quite completely failing. But the attempt brought a thin smile to his lips, which slowly broadened to a warm grin. "I guess you're here to cover the Contest", he stated knowingly, and I saw a look in his eyes that my instincts interpreted as "Hello- Big Story Here". "Well, a Contest would sure explain why there are no rooms left at the hotel tonight, but no, I'm not here on business, my Aunt at the nursing home asked me to come on down and give her some financial advice. Seems I'm the only one she trusts because I'm not in her Will", I added, not knowing why I gave a complete stranger such a piece of personal information. "I hear ya", the bartender returned. "Nothin' guaranteed to tear a family apart faster than a funeral is a Will". "You got that right - especially MY family", I concurred. I was beginning to warm to this man whom I had only known for twenty minutes. "So, what is this Contest you mentioned?". "Oh, I don't know if our small town entertainment would be of any interest to a big city newspaper man such as yourself. It's not really a tale of any great literary or historical merit", he replied. My interest was now definitely aroused, if not piqued. He had mentioned this "Contest" a couple of times, and now he doesn't want to talk about it? Hell, everyone wants to talk to newspapermen, no matter how boring the subject matter. I had to find out more. "So, can you recommend anyone in town who can give me the lowdown on this Contest? The Town drunk, maybe? Or is it a state secret?" I taunted. "No secret, my friend, we're quite open about our annual Contest. It's just that most - if you'll pardon the expression - outsiders - don't appreciate the full quality of our Contest, and what it means to our little Town". The barman turned away from me as if to indicate that the subject was closed, but I have always been a persistent, some may even say stubborn S.O.B., so I pressed on. "So, you're not ashamed of it, but you don't want to talk about it, is that it?", I called over to his back. "What is this Contest, some kind of redneck IQ test, or maybe all the town grannies have a naked hot jelly wrestle, is that it?". I was trying to be deliberately insulting, and I think the barman knew it, and it washed straight over him. He turned back to me, his lips slightly curled in a wry smile, not insulted in the least. "Have you finished your business with your Aunt?", he inquired softly, seemingly changing the subject. "Er, yeah, I guess. I was going to spend the night in town somewhere and then head back tomorrow morning". "The Contest begins in an hour. It runs for the whole weekend. Are you willing to invest a weekend in ... a piece of heartland history?". He had pushed the one button that I could not ignore. A Challenge. "Sure. I got nothing to rush back to anyways. My annual leave runs for another ten days", I replied. "No immediate family to wonder where you are?", he asked gently. "My Aunt is my closest adult relative. The only one that cares if I live or die, anyways. I got a couple of second cousins back East that I send Christmas and birthday gifts to is all", I ended lamely. "These second cousins - would they be boys by any chance?", the barman asked. "Well, yeah, sure, they're boys all right. They're in boarding school. Their parents, my cousin and her husband, both passed on. Cutest damn kids you ever seen". "Uh huh. Cute, are they?", he answered. "Damn straight. I don't get to see 'em as much as I'd like, but I got their pictures plastered all over my cubicle wall at the newspaper office. When my time comes, they get whatever I haven't pissed away". I had no idea why I was running off at the mouth like this, after only one glass. Seems like I was telling this guy my life story, and not just the public bits either. The bartender put down the glass he was polishing and looked me in the eye. "I'm thinking that I might have misjudged you earlier, friend. Seems to me that you might be just exactly the person the Town is looking for". "I don't think you'll find my picture on the wall down to the Post Office with a hefty price under it", I retorted, still not getting what he was driving at. "A sense of humour, I knew it. It'll come in handy", he said, smiling. "And a love of boys", he thought to himself. Out loud, he said "I've had a change of heart about telling you about the Contest. In fact, if you're interested, I'll not only tell you all about it, but make you a most exceptional offer. You may be in a position to play a central role in our Contest. I think you'll find it will be right up your alley". I could only look at him with a mixture of puzzlement and burning curiosity. He threw down his cleaning rag, nodded to another man whom I guessed to be his replacement, and walked around the corner of the bar, leading me to a private booth. We sat opposite each other on the overstuffed vinyl cushions and resumed our little chat. "What I am going to tell you may sound unbelievable, and I have to admit, much of it is legend. Do you newspaper folk still know what 'legend' is?". "Fairy tale. Made up. Fiction", I replied, quoting from my college journalism lecturer. "Not quite. 'Legend' is what you call a story whose proof is lost. The story itself is true, because it is still alive and happening. What's going to happen this weekend is part of a legend. That doesn't make it any less true. It just means that no-one is left alive who knows for sure how it started. But obviously it did start somewhere". The bartender explained all of this to me like I was a well-loved but slightly backward child. "You mean it's one of those stories 'Lost in the Mists of Time'", I said, half joking. He looked at me sideways before continuing. "If you can restrain your newshound instincts for a little while, I'll tell you what I know of the Contest, then make you an Offer". I nodded, and backed it up with a "Yes, okay, go ahead". I listened to him intently for the next twenty-five minutes, committing most of what he said to memory. I have recorded it here, as well as I can recall it, so that you can judge the Legend of the Contest for yourselves. * * * (the barman's tale begins) Since the 1700's our small Town (now numbering some 12,000 souls) has held a contest for boys. By 'boys', we mean they must be males aged from 8 to 12 on the starting day of the contest to be eligible. If they still fall within the age band they can compete in subsequent years. Many boys have been known to compete four years in a row. The origins of the contest are now unknown. Some say it arose out of a wager between two old farmers who were bragging to each other about the relative superiority of everything they owned, including their children, who happened to be boys (**otherwise this story would be appearing on another site!**). The bragging led to more and more outrageous claims, which led to bets, which led to the very first contest as the only way to settle the wagers. The Contest has four sections: 1. Talent (the boy may either sing a song or recite a poem. Generally, boys who believe they can't sing choose the poem. For the last sixty years, Shakespearean sonnets have been the preferred poem. The songs that attract the judges' favour have usually been Italian arias); 2. Swimsuit (since the late 1800's, the boy has been required to fabricate the swimsuit personally. This rule was only enforced after several years of alleged cheating by wealthy families trying to gain an advantage for their sons by purchasing the latest European designs. "A boy ought to be able to make his own way in the world, as well as his own drawers" was a saying that won the day at the time); 3. Strength (nowadays simply a wrestling bout, but in previous centuries quite a challenging and dangerous part of the Contest); 4. Skill (the boys are required to show that they are not merely beauties, nor only musclebound, but able to use their brains and common sense as well. This component could best be described as 'problem solving'). The Contest usually runs from Friday night to Sunday afternoon. It's all over in a weekend. The first Contest was believed by several old-timers to have been held sometime before the Revolutionary War. Some other folks date that first Contest to the actual time of the War itself, and suggest a more sinister origin. It seems that a detachment of Redcoats was garrisoned in the town around 1779, and the Town Fathers hit upon the idea of the Contest as a way of distracting the British soldiers long enough to permit an ambush by a force of Irregulars which operated in the area. Others swore that the patriotic boys themselves committed the slayings, while their British suitors lay in their bunks, exhausted from the boys' attentions. In any event, the Town was among the first to shake off British rule, with none of those Redcoats ever returning to their godforsaken British Isles. A few folk believe that only a handful of soldiers were actually killed - the rest decided to lay down their arms and remain in the town as settlers (which suited their inclinations). No one knows what components were in the early Contests, but almost everyone you talk to has an opinion about it. Most are fairly sure there was a "handsomeness" section, in which judges (the Town Fathers) chose the prettiest boy - but no one can quite be sure what criteria were used. That section would correspond to the Swimsuit component that now occurs on the Friday evening. A few of the old-timers claim they recollect a 'Bravery' section, involving wild animals, but since that neccesarily took place out of doors it no longer suits the modern format. The 'Skill' section is widely regarded as an adequate substitute. The present format has existed since Prohibition (which also bypassed the Town, somehow). Following the Friday evening Swimsuit competition, the boys are free to try to influence the judges further by whatever means they can. There is no question of 'cheating' here - all the boys are entitled to invite judges to their rooms to show them all their charms throughout the Friday night until breakfast on Saturday, by which time the judges usually call it quits though sheer exhaustion. Saturday noon marks the start of the Strength competition. The boys take part in a series of wrestling bouts, with every boy eventually matched up with every other boy. Each bout frequently only takes a few minutes, because unlike traditional or Greco-Roman wrestling, the winner is the boy who can first remove the other boy's swimsuit. This is the only one of the four events that does not need much expert judging, as the winner is obvious. Enthusiastic crowds of onlookers, many of them previous Contestants, make sure the boys compete fairly. On Saturday evening the boys gather for the Skill tournament. This may last for several hours, well into Saturday night. The judges compose written descriptions of Tasks and place them in envelopes, which the boys draw blind. The Tasks change every year, and their composition is often the most difficult part of the judge's role. It is considered an honour for a judge to come up with a new Task, although nobody really minds if a judge repeats a Task that has been used in a previous year. For illustrative purposes, here are a few Tasks that have been used in Contests over the years: a) Select a Judge, and bring him to sexual climax using only a feather. b) Using food colouring, tattoo a drawing of your own genitals onto a judge's buttocks, then lick it off. c) Transfer a pile of iced donuts from a plate on a table, across the room to a judge's mouth using only your erect penis. By Sunday morning, most of the boys (and judges) are showing signs of tiredness. The final competition, Talent, only requires singing a song or reciting a poem. By tradition, the boy dedicates his performance of the song or poem to the judge who has captured his heart over the preceding days. It also makes sense for the boy to select the judge who is likely to give him the highest score. At lunch on Sunday, the judges, having considered their ratings in a private room, announce the winning boy. That lucky child is declared 'Prince of the Town', an honour equivalent to the Freedom of the City, and guarantees a year of libertine behaviour from the boy. * * * The bartender concluded his exposition of the history of the Contest and leaned his elbows on the table of the booth, resting his chin in his hands, bringing his face nearer to mine. He looked me in the eye. "Have you considered my Offer? I have to caution you that time is a little short, and we only have one Judge position left to fill. Before you arrived, I had planned to finish my shift and go calling on an in-law of mine a few miles out of town, see if I could drag him away from his orchard for the weekend." The man's drawl was almost hypnotic, and I felt myself nodding in acceptance before thinking it through. I stopped myself in mid-nod. "Can I ask a coupla questions before I decide, I mean, is that okay under the Rules?". I was stalling for time, and also wondering whether I would have the courage to commit to this intriguing job. Every instinct I possessed told me that this had the potential to be a big story, but would I be able to write it? Should I get personally involved in it? What if one of the boys...came on to me and I liked it? The barman opened his hands in a gesture that said "Fire away!" "Um, If I agree to be a judge, but then I don't like how things are going, can I drop out?" was my first question. "The short answer is No, but no-one has ever expressed a desire to drop out before". He smiled a funny little grin and added "A few judges have expired, but none has retired". "Oh. Well, what about the local constabulary? Are any steps taken to ensure they are kept ignorant of the proceedings?". My instinct for self-preservation had begun to kick in. "Kept ignorant? Friend, the Police Chief is one of the judges. It is what you might call a privilege of office. It is one of the conditions of accepting the position of Chief that he consent to be a Judge in the Contest. Couldn't do it any other way. Let me reassure you, it's all legal within the Town boundaries. "Ah. I guess the only other thing I'd like to know is...if it's not an offensive, how come you get to pick a Judge? And, if you think the Contest is so great, why don't you appoint yourself as a judge?" "A very sensible question, friend. Unfortunately for me, I am both qualified and disqualified, if you take my meaning. I am qualified to select a judge because I am the father of last year's winner, and I am also disqualified because I am the father of one of this year's contestants. Yep, last year's winner wants to go in the contest again. As he is eleven and three quarters now, this will be his fourth and final appearance. He's my pride and joy, my youngest boy, John." Turning towards the family section of the bar, he called out "Hey, Johnnie, can you come over here please son?". A lively young fellow who had been playing a video game looked around on being called. He had a toothy grin and a sparkle in his brown eyes. He ran up to his dad and clambered onto the padded bench next to him. The top of his head only came up to the man's chest, so he could easily put his arm around his Dad's waist. The barman reciprocated by cuddling the boy's shoulder. "Goin' in the Contest again Johnnie?", the barman asked his son, smiling. "You bet Dad! Gonna win, too!", the boy responded enthusiastically. "This here's a new friend of mine. I'm thinkin' of him for a possible Judge. Reckon he'd do a good job, son?" He winked at me as he asked the boy's opinion. The boy unwrapped his arm from his father's waist and hopped off the bench on his father's side. He skipped the short distance around to my side of the booth and jumped up onto my bench, wriggling along the faux leather seat until he was next to me. I wasn't quite sure what was going to happen next, but when it did I was a little shocked. The boy gave me a hug, rubbing his head on my chest as he did so. He then let me go and turned to his father. "He smells good, an' he's not too fat. I reckon he'd be a good judge, Dad.", the boy advised in a very self-assured manner. I felt as though I had just passed some kind of interview. "Job's yours if you want it, but I need to know nigh on right away. Boat's sailin', friend. Are you on board?", the barman's gaze held mine. I paused only for a few heartbeats before consigning myself to a weekend of mystery. "Aye aye, Cap'n", I replied. Johnnie let out a little 'Yippee' of glee, and grabbed my hand. He pulled me out of the booth, then swung himself all the way around me like he was on a carousel, then closed in again for another hug. Heck, I reckon I could get used to this Judging game! * * * One of the fringe benefits of being a Judge was that my accommodation problem was now solved. The Contest took place in the town's gymnasium, which was shared between both the Elementary and High Schools. Each of the four Judges had his own comfortable room in the Gym, converted from storerooms for the annual event. Johnnie guided me to my room, the Gym being only a five-minute drive from the Bar. We were the first to arrive. "Would you like to see my swimming costume, that I'll be wearing tonight in the first section of the Contest, Sir?" Johnnie asked me as soon as I had stowed my luggage under the bed. "Uh, is that allowed in the rules, Johnnie? I mean, since your Dad has been so kind to me and all, I'd hate to have to disqualify his son for, er, cheating". I gave the boy my most serious look. "Nah, that's okay, you're a judge. There ain't nothin' in the rules says you cain't see one of the Contestants before the Contest. It'd only be breakin' the Rules if I stopped one of the other Contestants from gettin' to ya. I did this last year, it was okay". While he was speaking, Johnnie had been separating the studs on his western checkered shirt, kicking off his joggers and pulling off his socks. All he had left on was his old blue jeans and a cowboy hat. The jeans looked like last year's size. "Well, as long as it's okay. I mean, you've done this now, what, three years, I guess you should know what's allowed and what's not". I was running off at the mouth a bit, to cover my nervousness at what was about to happen. The barman had not actually coverd the topic of 'sexual contact prior to the Contest', had not even hinted at it, but this whole setup reeked of it. What if I let Johnnie continue with his impromptu preview, and his father walked in? Do they horsewhip Contest Judges in this town? Maybe I was getting ahead of myself. After all, Johnnie had simply offered to show me his costume, that's all. He never mentioned any sexual favours. While I was thinking those thoughts over, I had forgotten about the boy in question. When I turned back to him, my jaw dropped. Johnnie had squirmed out of the tight jeans and was now pirouetting around the room in a skimpy, spangly bikini bottom. "What do you think of the sequins, Sir? I hadda sew them all on by myself". The garment reminded me of something that one of those South American girls with unpronounceable names might have worn at Mardi Gras or Fiesta time, only minus the tassels. It sure suited Johnnie, what there was of it. "'s great" I stammered as the boy flounced around the room, arms raised above his head, hips swivelling with abandon. "I wore a leopard skin thong last year, so I thought I'd try something different. Pretty cool, huh?", the boy asked, inviting my admiration. He must have had them on under his jeans, I realised. The boy pranced over towards me as I sat on the bed. "Feel how sheer the material is, Sir, go on", he presented his hip into my face. There actually wasn't much material to feel at that point, as the sides were just strings, so I obliged Johnnie by gingerly grasping the bottom hem of the back of the bikini. Sure was sheer, I thought, so I just smiled at the boy and nodded. "I'm glad y'all agreed to Judge, Sir. You're nice", Johnnie remarked, jumping into my lap and giving me a hug with his arms around my neck. "Gotta go - gotta put mah face on for tonight", Johnnie laughed as he hopped out of my half-hearted grasp and scampered over to his jeans and shirt. He didn't bother to dress, just ran straight out of the room with the bundle of clothes in his arms. I was to learn later that the contestants had their own dressing rooms on the opposite side of the Gym. * * * So, here I am, sometime assistant feature writer for a medium-sized East Coast newspaper, sitting on a makeshift cot in a Gymnasium in the middle of a rural State in America's heartland, wondering what the Heck I had got myself into. A bartender's whimsical tale about a boys' beauty contest that had gone unreported (as far as I knew) for over two hundred years, some sketchy details about Rules and procedures, a handsome boy nearly at the end of his childhood, and I was hooked, gaffed and landed. The only little boys I had ever had anything to do with up till now were my two second cousins, Jamie and Jesse. Gosh I loved those little fellows. When their parents were alive I visited with them about three times a year, often as I could, and always kept in touch by letters and postcards. My cousin tolerated my visits because I was something different for her, a well-behaved and moderately well-off male relative. I showered the boys with gifts, and they were already named as sole beneficiaries of my estate. I never spoke openly about the way my cousin's husband treated them, but I sure hope he's feeling exceedingly warm, wherever in the afterlife he is now. I should have tried harder to get custody of the two boys. I know that now. Granted, I was about tenth in line in the legal right of guardianship of all their relatives to claim them after the car accident, but most of the family who had stronger claims than I did simply wanted the two boys as trophies. They could be paraded out at Christmas and Easter as proof of Christian charity, then shunted aside again to that awful boarding school, St Vomitus Academy or some such nonsense. At the moment the two boys were the centre of a legal tug-of-war between my cousin's husband's parents and my cousin's husband's brother-in-law. I'd never even met him, so I had no feelings about him either way. Two sets of lawyers were slugging it out in Family Court over the boys' futures. Meanwhile, my two precious boys were sentenced to full time detention at that dreadful year-round boarding school while their fates were decided. I guess it just shows the benefits of leaving a Will. If my cousin (and her grotesque husband) had made out a Will, none of this would be happening. The boys would have some certainty at least. On another level, it was disgusting to know that parents could bequeath their children in the same way that they might bequeath a motor car or a gold bracelet. None of this thinking was doing me any good. "Don't sweat it" was a phrase that we threw around at College, meaning "don't think too deeply about stuff you've got absolutely no control over", but I never could stop myself. I wanted the weekend's activities - the Contest - to begin, but I knew I was not prepared for whatever it may bring. I wanted to do something about my two little angels, but I had no idea how to go about it. I decided to lay on the bed and conserve my eyesight. * * * I awakened to a radiant sight. Two of the Contestants had been despatched to bring me to the Judging Arena (a.k.a. the basketball court). The two little lads wore only their competition outfits. One had dressed up in what appeared to be his mother's panty hose, except that the legs had been carefully cut off in a zig-zag pattern half an inch below the buttocks - imagine what Tinker Bell might have worn if she appeared in a porno flick and you'll be pretty close. What was left was sheer nylon, his little package showing clearly through. The other boy seemed not to have opted for such showy exhibitionism, as he only wore a silver jockstrap. "Where have I seen that before?" I thought to myself, then realised that Sting wore something very similar in a movie version of Dune that I had once seen. "You have to come to the Arena, Sir", nylon-boy declared. "The judging is ready to start". Both boys hauled me off the bed and took my hands, dragging me out the door and through a long corridor towards the basketball court. Along the way, silver-jock-boy pointed to a doorway and said "That's my room". Useful information, indeed. I could hear the Arena long before I could see it. As a newspaperman I was well used to sporting crowd noises, but this was unlike any I had ever encountered. It was more of a rumbling than a shouting, more a groaning of approval than a yelling of dissatisfaction. The bleachers were packed with men and boys of all ages. On the sideline of the court were set a few trestle tables. Seated thereat were my three brother judges. In front of them, stretching from one free-throw line to the other, were a parade of the most scantily clad boys your wildest imaginations could conjure. I kid you not. The boys who were wearing conventional Speedo designs were decidedly overdressed by comparison to the rest. One little chap was wearing what looked like an egg-cup as a codpiece, secured with string. Another boy - one of the older competitors - had pulled a sock, one of those short ankle socks that are all the rage nowadays, over his genitals. It was being held on by the stiffness of his member and nothing else. Another boy had obviously borrowed his mother's kitchen curtains and made a frilly kilt out of it, though no Scotsman I had ever heard of would wear such a thing. It was of transparent white damask and only two inches wide. He wore it very low on his waist, and as the boy leapt about, the material flounced up, revealing what it had (barely) meant to cover. Yet another lad had simply wrapped six feet of transparent kitchen cling film around his waist twice, knotting it at his hip, leaving the excess to fall rakishly down his thigh. I thought that was ingenious, if cheap. Bikini bottoms with string ties at the sides were very popular, as was lycra. One clever little fellow had taken a pair of lycra bicycle shorts and slit them up the sides all the way. He then cut the legs off and rejoined the sides in a bootlace pattern leaving a three inch strip of skin showing on each outer thigh. It looked hot, until he got a stiffie, then it looked REALLY hot! Another little tyke, one of the younger boys on show, I guess he must have been about 9 years old, wore a fishnet bikini. He probably made it out of one of those muscle shirts - it was dark blue with about a quarter-inch mesh, just small enough to prevent his cute little willie to pop through, although I couldn't guarantee what would happen if he boned up. That would really be a test of his costume! Standing together near the tip-off circle were two boys who appeared to have collaborated on their costumes. (It kind of made me wonder what else they collaborated on). One of them, the older of the two, I guess he was eleven or thereabouts, had a dozen pink tongues, made of paper - probably photocopied off the front of a Rollng Stones album - tied by a length of string around his waist. They jiggled as he shook his hips. I could tell that he wore nothing underneath because the tongues didn't go all the way around, but left his hips exposed. Each tongue had a dob of congealed white goo on it. I decided it must have been whipped cream or maybe meringue. It certainly couldn't be what I thought it was at first sight. The junior of the two boys, maybe a year younger, wore a similar item, only instead of tongues, he had little pink phalluses, alternating between cut and uncut, on his piece of string, half a dozen in front, same number in back. The two boys (maybe brothers - I made a mental note to find out later) danced together, with the paper phalluses making occasional contact with the paper tongues. My description doesn't do it justice because it was hysterical. My eyes were popping out of my head on stalks by this time, my own tongue panting and drooling. I had to shake my head to clear it as I walked past this display of happy, wanton boys. My two escorts led me to my table, then joined their fellow competitors. I scanned the forty or so boys on the court until I found Johnnie, and gave him a smile and a little wave. He smiled back. With his sequinned outfit he looked like he was wearing a disco ball. It flashed and sparkled in the light as he gyrated, and he even had the attention of a few of his fellow Contestants, as well as many of the audience. I leaned over to the judge on my right, who turned out to be the Elementary School principal, and engaged him in a whispered conference. "How are we supposed to rate the contestants? I've got, guidance notes or anything", I kept my voice low. His answer surprised me. "You don't have to rate them. This is only the swimsuit contest. Not all of the boys have entered every section of the Contest," he replied. "But, er, how do I decide who wins?", I whispered back. "Which one do you fancy the most?", he asked, not taking his eyes off the display before us. I blushed a bright red before replying "I fancy all of them!" Obviously I could not rate them all 'equal first'. All I had on the desk in front of me were blank sheets of paper. I looked around to see that one of the other judges (the Police Chief?) was scribbling furiously. The other judge, a local realtor I learned later, was reclining in his chair soaking up the view. Why did I agree to this? The boys in front of me continued to cavort and display themselves like puppies in a pet shop window. The pranced back and forth, mincing up and down and generally flirted shamelessly with the wildly enthusiastic crowd of onlookers. "Some of these kids must be the children of some of the men in the audience," I reasoned to myself. "Is it some kind of seasonal madness that overtakes the town, to allow them to let go of their inhibitions, and their sons, like this?". I knew that they held beauty contests for teen boys in Thailand, but those boys dressed as females. These boys flaunted their boyness! The Principal saw the anguish and desire on my face and leaned over to give me some advice. "You're thinking that it's all a bit much", he said, matter-of-factly. "Yes, oh gosh yes. I could die happy here and now", I answered. "Well, try to remain alive, because the coroner would have a tough job deciding on the cause of death", he chuckled in reply. "Do you mind if I offer a suggestion? I wouldn't want to influence a Judge, but I can see you're floundering a bit". "Oh, please do", I begged. "The bathing suit contest is just the appetiser. Not every diner chooses to eat an appetiser, does he?" "No, I guess not", I answered, beginning to follow his reasoning. "Every boy does not have to participate in all sections of the Contest. Some of the younger boys just enter the swimsuit section to show off, especially the eights and nines. Of course, it's possible to win the Contest from one section only, but the boy would have to be exceptional to do so. Have you seen any exceptional boys here so far?" "They're ALL exceptional" I thought to myself, but I realised that I would only be revealing my naivete if I admitted this sentiment to him, so I simply shook my head No. "Exactly", he pronounced, as though his point had been proven beyond doubt. "Some of the boys are relying on their back-room talents to seduce the judges into giving them a winning score. Others think that their skills in the various sections will be enough. But as Judges, we are completely at liberty to decide how we shall judge, what we shall judge, whom we shall judge, and most importantly, when we shall judge", he declared, rather pompously I thought. "But what about the final reckoning? How do the judges decide among themselves if they have used different, er, criteria on which to base their decisions?". I was still puzzled about this aspect of the competition. "My dear fellow, that is the best part of the process. The four judges meet on Sunday afternoon, and give a brief accounting of the boy or boys who have made the strongest impression on them. They all agree that whatever decision they reach shall be final, and then proceed to draw the winner's name out of a hat. Each boy gets his name entered in the hat once for each section he competes in. So a boy who competes in all four sections will have his name in the hat four times, and so on. There's no fairer way, I assure you." The principal returned his gaze to the cavorting boys. Some of them had removed their flimsy garments and were using them as streamers, much like you might see in the female gymnastics at the Olympics. "It's all a farce", I realised. "A gigantic, elaborate, erotic farce. A giant pretence to get the boys of the town to show themselves off". I had that feeling that astronauts must have when they look out the window of their spacecraft and see the Earth dwindling below them, and realise in a concrete way for the first time "Hey! It really IS round!". That realisation lifted a great weight from my shoulders. I could actually have a good time here this weekend. It didn't matter which boy (or boys) I favoured - they were all in with a chance of winning. It didn't even matter whether some boys visited me after hours to bestow their favours on me in return for preferential treatment in the judging. I could always claim afterwards to have been outvoted. I could picture it now: a weeping naked ten year old being comforted in my arms as I assured him that I voted for him but the others were against me. I took a piece of paper and began scribbling. I think I wrote out the ingredients for beef stroganoff, I can't recall exactly, but it had the desired effect. Two of the boys sashayed over to my table and displayed their bodies to me without a scrap of shame. They had already dispensed with their swimsuits and were naked and perspiring. One was erect, his pencil-thin organ pulsing and bobbing up and down. I was glad that neither of them was Johnnie -I would have felt bad about that. "Gosh you boys are good looking - real chances at winning this whole thing", I assured them. They smiled at me and began to work their moves, gyrating and squirming around. On a hunch, I pushed a blank piece of paper and a pencil towards the end of the table towards them. The older-looking boy took the pencil and wrote "23" on it. The second wrote "29" underneath. I leaned toward the Principal for more advice. He had anticipated my question. "Room numbers", he said. "The boys are inviting you for some one-on-one Judging". I think I kind of guessed that already. "How long does the swimsuit section last?" I asked him. "Judges can leave anytime. The boys can likewise go when they wish. The ones who think that length of performance guarantees 'high scores' will stay as long as they can. Their dads or uncles are in the audience, and will take them to their rooms if they fall asleep on their feet." I had seen enough. Surprisingly, there comes a time, even for a man who is dedicated to looking at boy flesh, that enough is enough. For me, now was that time. I pushed away from the table and strode toward the doorway of the corridor. Three boys tagged along after me: '23', '29', and Johnnie. As I reached my room, Johnnie followed me in straight after. "If you're going to bed, Sir, can I help you with your clothes", he asked, in a rather direct manner. "Johnnie, it's you", I responded. "Are you, er, going to spend the night", I smiled nervously. "Not allowed under the Rules, Sir. But I can stay as long as I don't fall asleep." No-one had ever undressed me before, so I graciously allowed Johnnie to perform the task. When I was as naked as he was, I fell back onto the bed. I waited for him to perform some kind of sexual favour upon me, but all he did was delicately kiss my nipples for a minute or so, then whisper "Don't forget me on Sunday afternoon". He slipped out of the room without another sound. I began to reflect on the day's activities, but was immediately distracted by '23'. He crept into my room shortly after Johnnie left. "Hi '23'," I remarked flippantly. "My name is Greg", he affirmed. "Can I relax you, Sir?". "Do whatever you would like to do, Greg. I'm yours for the taking." Greg took my right hand in both of his, and began to kiss it on both sides. Now this was a sensation I had never before experienced, having my hand kissed. I had always thought that the chivalrous actions of courtly gentlemen in centuries past were foppish and amusing, but now I realised that some of those actions were quite purposeful. I actually found it very stimulating to have my hand kissed. Before I could remark on it to Greg, he gently laid my hand on my chest and snuck out of the room. Alone again, I thought. No sooner had that thought entered my mind, than '29' appeared beside my bed. "Can I blow you, Sir?", he whispered. "Shivers", I thought "This must be a much more horny boy than the previous two". "Go ahead", I whispered back, and reclined on the bed only to receive the most amateurish, inept, awkward and clumsy oral sex I had ever experienced. Those men who reckon that any sex is good sex had never encountered anyone like 29. After enduring five minutes of 29's dreadful efforts at fellatio I reached down to pat him on the head. "Hey, come up here a moment", I whispered. "What's your name - I can't keep referring to you as '29'". He climbed up to lie alongside me. "Peter", he whispered back. "This is my first year in the contest, but I'm already nearly 12, so I can't go in it again. I didn't know what to do, so I just followed Greg, and listened at the doorway." "Peter, you have an absolutely beautiful body for a nearly twelve-year-old. You don't have to blow me, just give me a cuddle". He lay down on top of me and let me enclose him in my arms. My hands grasped his buttocks. I kissed him on the end of his nose, just a peck, which made him giggle. The tension between us was broken. "Peter, don't feel bad, but you still need a bit more practice giving blow jobs in my opinion. I'm telling you this as a Judge, so you have to follow my advice." I could see him looking at me in the dim light, taking in what I said. "I hope you have some friends of your own age you can practice on". "Y-yes", he replied, "I know some boys from school what I can practice on". "Good boy. Make sure you ask them how they like it, and what makes them feel good, use you hands a lot and get your tongue involved, and I'm sure you will improve. I think you should hop off to bed now." Peter extracted himself from my arms and crept off to his room. I fell asleep, dreamlessly, almost immediately. * * * I had no more night visitors, probably just as well. I guess I sorta felt that letting a boy pleasure me in return for using my influence on Sunday afternoon - an influence I now knew to be non-existent - seemed grossly unfair. I think I missed Jamie and Jesse as well. I also felt that any serious messing about with these Contestants would feel like a betrayal of Jamie and Jesse. I smiled as I thought of the two of them. They were such giving boys, so generous with their smiles and hugs and laughter. They allowed me to hold their hands, one boy either side of me, as we walked down to the corner grocery store after school to buy ice-creams. They let me wash them in the bathtub that they shared, and dry their slippery bodies afterwards. They never fought over whose turn it was to sit in my lap after dinner, but somehow worked it out between themselves. They showed genuine pleasure when I brought them gifts, even if the gift itself was too young for them or out of fashion. At the end of each visit they let me shower their faces with kisses (a custom which made their father turn away in mild disgust - he thought a manly handshake was sufficient). * * * Morning arrived with a pleasant surprise. I was in that delicious limbo state between waking and sleep when I felt a warm, wet tingling around the head of my penis. As I am not exactly a virgin I knew right away what was happening. What did surprise me was the cause of this delightful feeling. It was 29! - that is, Peter. His oral technique had improved out of sight! Even though I didn't want him to stop what he was doing, I wanted to talk to the boy and find out the origins of his newfound ability. I patted him on the head. As he looked up at me, then released his lips from my member to crawl up the bed next to me, I saw that he was nude. "Hi Peter", I began. "Hi Sir, good morning", he replied politely. I gave him a little hug. "It's a marvellous morning, and what a marvellous way to wake up! Thank you, you were doing such a terrific job I didn't like to stop you. Er, did you come here dressed - uh, undressed - like that?" "Sure, Sir, most of the other boys are nude too, so I felt kinda silly to get dressed." "Aren't you worried, you know, the men from the audience, they might..." Peter understood my concern and quickly explained. "Ain't no-one left here 'cept us boys and the Judges. Police chief hunted all the men out last night after the beauty contest. Told 'em they'd be barred for life from all future Contests if'n he caught 'em sneakin' back in before the next Section. It starts at 12 o'clock noon," he added helpfully. "Well, that's a relief, I guess", I answered. "But now tell me, I don't want to embarass you, but your...uh, oral technique this morning was excellent. How did you get so good so fast?" "It's okay, I ain't embarassed. My Mammy and Daddy reckon I was born without a shame bone, and they think it's healthy. After I left your room last night, I decided to follow yer advice, Sir. The first boy I seen in the hallway was a boy from my school that I knew. He was nude as well, so I just came right out and asked him if'n he wanted me to blow him right then and there. Well he just said "Sure" right off the bat, so I knelt down in front of him and took holt of his little willie. I told him he had to give me suggestions about how he liked it done an' all, then I started to lick and suck that cute pecker of his. He was moanin' and cussin' some, but he made a few good suggestions too, like when I done something with my tongue he really liked. Another boy was walkin' past and he just watched fer a minute then got in line behind the boy I was blowin'. Pretty soon there was about seven or eight in that line, and I done worked my way through the whole lot of 'em!" "Well, that', very impressive, Peter. But wasn't it uncomfortable on your knees all that time?" "Oh, it weren't so bad, Sir. After I done made the third boy cum, he went and brought back a cushion fer me ta kneel on, made it right comfortable," the boy reminisced. "That was thoughtful of him. Uh, did any of the boys, er, shoot off in your mouth?", I asked, not really knowing why I did, perhaps just my perverse curiosity. "Only one, Sir, it was Johnnie the barkeeper's son. I didn't mind, he's a really nice and friendly guy. All the rest're dry like me." Peter's candid account of his nocturnal learning experience had done nothing to reduce the stiffness of my member - rather the opposite. I asked Peter, if his mouth was not too tired, would he mind finishing off what he had begun earlier. He smiled and went straight back to his labours. I felt that I should reciprocate, but before I could make the offer, or show the willing lad how to enjoy a 69, he brought me to a blinding climax. I was still seeing stars as he cleaned up with his now very talented tongue. When he had finished mopping up the survivors, he grinned and skipped out of the room, yelling "Bye, Sir" as he exited. * * * I dozed off again after my interview with Peter. When my stomach grumbled an hour later I got out of bed. slipped on a pair of boxer shorts and went in search of breakfast. It seemed I had missed the group breakfast session in the basement kitchen of the gym, so I helped myself to some toast and jam and a cup of coffee with the remains. At noon precisely I heard the fulltime siren from the basketball court, summoning contestants and judges to the second Section of the Contest. The main external gym doors had been opened to admit a large group of spectators, and I saw many familiar faces from the previous night. When the men had settled into their seats in the bleachers, the boys emerged from a side door. They were all dressed identically in red speedos. I remembered from the bartender's story that this was to be the Strength competition. The Principal made the boys line up as though for the start of a soccer match, and checked that all the boys had trimmed their fingernails for this event. Three whiteboards were set up at the end of the court with the Draw for this part of the Contest. I gathered that most of the boys had come in earlier (while I was sleeping or breakfasting) and checked up their matches, because there were only two or three at the whiteboards finding out the order of their opponents. From looking at the line of competitors, it appeared that the eight and nine year olds, who had so enjoyed the previous night, had mostly opted to sit the Strength competition out by joining their dads and uncles in the bleachers. Three large gym mats took up most of the basketball court. I deduced that they were the sites of each Strength bout. I saw Johnnie, and also Peter and Greg, as the boys formed into pairs. Three pairs of boys competed at a time, one pair to each mat, with the remaining eighteen boys waiting their turn at the side of the court. The scene reminded me of movies that I had seen of the gladiatorial arena, only without swords or animals. As soon as a whistle sounded (courtesy of the Police Chief) I realised that the Roman comparison was not very apt. Put bluntly, it was hilarious! What I had not known was that the speedos were rigged up with Velcro sides, so it was not necessary to get the skinny little garment all the way down your opponent's legs. One good rip and the red swimsuit came away in your hands! The Velcro also reduced the chance of a garment tearing, so the speedos were able to be used for a boy's subsequent bouts. I'm not sure what was so amusing about seeing a boy being pantsed by another boy, but it was hysterically funny. Some of the little blighters had obviously put a lot of thought into their technique, or maybe they had remembered Contests from earlier years, because some of their tactics were ingenious. One lad circled his opponent in the usual manner, but then dropped to the floor, lengthwise, and rolled towards him like a rolling pin flattening out some pastry. His target was the shins of the other boy, who if he was not alert would be bowled over and an easy target for stripping. Another youngster, about the smallest I had seen in this part of the competition, after the obligatory circling, squatted down on his bottom and shot his legs out, using his legs like scissors to trap the other boy. When he got him, he twisted around and the other boy would fall to the ground, and be stripped before he realised what had happened. The taller boys used their longer reach to effect their victory. One boy, quite a muscular lad, picked Johnnie up at the waist and threw him onto his shoulder like a sack of flour. With his free hand, he reached up to the waistband of Johnie's speedos and tore them off with a flourish, waving them around his head to the cheers and applause of the crowd. For a finale, he did a tiny lap of the 4 metre square gym mat, showing Johnnie's now bared bottom to the delighted spectators. Even Johnnie was laughing. The realtor kept account of the result of each bout on the whiteboard. With three bouts being contested simultaneously, it didn't take long before every boy had been matched up with every other one of the eighteen boys, maybe an hour and a half. Each bout only ran for a minute or so. The only undefeated boy in the end was the lad who had hefted Johnnie up onto his shoulder. Gilbert was his name. He had used that method successfully for the entire match. His reward was to be attacked and stripped (in a good-natured way) by the remaining 17 boys, then held aloft on their hands like a crowd-surfer. I noticed a couple of scraggly hairs around Gilbert's member and a few more in his armpits which made me realise that it must be his last year in the Contest. He was going out in style, though. The Police Chief thanked the audience for their support, and invited them back at 6 p.m. for the third Section before showing them to the doors. * * * I spent the remains of the afternoon trying to think up one or more good Tasks to contribute to the third Section of the Contest. The barkeeper had told me it was quite highly regarded by all when a Judge devised a novel Task. I didn't even know how many boys would compete in the third Section, so I was unsure how many Tasks each Judge would be expected to contribute. I decided to go looking for advice. I wandered the gymnasium, passing the occasional naked or scantily clad boy, until I found the room where the other three judges were already preparing for the evening's entertainment. I was quite miffed. Choosing a chair alongside the Principal, I came straight to the point and asked him why no-one called on me to help with the Tasks. "Well, sorry about that, but there was no need, really. From the last couple hundred years we have a wealth of Tasks that have been used in previous Contests. They're all recorded in this journal, that's kept in a safe at the Police Station. All we have to do is pick out a few dozen and write them out and envelope them, really it's a one-person job. They (here he nodded his head towards the Chief and the Realtor) chose me because I have the neatest handwriting." The Principal continued writing out sentences from the leather bound ledger that I gathered was the Journal he mentioned. "What if I come up with a New Task?", I asked, trying not to sound as petulant as I felt. The room fell instantly silent. The Principal stopped writing and looked at me in surprise. The Chief looked around, and the Realtor also stopped talking and looked over at me. The three of them waited for me to continue. "Well, last night and this morning I was kinda thinking, since the contest has been going so long, most of the Tasks might be getting a bit old fashioned. Maybe they need modernising a bit, you know, brought up-to-date. These are the ones I came up with, tell me what you think: 1. Using a mobile phone, the boy has to text an SMS message to a Judge but using only his unaided penis to spell out the letters. He is, of course, allowed to make himself stiff first, otherwise it would be very difficult; 2. The boy has to do a yo-yo trick with the string tied to his penis; 3. Using his penis (which should be stiff) the boy has to catapult a jellybaby into a Judge's mouth. He gets three attempts and the Judge can't move his head to help or hinder. There was a moment's pause when I finished, before the room erupted in laughter. The Police Chief had tears running down his cheeks, he was so amused. The Realtor clutched at his stomach and held onto the table for support. The Principal leaned back in his chair roaring with laughter. I was a little bemused myself - I didn't think my suggestions were all that great. After the three men calmed down, they all slapped me on the back. "Those are definitely going into the envelopes for tonight", the Chief assured me. "I hope Johnnie gets the jellybaby one," the Principal was still chuckling. "I can't wait to see his stiff dickie launch a lolly into space, heh heh. May I suggest a modification, though? I think it would be fairer to simply land the jellybaby onto the Judge's body somewhere - like his chest, for instance. Will you accept?", he enquired. "Sure, sounds like it makes my idea better, and gives the boy more chance of success", I replied. We ended up enveloping forty Tasks, even thought the other Judges commented that the Skill tournament does not usually attract every competitor. Better to have too many than too few. "What if a boy fails in his Task, does his name still go into the hat for that event?" I asked of the whole room. "Sure, why not", the Chief replied. "But the boys don't know that. Keeps 'em tryin' hard", added the Realtor. * * * At 6 p.m. the now-familiar siren sounded. I had spent the last two hours lying on my bed, thinking about Jamie and Jesse. Had they lived in this Town, they maybe would have entered the contest. Jamie was now a little over 11, Jesse 18 months younger. I imagined how they might have presented themselves in the swimsuit contest; how they might have fared in the Strength section. I pictured them fooling around with the other boys in the gym during the night. I rose out of bed almost reluctantly and made my way to the basketball court. The gym mats had been cleared away. In their place stood a table with a porcelain vase on it. I guessed that the envelopes with the Tasks were contained within it. On the opposite side of the court to the bleachers (which were nearly full) were four lounge chairs for the Judges, three of them already occupied by my confreres. Only twenty-five of the total forty-four contestants opted to compete in the Skill tournament. As there were four judges, up to four Tasks could be under way at the one time. As soon as a boy saw that the judge he favoured was unoccupied, he walked up to the vase and drew an envelope. The enthusiastic and supportive crowd had to deduce what was in the envelope from what the boy did. I felt quite honoured that by the time the tournament finished two hours later, no fewer than ten boys, including Johnnie, Peter, and the two brothers who did the double act with the cutout paper tongues and penises in the Beauty contest (their names turned out to be Tommy and Terry) had selected me to Judge their Task. The Principal only had seven takers (not that I was counting!) and the Police Chief and Realtor split the remaining eight between them. The Skill tournament, overall, was nothing less than a visual feast. Most of the Tasks required the boys to have erections, so half the fun was in watching the boy stimulate himself to that state. A boy I could not recall seeing earlier, Glen, having chosen me as his Judge, logically felt he should ask me to bring him to an aroused state so he could complete his Task. After conferring with the Principal, I reluctantly told him that he should ask another boy to do it for him, to ensure my impartiality. I don't know how I kept a straight face when I told him, but I managed it. Glen was particularly handsome, in a fragile way: he was thin as a rail, and wore his hair short in front and long at the back. He had the longest foreskin of any boy I saw at the Contest. I felt a tug at my heartstrings, because my Jesse and Jamie also have very long foreskins. Glen's extra skin didn't affect his ability to send me an SMS message with his mobile phone: LUV U SIR ME WIN. A boy named Francis drew the jellybean-flipping Challenge, and chose me as his Judge. Honestly I couldn't stop laughing when I saw him try to launch the little sweet with his stiff little pecker. First he tried holding the jellybaby on his tool crosswise, pushing his dick down ready for blastoff, but when he let it go, it simply spiralled off to the side, hitting an adjacent competitor on the shoulder. That boy promptly picked up the misguided jellybaby and poppped it in his mouth. The crowd went wild with laughter. For his second try, he laid the jellybaby lengthwise along his skinny dong. He pushed his stiffy down and then released it, and the jellybaby flew backwards and hit his own face! I became hysterical, as did the other judges and most of the crowd. For a few seconds I couldn't even breathe, I was laughiung so hard. Even some of the other competitors were holding their sides with laughter. Francis was not put off by this - we were not laughing AT him, after all, we were laughing ALONGSIDE him. What a hoot. For his final attempt, Francis took matters into his own hands, so to speak. He walked up to my chair and climbed up on it, kneeling on the armrests. In this position, his loins were only half a foot from my face. "There's nothing in the rules says I can't get up close, is there?", Francis declared. Everyone was still laughing too hard to give him a sensible answer, so Francis stretched his last jellybaby until it was almost a rope, and wrapped it around his stiffy, which I must admit remained firm throughout. I opened my mouth wide, daring Francis to aim for it. The crowd urged him on. "Mouth! Mouth!" they yelled in unison. Even the other two Competitors paused their Tasks to watch the outcome. When Francis pushed his hardon down and launched the stretched jellybaby, it hit my nose and dropped into my mouth; the crowd went berserk. I don't know what the Chief told them earlier, but they stayed in their seats, otherwise I suspect they might have rushed Francis and carried him off the court like a winning quarterback. It took two and a half minutes for the screaming to subside, and when it did, the Chief stood up and announced to the audience that it was I who had devised that particular Task. They yelled again, clapping and cheering. I felt as proud as if I had won Olympic Gold. Compared to that, you might think the rest of the Skill tournament was an anticlimax. Not so. The boys all tried valiantly in whatever Task they drew from the vase, in spite of the raucous laughter all around them. The Realtor made a show of keeping track of the Contestants' efforts on his whiteboards. The end came too soon for me, but in another way I was relieved, because my ribs ached from laughing and my stomach muscles hurt as well. Two boys (Ralph and Glen) escorted me back to my room, undressed me and departed. * * * Sunday marked the end of the Contest weekend, and also of my sojourn in the Town. I rose a little earlier than previously so that I could have breakfast with the boys. It was a delight to see that almost all of them had discarded their modesty along with their pyjamas. Many of them sported morning wood, a few fingering their tools absently while they poured cornflakes into bowls and buttered their slices of toast. The only other judge awake at this time was the Principal, who had the advantage of knowing every boy by name. He moved around the breakfast room, chatting with each boy, giving them a few words of encouragement. "That's how I'd like to be with Jamie and Jesse", I thought. "Completely at home with them, nude or not". I tore myself away from the breakfast room and had a quick shower. I was quite looking forward to the final section of the Contest, the Talent quest. A few boys had already hinted to me that I should listen especially for them when they compete, so I guessed I might be the lucky recipient of one or more Dedications. It was only a short walk from the gym's communal shower to my room, so I didn't bother to dress, or even drape my towel around me. Before I reached my door a nude Greg, the boy who had kissed my hand, met me coming from the opposite direction. He took me by the arm and led me away from my doorway, towards his room. Greg closed the door behind us and wrapped his arms around my waist, looking up at my face. I'm not very tall, but Greg only came up to my shoulders. "I wish I'd done more than kiss your hand the other night", he whispered, as I felt my penis lengthening. "You can make up for it now if you like," I suggested hopefully. "Come over to the bed", Greg ordered. "This is a little farewell gift from our Town. My Daddy is the crowd, and he said I could pick out whichever Judge I liked and thank him for his services. And I like you." I have never had such an erotic invitation from anyone before in my life, so I allowed Greg to pull me towards the bed. After I lay down in the normal orientation, Greg reversed and I quickly caught on. We sucked on each other in the most mellow and tender coupling I can recall, made all the more remarkable because Greg was only ten years old. This was his third Contest, and after swallowing my seed he said that his only regret was going to be growing up and being ineligible in two years' time. "You are always eligible to compete in the game of Love", I counselled him, and he gave a small smile at my trite advice. "You've got the necessary sporting equipment" - here I gave his little penis and balls a light squeeze - "and you know the rules pretty well". I rose from his bed and bade him farewell. * * * At ten o'clock the siren sounded for the final time on a truly memorable weekend. I was already dressed, so I strode out the door to the basketball arena. To my surprise, there was no audience this time. "The boys prefer it like this," the Principal told me when I asked. "This Section in a way belongs to them alone." The boys chose casual dress for this event, most wearing shoes, slacks and open necked shirts. They all looked quite handsome to me, the more so because I had seen almost all of them nude or scantily clad. The boys had decided among themselves the order of performance. The Principal volunteered to accompany any on the piano that required it. Johnnie, as last year's winner, had the honour of leading off, and he recited "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day" by Shakespeare. He prefaced his recitation with a few words: "To my Dad, who is not here, and to his Friend, who is". The other three judges all looked straight at me, a tinge of jealousy in their eyes. They all knew who had selected me for Judge. Johnnie was word-perfect, and received sincere applause from both Judges and boys. Next up was Greg, who had sucked my brains out only two hours earlier. He sang one of my favourite arias (how could he have known?) "Ombra mai fu" from Handel's opera Serse. Sometimes called "Handel's Largo", he gave an inspired performance, and I was in tears by the last notes, not least because he dedicated his song "To a man I knew only briefly, but very well". Lucky for me the other Judges did not look my way again or I might have hidden under the table. I heard the remaining songs and poems, but did not see the performers very well because my eyes kept filling with tears. Why didn't the boys want their fathers and uncles to see this, I wondered. I wished I had a videocamera, so I could record these performances for the lonely nights to come. Every one of the boys showed his gentler, softer side. Some boys were hugged by other boys after their performances. The whole stadium was charged with an emotion seldom felt by males: tenderness. At the end, the boys simply filed out and returned to their rooms to pack. We Judges were left alone to pretend that we were deliberating about a winner. Instead we were reminiscing about the funny and touching moments that were strewn all over the weekend. "Time to get on with it", the Realtor brought us back to earth with a thud. "I've got all the tiles laid out on the table, would you each like to check that the boys' names appear as often as they appeared in the Contest." I wandered over to the table, now a bit reluctant to let the weekend end. I gave the tiles a cursory glance. There were six boys who had competed in every Section, so they each had four tiles with their names on them. I recognised Johnnie's name, and Gilbert, winner of the Strength Section. Peter was there too, I guess he figured he should go in everything to make up for those past missed years. I smiled when I saw Greg's name, the boy who kissed my hand and touched my heart. The two other names were of boys I had not encountered. After all four Judges had scrutinised the tiles, the Principal tipped them into the vase we had used last night for the Task envelopes. He put the lid on and gave the vase a noisy shake. He offered it to each of the three remaining Judges to shake if they wished. The Police Chief gave it a token rattle, then took off the lid. Rolling up one sleeve, he turned his head away and reached into the jar with his bare arm. "Are we all willing to accept whatever name comes out as the winner?", the Chief asked the three of us, reminding us of the Contest Rules. We all nodded, and he withdrew the tile with the lucky winner's name on it. He held it aloft, and all of us could clearly see the name "Gilbert" on it. "Very fitting", the Principal remarked. "It's always a relief to have a Section winner come out as the overall winner. Makes the boys try harder next year". "What happens now?" I asked, being the most inexperienced Judge present. "Well, the boys are due back in here in-" he paused to check his wristwatch "ten minutes. I announce the Winner, he makes a short acceptance speech, the other boys give him congratulations, then the boys all go home. Their fathers and uncles are waiting for them in the car park". "There's one thing I've been wondering," I began, addressing no Judge in particular. "Are there any women in this Town? And what are they all doing this weekend?" The Police Chief replied for his brother Judges. "Sure there's women - someone's got to be havin' the babies, after all. But about thirty five years ago, the Judges at that time modified the Rules so that only boys who had no mothers could compete. All these boys come from homes that are broken by divorce, death or other maternal absence. We publicise the Contest as a 'Father-Son Bonding Weekend' for boys whose family life has been disrupted. That way we keep out the nosy do-gooder women who wouldn't be sympathetic to the exact practices that are the essential nature of our Contest". It was the longest speech I had heard the taciturn Chief give. But his answer generated even more questions. "What about boys who have single mothers as, er, mothers?" I replied. "That's what the Good Lord made Uncles for, sonny", the Chief returned. "But what if a boy learned about the Contest, say from his friends, and he wanted to go in it, but his family is intact?" I persisted. "You know, our Town's Travel Agency gets mighty busy this time of year. I should know, my niece runs it. Seems like a lot of women go on trips to visit their folks interstate right about now. Fine travellin' weather", the Chief concluded, sounding as if he had answered enough questions. He was in the business of asking questions, after all, not answering them. I smiled in recognition of his friendly duplicity. A knock at the inner doors heralded the return of the boys, carrying their weekend bags. They took their places on the bleachers, and at the announcement of the winner all forty of them cheered long and sincerely for Gilbert. The little strongman clamboured down from his seat and accepted the Principal's handshake (representing all of us Judges). He turned to his fellow Contestants and cleared his throat. The boys fell silent. "I reckon I'm the luckiest boy in Town right about now", he began. "This was my last chance at the Contest, an' even though I won, I want you guys who are younger'n me to know that I think you're luckier'n me 'cause you can go in the Contest again next year. To you boys who're the same age as me, well, this was our last Contest, but let me tell you, I reckon now we're friends for life. I mean it. I guess the only thing'll make me happier than I am right now is when I bring my own son, or nephew, along to a Contest some time in the future. I hope I'll see some of you guys there too." Gilbert dropped his head in a sort of bow as the boys cheered him again. I was very emotional as the boys filed out of the double doors into the car park to meet their dads or uncles. A couple of the boys stopped off on their way out to give me a chaste hug or a peck on the cheek. I was wiping my eyes for about the fiftieth time that weekend when I saw that the last boy left in the gym was Johnnie. I felt immediately sorry that he did not retain his title, but he did't look at all sad to me. "Dad said I've got time to say goodbye to you", Johnnie began. He held out his hand for what I thought would be a handshake, but when I reached out with mine he grasped it and pulled me towards the inner gym doors. I let him drag me along to the first vacant room we encountered along the hallway. Johnnie closed the door behind us after we entered, making the room darker. The room was sparsely furnished, I could only make out a bed, table and a chair. Johnnie pushed me against the wall next to the door and wrapped his arms loosely around my waist, his hands clasped behind my back. His chest pressed against my lower sternum. I didn't know what to do with my hands so I just draped them on his shoulders. He looked up at my face. "Dad told me about your two cousins", Johnnie started. "Uh, second cousins", I corrected him gently, looking down into his eyes. "Whatever. He told me that you love being with them and miss them a lot", the boy continued in a soft voice. "Well, yeah, but things haven't been working out for us lately", I lamely replied. Johnnie wriggled a bit closer to me (if that was possible) and whispered "I've got my sequinned bathers on - wanna feel 'em again?". Sure I wanted to feel them again. It would give me something useful to do with my hands. I reached down Johnnie's back to the waistband of his tracksuit. One hand pulled the material outward while the other reached inside to grasp the top of Johnnie's sequin-spangled briefs. Some of the sequins had fallen off, so I was able to feel the material onto which they had been sewn. It felt slippery, like silk. "You can reach in if you want", Johnnie breathed. "Uh, o-okay," I stammered. I pushed the hand that had been feeling the material downwards into the deeper darkness between bottom cheeks and briefs. My hand settled on Johnnie's right cheek and I suddenly remembered a joke I heard a thousand years ago about an English guy who was asked by his Yankee date to reach down the back of her dress to retrieve an earring that had come off while they were dancing. Anyway, the guy was embarassed to be groping his dance partner's derriere in public, so he says "I feel a perfect ass". She says "Never mind the compliments, just get the earring". It's funny how stupid crap like that pops into your mind at the most inopportune time. Johnnie dropped his head onto my chest as I slowly rotated my hand on his right cheek. I crossed the Great Divide and moved on to his left cheek, giving it the same treatment. Johnnie was purring on my chest. My chin lightly rested on his head. I was starting to relax and enjoy what I was doing. Johnnie's arms tightened on me a little, as he whispered "Go in between". Needing no more encouragement, I repositioned my hand at the top of his bottom crack and began to plunge my middle finger downward along his crevasse. Right about where I expected my fingertip to encounter a warm moist pucker, I found instead a piece of hard rubber. "What's this?" I whispered urgently, even thought the nearest other person who might have heard me was three walls and sixty metres away. "That's my little friend. It's your placeholder," Johnnie giggled. "I've been wearing it all weekend, hoping you might come on to me. I gave you plenty of signals and hints and you ignored every one. Are you shy or something?" "Uh, I guess, I think the boy has to make the first move", I mumbled weakly, wondering why Johnnie was wearing a dildo. "Well, I've used up all my first moves. Now I'm hoping you'll make your move", Johnnie asserted. He let go of my waist and undid the cord of his tracksuit. It dropped to his ankles. He pulled the sequinned briefs down to his knees, whereupon they fell the rest of the way to join his tracksuit. Johnnie waddled a couple of steps to the table and bent over it. I followed, groping a little in the almost pitch darkness. "Pull my little friend out and replace it", Johnnie urged. "Greg told me yours is a nice one. I want to find out if you will make a good partner for those cousins of yours, or whether I should keep you here for myself". "Uh, second cousins", I gasped, as I pushed my impossibly hard member into the hole from which I had just removed a four inch dildo. Johnnie braced his hands on the table as I pushed into him from behind. I held his hips at first while I got a slow but even rhythm going. We were both panting, mine more of a gasp, Johnnie's more like a moan. After about twenty strokes I found myself fully lodged inside him. I stoppped pumping and bent over to whisper into his ear. "Tell me how you like it, Johnnie", I breathed, slowly grazing my hands around his hips to converge on his genitals. My left hand grasped his testicles, my right took his rod. It was comparable in size to the rubber toy I removed from his anus. "Push and rub at the same time, Sir. And..." Johnnie paused. I sensed he was about to ask me something extremely private and personal. "...tell me nice things while you do me...please?" I smiled in the darkness. Keeping my mouth to Johnnie's ear while bending over him and pleasuring his bottom was going to give my back hell, but I could live with the pain. "Your bottom is so hot and tight, my darling", I whispered, honouring his most profoundly expressed request. "Your stiffie in my hand feels like it's alive, a squirming snake, a tasty hot dog, a lever for a passion engine. Your balls feels like sweet plums, soft yet firm, ripe, ready for sucking the sweet juice. You are giving me your bum for my pleasure, my generous darling loverboy. I can feel your muscles squeeze on my dick as I plough it into your innermost being, the place where you are your most real self, where you alone let your lover enter, let your lover drill you, let him fuck you and handle you, holding your boyhood in his hands, holding your jewels..." It gets a bit too embarassing to record beyond that, but you get the idea. Johnnie was well pleased with my efforts, he didn't even mind me nipping his neck and earlobe a little as I got close to climaxing. He squirted a little juice in my hand after I shot off in his bottom. For a minute after, I couldn't straighten my back, but eventually the old vertebrae clunked into position and I was able to stand upright. Johnnie swivelled in place and rewarded my hard work with a long and deep kiss. The dildo went into his pocket, after he pulled up his briefs and tracksuit pants. We left the room and headed for the double doors. Even though Gilbert won the Contest, I think I got first prize. * * * The last thing Johnnie said to me as we walked to the car park was "Do the right thing by your second cousins, the two boys." "How do I know what the right thing is?", I countered, feeling a bit weird to be asking advice of a nearly-twelve-year-old. "Do what your heart tells you. That's what I always do." He smiled as he jumped into the passenger seat of his father's jeep. I waved at his Dad, and they both waved back as the vehicle swung around and headed for the road. * * * Which explains why I am lying in the long grass at the side of the sports field of St Vomitus Academy at six thirty in the morning three days later. My back has recovered from its exertions with Johnnie, and I have driven to Jesse and Jamie's place of incarceration. I recalled that the boys told me that they always went for a walk around the school perimeter before breakfast. Apparently a few of the other boys did likewise. The theory was that after their walk they were so hungry they were even able to eat the food the kitchen served. I watched from my concealment as boys walked by, singly or in pairs, thinking of a million ways in which my plan was certain to backfire. Maybe the boys didn't go for morning walks any more. Maybe they would refuse to leave with me. Maybe they had already been handed over to one or other of the relatives who were haggling over them and wasting the Court's time. Too late to think of more flaws, here they were! "Psst!" The boys stopped. I detected an extreme wariness in them, as though they were ready to run. "Psst. Over here, Jamie, Jesse!", I whispered. Another couple of boys were only forty metres away and closing fast. Luckily they had their heads down. Probably contemplating the breakfast menu. "Hey!", Jamie called as he grabbed his brother's arm. "It's Uncle! What are you doing in the grass, Uncle?" "Be quiet boys, and get over here fast", I urged, still prone, only my head up. Jamie looked behind him to the two downcast walkers, who were now only thirty metres away, then dived for the ground alongside me, pulling Jesse with him. The three of us wriggled backwards, keeping low so as not to be seen, until we reached the shelter of some shrubbery. As soon as we were able to stand without revealing our position, the boys flung themselves on me in a double hug. Little Jesse looked up at me with his big eyes and asked "Have you come to rescue us? I hate it here. I wish I was dead." Jamie looked as though he was about to chide Jesse for being a baby, but he checked himself before repeating his younger brother's question. "We both hate it here, Uncle," he confessed sadly. It nearly broke my heart. I have lost count of the number of times I have asked the two boys to call me by my given name, but their late Father (may the flames surrounding him never be quenched) told them I was to be referred to as "Uncle", and old habits die hard. I guess I'm used to it now. "Boys, if you can survive just a few more hours, I have a plan that will spring you both out of here and let you live with me forever," I declared bravely, with more confidence than I felt. The boys' eyes widened as they stared in shock at each other before rushing me again with the double hug. It took them a while to let go this time, giving me plenty of time to explain the parts of the plan that were pertinent to them before they were expected to show up for breakfast. * * * >From page seven of the local newspaper, dated two days later: "No sign has yet been found of the bodies of two young boys, pupils at St Veritas Academy, whose clothing was found beside a notoriously treacherous bend of the Savage River, two kilometres from the school grounds. Police confirm that the two boys were brothers, orphans whose parents died tragically some months ago. Police also confirm that the older boy left a note pinned to his pillow, but will not confirm that it is a suicide note. The search for the two boys is now concentrated on the downstream reaches of the fast-flowing river. A family spokesman denied that the boys were unhappy at the school, however it is understood that there was an ongoing custody battle in the Court over guardianship of the brothers. A source within St Veritas Academy, who did not wish to be identified, confirmed to this newspaper that all the belongings of both boys were found intact, suggesting that they were not runaways. Schoolfriends of the boys described them yesterday as friendly but quiet, and very protective of each other. More details to follow as they come to hand." * * * "So, Jamie, how's it feel to be dead?", I asked, ruffling his wet hair with the motel towel. Jesse stood patiently alongside, waiting his turn to be dried. "Pretty cool, Uncle. Do you think the Police will really stop looking for us soon?", the naked dripping boy replied. The three of us had exited the tiny motel bathroom; I knelt in front of the two boys in the main room of the apartment trying to complete the chore. "Even if they do keep looking, they'll be looking for two bodies, not two real live squirmy skinny boys like I see before me." Jamie giggled as I tickled his waist a bit before returning to drying his hair. "Uncle", Jamie started. I paused in my drying duty. "I love you". "Why thank you Jamie," I returned. "I guess I'm pretty darn fond of you too", I managed to enunciate before I choked up a bit. "I love you too, Uncle", piped up Jesse, waiting patiently alongside. "Thank you, Jesse. I'll be with you soon", I answered my younger boy's declaration. I had only gotten as far as Jamie's armpits with the towel when he began to speak again. "Can you give me a kiss, Uncle, like the one you gave me on my birthday?" Darn kids, they'll do anything to prolong the towelling. "On your birthday? You can remember that kiss, what, ten month ago?". Jamie nodded vigorously. "Okay. Let me get most of the water off your brother first before we have a flood in here". I switched to the younger boy and towelled most of the surface moisture off him before returning to Jamie. "Are you sure, Jamie? That was a pretty special kiss, you know", I cautioned. He nodded again, holding his arms out for me to hug him. As I was on my knees, our faces were about level. I remembered giving him a French kiss on his birthday and was terrified for weeks afterwards that he would inadvertently blab about it to his mother of father. "Can I have a special kiss too Uncle, after Jamie", Jesse pleaded, as my lips mashed onto his older brother's. I sucked Jamie's tongue out of his mouth and swirled it around in mine before invading his mouth with my own tongue. I sensed Jesse was getting a bit restless so I released Jamie's lips and held my arms open for Jesse to throw himself, still damp, into them. "Okay, Jesse, here goes" I declared before locking lips with him. I couldn't recall whether I'd given him a kiss like this on his ninth birthday four months ago, but he quickly got into the swing of it, duelling his tongue with mine and clutching my shoulders tightly with his little hands. "Uncle", Jamie interrupted. I broke my kiss with Jesse to take a breath and listen to Jamie. "Can you show me how to check under my foreskin like you did before? I forgot how to do it." Jamie's face radiated innocence, but his smile betrayed his real intentions. I challenged him on it. "So, you forgot, eh? After all the time and trouble I took practicing with you so you would remember", I chided him. He could only giggle in reply. "Okay, up onto the bed and spread those legs. And remember what I told you about getting stiffies". "I remember, Uncle," Jamie replied earnestly. "You told us that stiffies were normal and good and not to be ashamed of, and I can get one any time I want", Jamie answered as he clambered up onto the motel's double bed to lie on his back, displaying his breathtaking ten-and-three-quarter year old body for me. "Can you check my foreskin next after Jamie's, Uncle? I got a stiffie already," Jesse proclaimed, pushing his hips towards me. Even with his two inch erection, Jesse had a surplus half inch of foreskin hanging loosely off the tip of his horizontal organ. I conceded defeat. "Okay, both of you, up here", I ordered. "Might as well do both jobs in one go." The two boys had positioned themselves on the bed so that I could kneel between them and reach their little tools easily. I used one hand on each boy to roll the surplus skin down their phalluses, revealing the dark pink crowns of their glans (glanses?) beneath. They smiled at me as I manipulated the ample skin. Jamie shut his eyes, Jesse licked his lips as both boys gave themselves over to pure pleasure. I realised that this was no mere inspection, it was a reprise of what Johnnie had told me - the boys had made it clear that they wanted me to pleasure them, and I should stop prevaricating and get on with it. "Boys," I began, "I think now would be a good time to talk to you about our future." I continued my stroking of their penises, all pretense of 'checking' now discarded. "I know a Town where the people are friendly, where there are lots of boys to play with, where the police won't bother us, and where they have a great Contest for boys every year. What do you think of that?" Jamie and Jesse both looked at me. "I think you should follow you heart, Uncle" Jamie said. He looked at his brother for a moment of unspoken support. "We will go with you anywhere". End