Date: Fri, 07 May 1999 18:28:19 GMT From: Joe Camp Subject: My Cyber-Buddy Jon My Cyber-Buddy Jon Codes: M/t (handicapped, oral, anal) By Joe Camp Warning: This story contains graphic sex between a man 52 and a young 16 year-old. If you are underage, or this type of gay story offends you, find something else. This story depicts unprotected gay sex. That is not real life, if you want to live to old age. This story is fiction, and no one in it can catch anything, unless I, the author that made them up, want them to. Then, no amount of protection could keep them safe. You, on the other hand, are not fiction. Any resemblance of characters to an actual person is purely coincidental. The author retains the copyright of this story. Placing this story on a web site without the authors permission is a violation of that copyright. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- My Cyber-Buddy Jon I had the most satisfying sex of my life a little while ago, with the sexiest young man I have ever known. It bothers me a little, that I'm 52, and he is 16 years-old. I know I write about having a teen-age lover all the time, but just as my story headers say, they are only fiction. I have never before had sex with anyone more then 4 years younger then myself. It all started just a little over a year ago. I had posted a new story on Friday night, so I expected to have 6 or 7 e-mails on Monday. I had learned long ago, that most readers don't write. If 6 or 7 write, that means several hundred enjoyed the story. If only one or two, it wasn't a very good story. As the feedback from readers is the only pay I get for writing, I have made it a habit to reply to all that do write, except for open flames. It doesn't bother me at all to ignore those. I got home, and signed on the Internet. There were several e-mails in my box, so I knew it was a good story. I recognized a few of the addresses. There was one from Jim. He spots every story I post, and is a faithful reader. He's written some very good stories himself, and he lets me know when one of mine isn't thought out as well as it should be. I replied, and asked when the next segment of his story would be ready. I'm really into the one he is writing. There was one from Howard. He gets onto me when I incorrectly use a word. I love him anyway. I fired off a note to him, before reading the next one. "Dear Jeff, I really liked your story. Is there any truth to it? I'm 15, and think I'm gay. I've never done anything with a guy, and I'm still a virgin. I need help................ Jon" I thought a long time, before I answered the one from Jon. What do I tell him? I thought about the problems I could create for him, by giving him the wrong advice. Did I want to take the chance? Did I want the responsibility? I didn't know what to do. Being a teen is hard enough. Add being gay, and the kid can have it ruff. It's just too easy to advise the wrong thing. Just tell the truth, I decided. "Hi Jon, I really wish there was some truth to the story, but it is 100% fiction. It's just the longings and dreams of an old man. I often wish I had someone like the teen, in my own life, but I don't. Fifteen is a hard but wonderful age. To most people, you are not yet a man, but no longer a little boy. I know you hear it all the time, but don't get in a rush to grow up. Enjoy this time in your life, as you discover who you are, and what you believe in. Take the time to be a kid. Jon, I don't know how, or even if, there is anyway I can help you, but if you just need an older friend to talk to, I'm here. Just remember that your parents do love you. Sometimes that gets lost in the day to day living. Often, it's hard for a teen and a parent to really talk, but always remember, they have loved you for a long time. I hope you have a good open relationship with them. I know that they understand you a lot better then you think they do. They have lived with you, all your life, and want nothing but the best for you. Best wishes, Jeff" I shut off the computer, and decided to take my afternoon walk. I usually try to take it before school lets out, or in the early evening. Well, that day, I was in between. School had been out for almost an hour, but it was still too early for the kids to be inside. I decided I could just dodge the skateboards, rollerblades, and bikes. As I passed the grade school, there were only a few kids still hanging around the playground. Most of the neighborhood kids were at the basketball courts at the junior high, or skateboarding in the empty parking lot of the church. I was a couple of blocks past the church, when I noticed a school bus stopped at a house. I had noticed the house before. It was the only one on my route that had a wheel chair ramp. I had always assumed it was an older person living there. I watched as the wheel chair lift lowered from the bus. A cute teen-age boy was sitting in the chair, and as the locks were released, he swung the motorized chair to the sidewalk, and up the ramp to the front door. He waved bye to the kids still on the bus, and I couldn't help but notice some of them were a lot younger then the boy that had gotten off. Bus H-2. I guess the H stands for handicapped. He smiled at me as I passed his house, and gave me a little wave. I returned his smile, and told him, "Hi" as I passed. The writer in me couldn't help but start wondering about him. Who was he? Why is he in that chair? Has he been that way since birth? Was it an accident? My active imagination started making up a story of his life. I finished my walk, and forgot about the boy. He seemed happy. My life went on. I checked my e-mail once more, before going to bed. There were a couple of new ones, and another one from Jon. "Hi Jeff, You said something about gaydar in your story. What is it? Love ya, Jon" "Hi Jon, Gaydar is impossible to explain fully, or to teach someone. It is reading someone's body language. It's really just a feeling you get about someone. It's the same as how you know someone is straight. It is the little things a guy does. How he looks at other guys. Is he checking them out? Does he look interested? It's impossible for me to tell you. Gaydar comes with experience, and age. Even when you think you've got it, your sometimes wrong. Take care, Jon Jeff" Jon and I got in the habit of exchanging e-mail almost every day. When I didn't get one from him, I missed it. Most times, the notes were just to say hi, or tell me about something that had happened that day. We had been writing to each other for several months, when I got an e-mail telling me about the way kids in the Fall and Spring, would skateboard in the parking lot of the church near where he lives. I don't know what it was, but I soon started suspecting that Jon didn't get outdoors much. Just something about the way his notes read, led me to believe he spent a lot of time in his room, at his computer. I could send him an e-mail in the early evening, and he would often answer, before I signed off. Jon's e-mail once asked me to send my stories to him, before they were posted. I had to remind him that as long as he was under 18, that would be illegal. I just told him I would send him the titles, and he knew where to find the stories. Winter set in, and I missed having my daily walk. It was just too cold to get out. I'm not one of those that likes Winter. I spent a lot of time at my computer, and finished a new story every three or four days. I started taking my walks again that Spring. Several times, I would pass the house of the boy in the wheelchair. Sometimes as he was getting home from school, and sometimes not. He would always smile at me, and we would say hello. I guess in the back of my mind, I started timing my walk with the arrival of bus H-2, just so I could say hi to the boy. Jon's e-mail told me it was his 16th birthday. I sent one back congratulating him, and joking about his now getting a driver's license. I didn't hear back from him for a few days. I wasn't sure if he had gone somewhere and wasn't getting his e-mail, or was now too busy for an old guy like me. I waited 3 days, then sent a note that just said, "Hi Jon, Been busy have you? Jeff" It was the next day, when I got Jon's e-mail. "Hi Jeff, I guess it's time for me to tell you about myself. I'll never get to do the things "normal" kids get to do. I'll never get to have a driver's license. I'll never go to a dance. I'll never play basketball, or baseball. I'll never get to have sex with someone. I'll always have to be satisfied with jacking-off to your stories. All I'll ever get to do is dream about it, like you do in your stories. When I was 6, our car was hit by a drunk driver. I'll never walk again. I'm in a wheelchair. No one will ever want to have sex with me. Most people see someone in a wheelchair, and they avoid us. They act like we are not even there or have something contagious. It makes me so mad when we go to a restaurant, and the waiter asks my mom or dad, what I want. Or they go the other way, and are so condescending it makes me want to puke. I'm a person. I just can't walk. I hope you will still be my friend and write to me. My e-mail is my life-line. Love, Jon" I wrote right back. "Hi Jon, I'm sorry about your accident. I know that doesn't make you any less a person. You may get surprised and find someone. I once knew a man that lost his legs in Vietnam, and still he got married. He and his wife had 4 kids. 2 were his, and 2 were adopted. Being in a wheelchair doesn't mean you can't learn to drive. The same man had a van with hand controls. I'm sure you already know all about this. Don't give up. Be brave and struggle through the ruff times. If you were 18, I would say I would come find you, and ....................... Love, Jeff" "Hi Jeff, I'm sorry I got down in the dumps. It's just that a few weeks ago, a guy I go to school with, got a car for his 16th birthday. I've been trying to talk my folks into getting racing gears and a hot-rod engine put on my chair. Ha Ha. There is an old guy that walks by my house almost every day. He sometimes passes as I'm getting off the school bus, and sometimes I see him out my bedroom window. He always smiles and says hi, and I like to think you are like he is. By the way, did you know 16 is the age of consent in Oklahoma? Love, Jon" Oklahoma? Old man walking past his house each day? I'm sure there are thousands of guys that do that. But what about the remark about kids skateboarding in the parking lot of the church near his house? Could it be? I had to ask. "Hi once more Jon, I know this might sound off the wall, but is your school bus H-2? Love, Jeff" Only minutes passed before the mail alert popped up. "HOW DID YOU KNOW?????????" "You said hi to me this afternoon, when you got off the bus. Now we know what we each look like. We don't have to meet, Jon. We can still just be cyber-buddies. I don't want you to do anything you are uncomfortable with. Love, Jeff" There wasn't any answer to my e-mail by bedtime. I went to bed, and had trouble going to sleep. Had I made a mistake letting him know that I had figured out who his is? Had I scared him? Did he want to break off our cyber friendship? I finally drifted off to sleep, but I couldn't rest that night. I checked my e-mail the first thing the next morning. Nothing from Jon. The day dragged by, with me wondering if I should take my walk that afternoon. I would decide; yes, I should give him a chance to talk if he wants to. Then, later I would decide; no, he will e-mail if he wants to see me. I spent most of the evening on-line, waiting for an e-mail for Jon. It never came. Two more days passed, and then on Friday evening, there was Jon's e-mail address. I quickly opened it. "Hi Jeff, My name is Bud. I'm Jon's father. Would you come see us? We all need to talk. Jon wants to meet you, but when you didn't take your walk the other day, he became scared you don't want to meet him. If you don't want to meet, we will understand. We will be up until about 11:00, if you want to come over." Well, what do I do now? I quickly tried to think. Have I ever sent him anything I could be arrested for? No. I've never sent him any photos. Never cyber-sexed with him. I didn't send him any stories. He downloaded them from the web. No, there is nothing I could be arrested for. Does his dad want to punch my lights out? I don't think so. The note wasn't angry. I decided to go over. It was only 7:00. I got the car out of the garage, as I had decided to drive, even though it was only five blocks. Just the idea of my car being outside their front door, made me feel better. I pulled up in front of their house, and parked in the same spot his school bus stops. I was nervous, as I went up the walkway to the front door. The door opened before I even knocked. A big man was standing there. He must have been 6' 2", and weighed around 225 pounds. It didn't look as if any of it was fat. A hand was stuck out at me. "Jeff?" he asked. I nodded, as I shook his hand. "I'm Bud. Come on in." I stepped into the living room, and was greeted by a lady. "This is Jon's mother, Peggy." We shook hands, as Bud called out in a commanding tone of voice, "Get in here Jon. Jeff is here." I heard the slow whirr of his wheelchair, as he came down the hall. He didn't seem to be in a hurry. He pulled his chair just into the livingroom, and stopped. He looked up at me, and it looked like he was ready to cry. "You didn't come. I waited, but you didn't come." "I'm sorry, Jon. I didn't want to push you. I was waiting for you to e-mail me that you wanted to meet." "You were?" he exclaimed. "I thought you didn't want to meet me." "Jon, I had hoped we had became better buddies then that. You ought to know by now, that chair doesn't put me off." Jon's dad was obvious, as he cleared his throat. "Jon has shown us the e-mails you have exchanged. We know you are gay, and we have suspected Jon is for a long time. I didn't know about the stories he has been reading, until a few days ago. While I don't claim to see what you guys get out of them, I did get the feeling you are a warm, loving person, that won't deliberately do anything to hurt Jon. If you two want to become ..... uh, buddies ..... uh, friends, we won't object." I didn't know what to think. Did I understand his dad right? Was his father telling us it was ok to became lovers? I looked over at Jon. There was a pleading puppy-dog look on his face. He was begging me with his big brown eyes. Did I really understand what was going on here. Are they all really telling me it's ok to have sex with Jon, their son? Their 16 year-old son, Jon? "Uh,.... yes,..... I would like to spend some time with Jon." I stammered. Everyone seemed to relax, and the smile on Jon's face, would have lite up the darkest night. "Can we go do something?" Jon excitedly asked. "Well, yes, but I don't think I can get your wheelchair in my car." I told him. "That's ok." he called out as he headed back down the hall, "I've got another one that folds up. You'll have to push me in that one. That ok?" "Sure." I called to his back. Bud got the other wheelchair out of the closet, and showed me how to open and fold it. He told me Jon could pretty well handle it by himself, except if he had to go over a curb or step. Jon was soon back in the livingroom, carrying a small backpack. He slipped it onto the back of the folding wheelchair, before spinning it around, locking the wheels, and scooting into it. "I'm ready anytime you are." Jon told me. I gave his folks a nervous grin, as I said goodbye, and followed him out the door. He was at the car, getting the passenger door open, by the time I caught up with him. He slid from the chair, onto the front seat, and fastened his seat belt. I got the chair folded up, and in the trunk. Jon and his parents were waving bye to each other as I started the car, and asked, "Where do you want to go?" "Your house." he answered. "Jeff, I want to have sex. Well you have sex with me?" "You're sure that's what you want?" I asked him. "Yeah, I'm sure. My mom and dad talked it over with me. It's ok. If you don't mind my being a cripple, that's what I want." "Jon, I've told you over and over. I don't mind. That chair is a part of you, but not who you are." We had pulled into my driveway, and Jon unbuckled his seat belt. He leaned over, and kissed me on the cheek. "Thanks, Jeff." he told me. We got in the house, and I got Jon a glass of iced tea, as I made myself some coffee. We sat in the livingroom, and just visited as we sipped our drinks. I asked him what time he had to be home, and he just shrugged his shoulders and said, "When you take me home." I looked over at him, and asked, "Jon, what do you want to do? I don't want to do anything you are not ready for. If you just want me to jack you off, that's alright. If you want a blow-job, that's what we'll do. It's up to you, baby." "You remember the story you wrote, about the student that spent the weekend with his teacher? That's what I want to do." "Everything? All weekend long?" I asked him. "Yeah, everything. All weekend long." he answered as he grinned at me. "You sure it's alright with your folks for you to spend the weekend?" "All I have to do is call them and give them the phone number here. I brought everything I might need, just in case it was ok with you." "Make your call, Jon." Jon called home, and all he said was, "It's ok for me to stay. The number is, 555-4217. I love you. Bye." Jon asked for a tour of the house, and it didn't take long. He wheeled himself into my bedroom, and squirmed onto the bed. He looked so wonderful and tempting lying there. He stretched out his arms to me, and told me, "I need a kiss." I sat on the edge of the bed, and leaned in to kiss him. I was afraid I might accidently hurt him, so I just gently touched my lips to his. Jon's arms wrapped themselves around me, and pulled me tight against him. His hungry mouth was sucking on mine, before his tongue darted inside me. His actions reassured me, and I was soon returning his kiss with passion. Jon broke our kiss, and whispered in my ear, "I won't break, Jeff. Make love to me. You won't break me." I slowly unbuttoned his shirt, as I planted kisses on his face and neck. He was already starting to breath a little harder. I opened his shirt, and his small nipples were already firm and tall. His chest and stomach were well defined. You could tell he has a lot of upper body strength. He helped me get his shirt off, then collapsed back onto the bed. He reached for my shirt, and I leaned in, so he could lift it over my head. The touch of our nude skin together, was like fire, as we hugged each other close. I was so hard I couldn't have gotten any harder. Jon was soon unbuckling my belt, and I was getting in his way, as I tried to get his undone. I slid down and removed his shoes and socks. Then back up, as I pulled down his jeans. His withered legs appeared, and he glanced at me with apprehension in his eyes. I just smiled at him, and continued getting his pants off. His briefs were tented out, and he looked so hot as he lay on my bed. I pulled the elastic of his waist band over his hard-on, and slipped his briefs off. His 6 inch cut dick was standing tall and proud. It was framed by his brown pubic bush, and was begging for my attention. I gently opened his legs, and his plump sac of nuts were more accessible. I got between his legs, and my tongue found the way to those luscious balls. Every spot felt my tongue, as I licked my way up to his hard cock. I had to stop long enough to slurp each of those eggs into my mouth. Jon was moaning and squirming his upper body, as I enjoyed what I was doing. His hard-on jerked, as I wrapped my hand around it, and Jon groaned. I licked the bright cherry red head of my lollipop. Oh, it was good. Jon was whimpering, as my mouth sucked in his hard shaft. Jon couldn't hump into my mouth, but he tightened and relaxed his butt muscles, and did a good imitation of it. I started bobbing up and down on his engorged cock. Jon moaned and whined, as his hands first petted the back of my head, then guided me up and down his cock. He was all but sobbing, as he reached the point of no return. He screamed, " OOOOH, Jeeeeef, OOOOOH, AWWWWWW!", as his boy juice erupted into my mouth. Shot after shot of the mildest, sweetest tasting cum I have ever had, came from his plump, full nuts. He had just a bit of the bitter-sweet taste, with hardly any of the heavy after-taste. His cream was almost like pre-cum. I eagerly lapped up what I had spilt, as Jon relaxed and recovered. I slid up the bed, and we wrapped each other in our arms. We lay just hugging, until Jon told me, "There is cloth between us. I want you naked too." I sat up as I got my shoes and socks off, then stood as I dropped my pants and underwear. Jon just grinned as he stared at my hard dick. I lay back beside Jon, and wrapped him in my arms. His hand soon found it's way to my nuts, and he was gently cupping and squeezing them. He shoved me onto my back, and started kissing me, as he slithered his way down my body. His velvety tongue was working it's magic on my nuts. He has the softest gentlest touch. He sucked on my right nut for a long time, before moving to the left one. My nuts were already getting tight against my body. Jon quickly wrapped his wonderful mouth around my glans, as his tongue worked the sensitive area under the ridge. I soon had to start humping into his fantastic mouth. He was sucking so good, you would never have believed it was his first time. My groans changed to a long moan, as the cum was torn from my balls, and shot into Jon's sucking mouth. He choked on the first shot, but soon was greedily swallowing it down. He gently sucked, as I went soft. He cleansed me with his tongue, as I recouped my strength. I pulled him up, and he wiggled up my body, to lay on top of me. We told each other how good it had been, and he gave me a gentle, loving kiss, as he told me thank you, for his first time. We lay a long time, with Jon on top of me, just hugging and kissing. I felt him starting to once again stir, and knew he would soon be ready for more. If we stayed true to the story, fucking came next. My feeling his hardening cock, started my own to respond. Jon whispered so softly, that I had to strain to hear him, "I'm ready to be fucked, Jeff." "How do you want to do it?" I asked. "Just like in the story." I gently rolled him off me, and lay him on his back. I opened the night-stand drawer, and found the tube of lube. Jon reached down, and slipping his arms under his useless legs, lifted them to his chest. A dab on my index finger, and I started working the muscle of his virgin ass. He smiled as I worked on him, and his face looked peaceful and contented. As soon as he was relaxed, I slicked my cock, and got lined up with his hole. I placed his legs on my shoulders, and he smiled up at me. We were ready for me to start into him. He tensed a little, when my dick-head touched his puckered opening. He soon relaxed and started pushing out. I gently pushed in, and it didn't take much force, before I slipped inside him. It may only have been, that my having sex with a young guy, had been so long ago that I had forgotten what it was like, but it was heaven. He was so tight, so warm, so silky soft, that I was lost. I had to stop and relax, with just the head of my dick in him, or I would have shot before I even got all the way in. Jon was urging me to enter him completely, before I was ready. I explained to him why I had stopped, and the joy that lite his face was more then I have ever before seen. "Am I really that good for you?" he asked. All I could do was nod. Once I came down enough to last a little while, I slowly pushed on into Jon. There was a sharp intake of his breath, as I pushed past his prostate. I bottomed out, and rested a moment to let Jon's body adjust to me. His butt muscles started tightening and relaxing around my dick. It was absolutely amazing. His eyes were telling me he was ok, so I started a slow long dicking. Gently and slowly, I withdrew from him, until only the fat head of my dick was in him. He tightened his muscles, to trap my cock inside him. I knew I couldn't last long. I slowly pushed back into him, and Jon groaned as I once more passed his prostate. Pre-cum was draining onto his tummy. His dick-head was so red and swollen, that I was afraid to touch it. It looked as if it would burst at any moment. Once more, I reversed directions, as I bottomed out in this sexy, wonderful young man. His breathing was becoming very ragged, and he gave a small cry, as my dick-head once again, scraped across his prostate. Pushing back in, and he screamed as his cum started pumping onto his stomach. I had to shove as deep into him as I could, as my own cum exploded into Jon. We rested as we were, still hooked together, as we recovered and basked in our joy of each other. Dare I say it? Yes. In our love, one for the other. As I withdrew from Jon, he asked me to help him take a bath. I know my back can't take too much more of lifting him in and out of the tub. But yes, I did enjoy it. We dried each other, before returning to bed. We snuggled together, as sleep overtook us, and gave us rest from our hard workout. When we woke this morning, Jon had another hard-on. It was his turn to fuck me. He got me ready, and I slicked his dick. I got on top of him, and then just sat down. His six inches might not be all that much, but it was the most satisfying fuck I have ever had. The expression on his face, as he splattered his cum into me, just can't be described. How can I even try? The joy. The satisfaction. The completeness. I don't know how to describe it. For me? Satisfaction. Fulfillment. Oneness with Jon. We bathed once again, then had breakfast. I've already called the contractor. He'll be here in a couple of hours, to give an estimate on making the house handicap accessible. He said he can have everything finished before Jon comes back next weekend. The End Comments: Flames Happily Ignored :) I answer all e-mail. If you should write, and don't get an answer, it is because I didn't get it. Hotmail gets overloaded sometimes.