Date: Tue, 28 Mar 2023 19:04:56 -0700 From: MarcusWolfe Subject: Just Another Random Guy Pt. 1 Hi everyone! First-time submitter to Nifty; long-time reader since my college days. What's coming is an actual true story from one of the many sexual escapades I've been on since my Freshman year of college 13 years ago. While I've had a fair mix of great, mediocre, and bad encounters; this one here is definitely one of the more memorable ones. Now while it is a true account; people's names have been changed for the sake of anonymity. Basically a type of story I like to coin "fictional non-fiction". Fictional characters in an actual setting of my life. Hope you enjoy! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Just Another Random Guy Pt. 1 I was too horny to really think straight. All I could do was concentrate on driving in the dead of night to some random guy's house in the promise of getting fucked. Not that it was anything new; I've been pretty sexual since starting college. I realized I was gay when I was in high school. Nothing strange or interesting about the discovery; I just took it as a fact of life and kept on going. Also helped that my high school was pretty indifferent about peoples' sexualities; our high school quarterback was openly gay and well-recieved. Also helped his reputation that he wasn't known to "play the field"; if you pardon the expression. Rather, my peers were more interested in school sports and local gossip about who was a recent addition to my city's local gangs. If not that, then news about who recently got laid and/or knocked up. Yeah, I went to a ghetto school. With that kind of a student body mentality with regards to sexuality; one would think I had my fair share of sex with guys. That I at least gave and took some hand-jobs every now and again. Nope! I was the shy, quiet type. More interested in keeping to myself and paying attention to what the local school gossip was about. Not that I was someone who loved to spread rumors around; I just found it interesting how some would think they're being quiet when I could easily hear most of what's being said. Including about what side I batted for and how my natural behavior doesn't lean either way in terms of the sexuality sectrum. Which was good for me to hear since I made conscious effort to not sound like a feminine gay when I talked. A silly teen self-conscious thing that I've since stopped being bothered with. My voice was, and still is, on the higher end of the male vocal spectrum; as I like to say, a piece of me that puberty skipped. But because I don't have a campy way of speaking; people don't equate my higher pitched voice as being gay; people still don't to this day. But I digress. My first sexual experience was the summer right after graduating high school. I'd toyed with the idea of messaging someone on what used to be the Craigslist Personal section for sex for a couple years. Problem was I wasn't yet 18, and I was paranoid about being caught and turned in to the police. That and I wasn't much of a risk-taker when it comes to potentially breaking the law. Then I graduated high school and was well into my 18th year of living. Hooked up with a college guy that summer and experienced everything at once except for being fucked. To which I'm thankful for in hindsight since I was overly stimulated by it all. He offered to use a dildo and tried to find it in his room; but I have a feeling he pretended to not find it becuase of how overly stimulated I was. Thus started what I call my college slut phase. I literally fucked my way through college; gradually changing from Craigslist towards the then new hookup app known as Grindr. It definitely was a time for my sexual awaking. I learned a lot about my likes and dislikes; what it is that I expect out of sex and love to do. Also learned quickly that porn was nothing more than a poor imitation of the real thing; especially after hooking up with an actual porn actor who was more into smoking weed than sex itself. I actually almost flunked out of college because of that. Had to severely slow down my sex life so I could pick myself back up and finish school. Still don't know how I managed it, but I graduated. And it was around that time I promised myself to not be so promiscuous and ruin my future professional life. Which now brings us back to me driving at just after 1AM to someone I only just started talking to on Grindr. I'd only just got fucked a few days ago, and it wasn't all that great. So here I was breaking my self-made promise on not having sex so soon after hooking up with someone simply because I was still horny. But whatever; I knew me having what I defined as good sex would easily take care of my itch for at least the next month. After juggling between following directions from Google Maps and trying to recognize the nighttime version of my surroundings; I made it to the guy's house. A pretty standard place; nothing outstanding or off-putting. An all-around nice neighborhood. Though I knew from experience that it held no reflection of the person who lived there. Parking and exiting my car, I text him that I'm just outside his house. He replies pretty quickly that he'll be there in a minute. It was less than that; I barely reach his front porch when he opens his door. Now while I make it a policy to see pictures of who I'm going to meet; it's always a different experience seeing them in-person. He definitely looked like who he portrayed himself as, black wildish hair that looked like it wanted to curl but changed it's mind part-way through. I learned later that he was European-Barbadian which kind of explained how his hair acted; though he looked completely European. He was a little taller than my 5'6" self; also skinny like me but clearly more musculer. In his work as an EMT, it made sense that he had some decent muscles. Nothing too outrageous; just enough to keep him toned. "Marcus?" he quietly asked with a smile. I nodded. I remember him saying we had to be a bit quiet because his dad was home. Not that his dad would've minded; he had no qualms about who his son invited over to fuck. Still, he was respectful and didn't want to give his dad a verbal show. He stepped aside and invited me in. "Nice to see you. I'm Jake." We had already introduced each other through Grindr. It was nice to see he was of the same mindset at me on that front about introducing each other when meeting in-person. I walked in and took in my surroundings. Not so much as to take in the view; more so that I could plan out my escape routes should things turn sour. I already had been put in a very bad situation once that I was able to escape from back in college. I didn't want a repeat of that again. I heard Jake close the door before leading the way to his room. He motioned for me to follow. I did so in nervous anticipation. "Glad you were able to make it. I'm still a bit surprised you agreed to meet up at this hour. Didn't sound like you were interested in a late-night fuck." I shrugged, an auto-repsonse despite knowing he couldn't see it. "I'm just horny. I think I told you about that lackluster fuck I had a few days ago?" He chuckled. "Yeah. Kinda funny that the guy kept going soft when fucking you. Was he nervous?" "I guess. He did say his parents were out at a party. Maybe he was worried they'd come home early?" We made it to his room during this small talk. He momentarily placed a hand on my back as I passed by before shutting the door. It was now just us in his bedroom, the low lighting coming from white Christmas string lights along the wall and a red lava lamp on his computer desk. It wasn't an overly neat room; it had clear signs of being lived in while still in a presentable state. "Well, I promise I won't be going soft anytime soon," he said as he walked past me. He again momentarily placed a hand on my back as he did. "Like I said, my dad knows what's going on. He won't be put off if we get a bit loud, but I'd still like us to keep it down. Though I get the feeling it'd be hard to be quiet when fucking you." Even though it was clearly sexual talk; I could tell there was nothing creepy about it. It was just like talking about the weather; just some small talk that didn't hold much promise of anything. To which I appreciated since he remembered me saying on Grindr how I liked to talk a bit before jumping right into the sex. "Want anything to drink?" Jake offered as he took a small sip from a bottle on his bedside drawer. It was Vodka. I shook my head. "Not a fan of Vodka." "How about some water? You know, for later?" "Sure." Now I was fully expecting him to go to his kitchen to get me some water. To which I only said yes to be polite while not intending to drink anything. While it never happened to me, I heard enough horror stories of people being drugged during hookups. Instead, he took a bottle of water from a pack he kept under his computer desk. He handed it to me, and I could clearly see it was still sealed shut. But I still didn't take a sip from it. I instead put it beside his bottle of Vodka. He seemed to notice me giving it a glance. "I hope you don't mind me drinking a bit. I just take a bit so I can be revved up. I hate being drunk when fucking." I shrugged, figuring he was only saying it to put up a good front. As long as he didn't keep taking swigs in-between the sex; I couldn't care less. "Why don't you have a seat?" he offered while sitting on his bed. It made his bulge stand out a bit through his sleep shorts. I took a seat next to him a couple inches away. I didn't want to be too close; I was still getting used to my surroundings. Whether or not he noticed my skittishness, he respected my choice and stayed where he was. A positive in my book for respecting unspoken boundaries. So there we were, on his bed and shooting the breeze. We talked about the basic things; where we went to school and what we did for a living. It was intersperced with a bit of sexually charged topics such as when we first lost our virginties and what we were comfortable doing. Jake definitely knew how to be a good host. He was putting me at ease with the small-talk. I could tell he wasn't inadvertantly contradicting himself through his answers, which was a very good sign to me. It was probably 15 or so minutes before he asked, "You mind if I come closer?" He was smiling again, but there was now a hint of sexual mischief behind it. I knew what he was really asking. Was I ready to start moving on to the main event of the night? Was I ready to be given dick that he promised would more than satisfy me? The anticipatory nerves suddenly came back, but I readily nodded my consent. He took that as permission to close the gap between us and put an arm over my shoulders. Not in a sexually aggressive manner, just in a friendly way. Though he did add his lips against my neck and started playing with it. I let out a shaky breath. It was really happening now; we were moving onto the prelude of sex. My excitement was obvious, yet my natural skittishness kept me from really being more proactive. Thankfully, Jake understood and accepted my lack of initiative. He simply went about doing his own thing, kissing my neck and his free hand feeling me up through my clothes. Getting me ready for a night of fun without abruptly breaking through my comfort zone. No, he was building me up towards the main event; something that I was now quickly getting excited to experience with him.