Date: Wed, 09 May 2007 22:31:22 +0000 From: Ann Douglas Subject: "Alls Fare" FF - (1/1) All's Fare... by Ann Douglas ( (From A Suggestion By Mordmorgan) With midnight and the scheduled end of her shift was more than an hour behind her, Audrey Piersall was bored out of her mind. As interesting as the streets of Manhattan were, after ten hours everything began to become one big blur. She'd spent so much time driving her cab this last month that it was starting to feel like a second home. While the extra money she was making by driving so much was nice, she didn't really need it. She'd been spending so much time behind the wheel simply because she needed something to do. Something to get her mind off what she'd just been through. Besides, it wasn't like she had anything, or anyone, to spend it on, other than herself. She and her lover, Cleo Burton, had broken up just over a month ago. When they'd moved in together after a year of dating, Audrey had been convinced that the relationship would last forever. That bubble had burst when Cleo had sat her down one night and told her she'd taken a new job out in Chicago. Cleo had explained that while she still loved Audrey, she didn't think they were meant to spend their lives together. She hadn't even given Audrey time to think about it, or even the option of going with her. After all, driving a cab in Chicago wouldn't be that different than New York. Two days later, Cleo was on a plane and out of her life. At first, Audrey had just stayed in her apartment, hiding from the world. After a week of that, a few of her friends had dragged her out to go to the clubs with them. She had tried to have a good time, but her heart just wasn't in it. Trying to get her out of the malaise she was sinking into, a few of her single girlfriends even dropped a few hints that they be interested in keeping her company in a more intimate manner, but Audrey politely declined. She was unwilling to cross the line between friends and lovers just for some quick satisfaction. The thirty-two year old was also unwilling and unready to start hitting the bars alone or to be fixed up on a blind date. It was still too soon. So she had been driving her taxi instead, lost in her own little world. "Dispatch to Cab 58, come in," Audrey's radio crackled. "Cab 58," Audrey responded as she picked up the mike, "what's up? With the lousy reception on the cab's radio, she could never be sure, but the voice coming out of the box sounded like Naomi Walchuck, one of her girlfriends who had been trying to help her get over Cleo. "I've got a call for a pick up outside Club Flare to go to East 53rd and 2nd Ave. Can you take it?" "Sure, nothing better to do. That's a bit away though." "You're the closest available," the voice said. After a pause, it went on. "After this is done, you might want to consider calling it a day, 58." Audrey laughed. Now she knew for sure it was Naomi. The others in the group called her 'Mommy' due to her tendency to try and take care of the others. "Alright, alright," she said. "Mark me down as signed out after this fare is done...Mommy." "Good girl," Naomi laughed. She then went on in a less cheery voice, "Am I to assume that you'll be back at it again tomorrow?" "No, I'll probably take the weekend off. It's supposed to get pretty miserable the next couple of days. But don't count on me going out. I'll just get caught up on my cleaning and reading." "Alright, I still hope to see you," said Naomi. With that, Audrey signed off. She proceeded to make her way to her pick up, figuring out what she would do at home. There was no way she was going out, so she'd have to screen her calls. That, of course, was what answering machines were for. Club Flare was over on the West Side, down by the entrance to the Holland Tunnel. It took longer than Audrey would've liked to get through all the New Jersey bound traffic, and to make matters worse, a heavy rain started to fall as she pulled up in front. The redhead rolled down her window and looked around for her fare, hoping that they hadn't got tired of waiting and made other arrangements. Then, from inside the club's doorway came a blue-coated figure scurrying towards the cab as she tried to avoid getting too wet. Or at least she was trying to since it was hard to scurry in high heels. The rear door opened and then as quickly closed as the figure dropped into the back seat. A stream of curses spilled from her lips, giving Audrey pause. Some she understood, but others, the more malicious ones judging from their tone, were in a language she didn't understand. If she had to guess, the cab driver suspected that they were directed at something other than the rain. She gave her passenger a moment to compose herself and settle in, then she turned around and verified the address she had been given over the radio. "East 53rd and 2nd Ave, right?" she asked, getting her first good look at her passenger. "That's right, the Carlstead Towers," the woman in the back seat said in a strong yet lyrical voice, wiping a few locks of wet hair from her face as she spoke. Without realizing it, Audrey found herself staring at the well-dressed woman. Long lustrous black hair, made more so by the rain, framed an almost elfin face of classic Asian beauty. Audrey also couldn't help but notice the amount of leg being shown, even though the woman's skirt was pulled down. As Audrey waited for a chance to get back into traffic, another thought entered her head. The woman looked very familiar. After having driven a taxi for a while, Audrey had gotten pretty good at telling which fares were talkers and which simply wanted to get where they were going without any chit chat. The passenger in the back seemed to be a talker. Audrey decided to see if she was right. It was long drive and she was still bored. Besides, she had found that talkers were often appreciative for someone to chat with and were usually better tippers. "If you don't mind me asking why are you even partying over on this side of town? There are some much nicer clubs closer to where you live." "That's true, but this was supposed to be a blind date. A friend fixed me up with her cousin, who's from out of town. The Flare is her favorite club, so she suggested we go there." "Well, I guess that explains it, except for one thing..." "Where's my blind date?" the woman laughed. "That's okay, you don't have to be tactful, and it's an obvious question." Glancing at her rearview mirror, Audrey was relieved to see that her passenger was smiling. For a moment, she was worried that she might've asked too personal a question. "The not so pleasant answer is that I was dumped," she said, her tone reflecting that she was trying to make the best of the situation. "Everything was going great, Max and I had really hit it off. Then this blonde bimbo 'accidentally' bumped into Max, knocking a drink to the floor. She apologized and offering to buy a replacement, all the while doing deep breathing exercises that anyone would have to be blind not to take notice of. The next thing I know, Max and the bimbo are out on the dance floor together and I'm on my cell phone calling for a cab home." "Men can be such assholes," Audrey said from the front seat, "put a nice set of boobs in front of them and they lose what little sense they have." The woman laughed again, the sound a musical tinkle. "I know this may sound corny, but who said it was a he? Max was short for Maxine. I guess it's just as well. She was apparently a breast woman, and I'm not exactly overflowing my dress." Audrey silently noted that while that may be true up top, it wasn't true of down below. She again glanced at the woman's legs while she waited for a red light to change. The woman had crossed her legs, resulting in the dress riding up even further. After the light turned green, Audrey gave some thought to what the woman had just told her. The fact that she'd been at the Flare was unsurprising. While not really a lesbian bar, per se, it often had several female couples and single women looking for the same. Every once in a while the place would hold 'Ladies Night' parties, as well. She and Cleo had been to the place for one of the 'Ladies Night' parties and had gone back a couple of times just to dance. "Did I shock you?" the woman in back asked, taking Audrey's sudden silence as disapproval. "No, not at all," Audrey said, her eyes trying to watch for a reaction in the mirror. "I was just thinking that anyone who'd leave a beautiful woman like you for some bimbo should have her head examined. I know I'd never do it. But that's the sort that you find at a club like that." "Really," the Asian woman said, digesting the new piece of information. "Am I correct in assuming that you've been to Club Flare yourself?" "Yeah, me and my ex went there a few times," Audrey replied. "Mostly just to dance." "And your ex is?" "She flew away to Chicago to work for a cable network out there," Audrey added. "Evidently, her career meant more to her than I did." The mention of the cable network Cleo had gone to work for suddenly caused Audrey to remember where it was she'd seen the woman in back before. Her name was Keiko Yamaguchi and she was the six o'clock anchor on Cable One News. The reflection in the mirror worked both ways and Keiko was experienced enough at reading people's faces to know that Audrey had recognized her. Her own expression told the driver knew that she knew that she knew. They continued to make small talk on the run up the FDR drive but Audrey knew she already had no chance. There was no way an on-air personality like Keiko was going to be interested in a mere cab driver. Absolutely no way. "Here we are, the Carlstead Towers," Audrey announced as she pulled under the overhang so that her fare wouldn't get wet again. Out of the corner of her eye, Audrey could see Keiko looking over her shoulder to see the fare on the meter. From her vantage point, she could also see down the Asian woman's dress through an opening in her coat. At least well enough to decide that the anchorwoman underrated herself in that department. "Here you go," Keiko said as she handed Audrey the fare plus a tip that was more than generous. "It was a nice ride, I enjoyed talking to you." "Thank you," Audrey said as she took the money and dropped it into her lockbox, "I did too." she added as she signed her route sheet to show what time she finished for the night. It took a few moments for her to realize that her passenger hadn't yet exited her cab. She turned around to ask if there was a problem. "You said this was your last fare for the night, didn't you?" Keiko asked. Audrey nodded that it was. "Well I was wondering if you'd like to come up and have a cup of coffee or something," Keiko smiled. "I'm not going to fall asleep anytime soon and I'd rather have a little company than just zone out in front of the television." Taken back by the unexpected offer, Audrey took a long moment to answer. When she did, it was a resounding yes. -=-=-=- Leaving Keiko standing safely under the overhang, Audrey parked her cab in an empty spot in front of the building. There was room in the small area reserved for guests, but she decided it was more prudent to leave her cab out on the street. As she followed the thirty-year-old newswoman into the lobby of the exclusive high rise, Audrey was glad to see the look of surprise on the face of the night doorman. It said Keiko wasn't in the habit of bringing home women late at night. Then again, it could`ve been just Audrey's dress that surprised him, she reminded herself. Sneakers, white corduroy pants and a black sleeveless tank top hardly went with the evening dress Keiko was wearing. They took the elevator up to the twenty-third floor, then walked down a long hall to a corner apartment. The living room they stepped into was rather sparsely furnished, giving Audrey the impression that Keiko didn't spend a lot of time at home. "Why don't you make yourself comfortable while I get out of these wet things," Keiko said as she put Audrey`s umbrella into a small stand by the door. "Could you be a dear and turn on the coffee maker on the kitchen counter while I change?" Leaving her guest to make the coffee, Keiko disappeared into the bedroom to change. Audrey found the coffee maker easily enough and merely had to hit the on button since it was one of those with a timer and had already been loaded up for the morning. Checking in the cabinet above, she found large mugs and the traditional accouterments, loading them onto a serving tray she found on the counter. A small measure of milk from the refrigerator completed the package. "You didn't have to do all that," she heard Keiko say from behind her as she walked into the kitchen. "I was the one who invited you up for coffee after all." "I didn't mind," Audrey smiled as she turned to face her hostess. "It feels so good to get out of that wet dress," the Japanese woman said as she ran the small towel through her hair one last time before discarding it on a nearby kitchen chair. A pair of loose green sweat pants and a comfortable T-shirt had replaced the dress in question. It only took Audrey a half-second to note that like herself, Keiko wasn`t wearing a bra. "Why don't you make yourself comfortable on the couch and I'll bring in the coffee," Keiko said, seemingly ignoring the fact that Audrey had been staring at her long enough to be noticed. "Sure," Audrey replied, suddenly aware what she'd been doing. Taking a second look around the living room while she waited, Audrey realized that she had been wrong in her initial assumption. It wasn't that the apartment was sparingly furnished, it was that it was full of gaps. As if a number of furnishings and decorations had been recently removed. A situation she should`ve recognized since her own place had a similar aspect. "Here we go," Keiko said as she reentered the room carrying the tray Audrey had prepared. As she set it down on the table, Audrey saw that Keiko had added a small selection of tiny cakes and cookies. Each one more appetizing that the last. For a few minutes, they drank their coffee in silence, as if each was unsure how to restart their conversation outside the safety of the cab ride. Finally, Audrey decided a compliment on the apartment was a safe enough opening line. "Thank you, I do love it here," Keiko answered. "It used to belong to my sister-in-law so I was able to get the insider price on it when the building went condo a few years back." "Oh, you were married?" "Just for a little while, right after high school," Keiko smiled. "Biggest mistake of my life." "I've had a few friends go through that as well," Audrey offered in support. "They didn't discover, or at least admit their preference until after they'd given in to conventionality and gotten married." "Oh, my marriage didn't come apart because I suddenly discovered I was into women," Keiko laughed. "It was nothing like that." "I'm sorry, I just assumed^Å" "Don't worry about it, other people had thought the same thing," the younger woman replied. "It had nothing to do with sex and everything to do with culture." Audrey listened intently as Keiko explained that it wasn`t until after the wedding that she learned that her dreams and the role of traditional Japanese wife that her new family expected her to follow were incompatible. An annulment followed a year later, leaving Isoruku free to find a more compatible bride. With the exception of his sister, Midori, who had been her best friend growing up, the entire family now acted as if she had never existed. "That's some story," Audrey commented. "But one that happens more often I'd venture than the one you suggested," Keiko added. "Especially when you're talking about Sansei, which is what I am." "Sansei?" Audrey asked, unfamiliar with the term. "Third generation," Keiko explained, "we grow up with parents that only know Japan through their grandparents. There are still a number of traditional families that try and keep the old customs alive." "So when did you discover you were interested in girls?" Audrey asked, deciding it was now safe enough to broach the question. "About two years after the divorce," Keiko replied. "I was still living out in Los Angeles then, working for Channel 8 and had been sent to New York on a story. Never having been here before, I decided to stay a few extra days and see the city." Keiko paused and took a slow sip of coffee. "I wound up at a YWCA around the corner from my hotel one night, trying to talk my way into an aerobics class," Keiko continued. "The instructor, Karen was her name, later invited me out to dinner." "Did you know she was gay?" "Not at first," Keiko admitted. "I wasn't until we got back to her apartment and I saw a photograph of Karen and her lover that it hit me. Evidently, she was away on some long term business trip." "And what did you think then?" "I wasn`t sure what to think," Keiko smiled. "I'd have been lying if the idea of being with another women had never crossed my mind before, but the thought and opportunity never seemed to cross." "Until then," Audrey grinned. "Until then," Keiko smiled back. "So what happened?" "Let's just say I truly made the most of the unexpected convergence," Keiko answered, her broadening smile telling the other woman that it had indeed been a life changing moment. They just smiled at each other for a long moment, until Keiko asked Audrey what about her. "Well never been married," she began, "in fact, never ever dated a guy. I grew up in a small town an hour's drive north of Boston and sort of knew I was attracted to girls back in grade school. Of course I never had the nerve to do anything about it until my senior year of high school." "Who was she?" Keiko asked curiously. "Her name was Barbara Ann Whitmore, and she was the most beautiful woman I'd ever met in my life," Audrey said after a long pause. "I don`t know how I ever made it through history when I spent just about every minute of class staring at her." "So the two of you went to school together." "Not exactly." "What does not exactly mean?" "Barbara Ann wasn`t in my history class," Audrey said with a wicked grin, "she was teaching it." "Omigod!" Keiko gasped, her hand coming up to her mouth in surprise. "You slept with your teacher?" "Maybe I shouldn't have said that," Audrey said, taking Keiko's reaction as disapproval. "No, please don't feel that way," Keiko insisted, "I just never met anyone who actually did that. Straight, gay, whatever, that has to be just about every high school student's ultimate fantasy." That made Audrey feel better. "How did it happen?" "Well, to be honest, I never imagined in my life that she was gay," Audrey went on. "She was about thirty-five I think, with curly blonde hair and the most incredible blue eyes. Every male teacher in school wanted to get into her pants, even a few of the married ones." "I can well imagine," Keiko said, trying to imagine Barbara Ann from Audrey's description. "It was the night of the senior prom and the last thing I wanted to do was spent the night in heterosexual hell, letting some dork take me to the dance and then spent the rest of the night trying to keep his hands off me. So I borrowed my brother's car and drove into Boston to find some more interesting way to celebrate graduation. I had heard about a club called Scarlett's on one of the local BBS's and decided to see just how good my fake ID was." "Don't tell me," "Yeah, you can see where this is going, but I swear to God, that's exactly what happened. I was like a kid in a candy store, wall-to-wall women, all of them looking for the same thing as me. I must`ve had four or five offers before I'd even ordered my first drink." From the look on Audrey's face, Keiko could almost feel the emotions the memories were bringing back. "Then I saw her, standing at the far end of the bar. At first, I told myself that I was imagining it, that it was just someone that looked like her. But it was here, and suddenly every other woman in the place seemed to fade away until it was only the two of us." "What did you say to her?" "It's funny, but I don't remember," Audrey said. "All I do remember is her telling me that she had a strong feeling that I was into girls, and that she had taken note of how much time I'd spent staring at her in class. The next thing I knew, the two of us were on the dance floor, holding each other close. Then we were kissing, then^Å well, I'm sure you get the idea." "What happened after?" Keiko asked. "I never saw her again," Audrey answered. "Evidently, she had taken another position down in Florida and was leaving the day before graduation." "But at least you had that one night," Keiko pointed out. "That we did," Audrey smiled. "To Barbara Ann and Karen, our first lovers," Keiko said as she raised her mug. "Wherever they are, and whoever they're with, we hope they're happy." Agreement filled her face as Audrey lifted her own mug. "So now that we've traded first times, do you mind if I ask a personal question?" Audrey asked after they'd spent a few more moments finishing their coffees. "I'm not sure how much more personal we could get, but sure, ask away," Keiko asked, her curiosity aroused. "Why?" she simply said. "I don't understand." "Why me?" Audrey expanded. "Why'd you invite up for coffee? I'd find it hard to believe that a woman like you, especially one who is obviously out enough for co-workers to be setting her up blind dates, is lacking for companionship. I'd bet that, even at this time of night, you'd only have to make a call and someone would be sharing your bed come the morning." "I was wondering if that question was going to come up," Keiko replied after thinking about it a moment, "and up to this second I thought I had the perfect flip answer for it. Now I`m not so sure." "Well let's try the flip answer and maybe I'll buy it," Audrey suggested. "Well have you ever seen that old television show about the cab drivers, the one with all the quirky drivers?" Audrey indicated that she had. Even if she had only been nine when it went off the air, it was one those classic shows that they were always running on cable. "Well, when I got in your cab and you turned around that first time, I thought you bore a striking resemblance to the actress who played the female cabbie on that show." "Really?" Audrey said, her tone indicating that the flip answer really wasn't going to do it. "Well I guess there is some resemblance, same red hair and^Å" she added, her gaze dropping down to her well rounded bust. "But the real reason is," Keiko continued, "was that I think I felt a sort of ^Å, I don't know, call it empathy, when you mentioned that your girlfriend had walked out on you." "What was her name?" Audrey asked. "Who?" "The girl who did the same to you." "Monique, and how did you know?" "I didn't at first, but then it hit me," Audrey said as she gestured to the room around them. "The empty spaces were things that were hers used to be." "I guess your place is the same way." "Pretty much so," Audrey confirmed. "I guess I just wanted someone to talk too," Keiko said, "someone who would understand." "I guess we all need that at times," Audrey replied, trying to keep a smile on her face. "And I guess that answers the one question I kept thinking about but was too bashful to ask." "And what was that?" "If you invited me up here to talk or fuck," Audrey revealed. "Hmmm," Keiko mused as she studied the look on her guest's face, one that she took to be one of disappointment. "Is there any reason that we can't do both? -=-=-=- Silence hung in the air for what seemed the longest time as the two women faced each other on the couch, each with an arm stretched along the back and their legs tucked under. Neither was sure what to say next, but actions speak louder than words they both decided at the same time and one outstretched arm came to rest against the other. The sensation of warm flesh against flesh caused both of them to giggle, a laugh that lasted just long enough to close the distance between them. Their first kiss was soft and gentle, but full of promise. After a heartbeats hesitation, each of them opened their mouths wide and pressed out to caress the tongue of the other. Audrey brought her arm off the edge of the couch and down around Keiko's back, sliding her hand up through her dark hair to pull her even closer. Keiko responding by bringing one hand to rest against the redhead's large right breast, even as Audrey slipped her other hand down to the Asian woman's ass. Each kiss became more intimate than the last, their tongues probing the deepest recesses of each other's mouths. The urgent intensity that Audrey felt reminded her that while it might only have been a month since Cleo had left, it had been more than twice as long since they'd been this intimate with each other. Measuring her own reaction to that of the woman in her arms, she could only guess that it had also been at least that long for Keiko. Proof of that thought came seconds later as Keiko brought both hands to rest on Audrey's breasts, squeezing them tightly. Then, not even waiting for a reaction, the newswoman reached up for the thin straps over Audrey's shoulders and pulled both those and the tank top they held up down around her waist. Two large breasts, twice the size of her own bounced free in front of Keiko's face, but only for the moment it took for her to let out a soft sigh of appreciation. Then her hands returned, taking hold of the supple naked globes and guiding the closest one to her mouth. "Oh, that does feel nice," Audrey purred as she felt Keiko's lips close around an already extended nipple, even as the fingers of her other hand played with the other. Letting Audrey's nipple slip from her mouth, Keiko immediately returned to it, licking it with the length of her tongue, tickling it with the hard tip. Audrey again ran her hand through Keiko's long hair, her touch signaling encouragement. Switching to its equally large twin, Keiko repeated her performance, catching the hard nub between her teeth and applying just the right amount of pressure to send tiny sparks racing across Audrey`s chest and throughout her body. Back and forth she went between both mounds, savoring the bounty she had been admiring since Audrey had first turned around in the driver`s seat to confirm her destination. After a few minutes, she paused just long enough for Audrey to take hold of the tank top around her waist and pull it up and over her head. The dark garment didn't even have time to fall to the floor before Keiko was back at it. Eventually moving on, Keiko undid the snaps of Audrey's corduroys, pulling them down just enough to expose the lacy white panties she worn under them. Still kneeling on the couch, Audrey had to lend a helping hand to get them down, turning around at Keiko's direction. Eager as she was, Keiko wasn't willing to wait the few extra seconds it would've taken for Audrey to stand up and take the pants all the way off. With the jeans down just below her knees, Keiko put her palms on the the redhead's ass and kissed her rounded cheeks. Working her way upward, she took hold of the waistband and pulled the undergarment down as far as it would go, bringing them to rest atop the outerwear. Looking over her shoulder, her breasts hanging free, Audrey had to smile as Keiko spread the cheeks of her ass and ran her tongue all the way down the gap that her action opened. Up and down she moved, her tongue painting a wet line from the older girl's asshole to her thick hair covered mound. Audrey let out a load moan as Keiko paused at the top of her caress, pressing her tongue against her asshole to tickle the sensitive area. Resting her arms on the edge of the couch, Audrey shifted her body as to give Keiko better access to her charms. The broader approach allowed the newswoman to nearly double her efforts, with a corresponding increase in the pleasures she was bringing the cab driver. Continuing her anal tongue action, Keiko moved an extended index finger to the now damp mound between Audrey's legs. Running it up and down, she covered it with that wetness, making it easier to slip it past the slick folds. A sudden, if not unexpected entry that caused Audrey to moan even louder. It wasn't long before a second finger joined the first, followed soon after by yet a third. The force of the younger woman's thrusts increased with each repetition as Keiko abandoned her oral ministrations and began to fuck Audrey in earnest. "Oh baby, yeah!" Audrey panted between gasps as Keiko rammed her fingers deep inside her again and again. Harder, faster, her hand quickly becoming almost a blur, Keiko sent Audrey spiraling down a whirlpool of ecstasy. Guided by her moans and soft cries, Keiko tried to judge how close her partner was to orgasm, now wanting to go too far too soon. Deciding that the moment was now, she pulled back and quickly told Audrey to again change position, this time sitting back on the couch. A position that gave Keiko just enough leverage to complete what she'd started before and pull off both of Audrey's pants. All this took less than a minute as immediately seeing what Keiko had in mind, Audrey lifted her legs wide and slipped an arm under each to hold them in place. Without a word, Keiko dropped between the redhead's outstretched legs and brought her talented tongue against the sweet prize at their apex. With quick, darting thrusts, Keiko picked up right where she'd left off, bringing Audrey teetering on the edge of orgasm. An edge it took little to send her hurdling over as the oscillating tremble that had been reverberating throughout the redhead's body blossomed into a full-blown bodyquake. "Oh God!" Keiko heard Audrey barely gasp as a delight too long absent in her life took total control of her body, sending tremors across every inch of her flesh. At the last second before Audrey had climaxed, Keiko had again thrust her fingers deep inside her, pushing her over the edge with cataclysmic force. "Good?" Keiko asked with a smile as she lifted her head and looked up at the woman she had just pleasured. `Good?" Audrey repeated, thinking not for the first time how inadequate that word was in such a situation. "That," she amended as she caught her breath, "was fuckin' fantastic!" -=-=-=- Keiko's smile broadened even wider as Audrey took a few more moments to take control of herself. Her breaths were still a little labored and her heart beating faster than it should, but she was too anxious to share the joy she'd just felt to wait any longer. "Let's get you out of those clothes," she said, reaching for the bottom of Keiko's shirt. A goal Keiko beat her to as she grabbed both sides and lifted it high enough over her head as to fall halfway across the room. Audrey's eyes quickly focused on the small, pert nipples she had admired through the thinness of her undershirt. Lowering her head to Keiko's chest, Audrey kissed first one rounded mound, then the other, pausing between them long enough to tickle the tip of each with her tongue, much as Keiko had done to her. Just enough to send tiny shocks spreading outward. An appreciative smile filled Audrey's face as the perfection of the package before her confirmed the initial assessment she'd made earlier in the cab. The Japanese woman's bust might not be the largest on the block, or even in the room, but size wasn't always everything. At least not to those who truly appreciated such things, as Audrey most assuredly did. With hands, tongue and mouth, Audrey demonstrated that appreciation, gently pushing Keiko back onto the cushions of the long couch. Back and forth Audrey moved, lavishing identical consideration to each sphere, as well as the rich valley between. Attention that drew both a verbal and physical reaction from Keiko. Lips found lips once more and Audrey pressed her tongue deep into Keiko's mouth. Their bodies pressed together, Keiko lifted her legs and wrapped them around Audrey's waist in a scissor lock. Her hands now free, she ran her fingers up and down Audrey's back, massaging her naked skin from the nape of her neck down to the cheeks of her ass. Tongues and mouths interlocked as they shared a renewed passion. Lifting herself off Keiko, Audrey turned around and straddled her, with a bended knee on each side of her chest. She reached down and played with the small breasts, even as she leaned back and offered her mound again to Keiko. An offering she eagerly accepted. Her hands again holding apart the cheeks of Audrey's ass, Keiko pressed her tongue deep inside the woman on top of her. Filled with the sweet nectar of the climax she had caused, Audrey's sex was a feast that Keiko was delight to sample once more. Audrey shifted her body back and forth, pressing her pussy against Keiko's mouth, driving her tongue further inside her. Even as her hands gave the Asian woman's breasts one last squeeze, before moving downward to slide beneath the loose string that held her sweatpants in place. Audrey was delighted to discover, if only by sense of touch, that not only was her lover not wearing panties, she was also shaved bare. Eager to see for herself, she lifted herself off Keiko and pulled those sweats off of her. The pants now gone, Audrey saw that she was right in her thought that Keiko's mound was smooth and bare, but wrong in the assumption that she was totally hairless. Just above her pussy was a whisper of short black hair, carefully trimmed into a thin line. It was almost like an arrow, pointing the way to the treasure. A work of art, it had been done recently enough to suggest that Keiko intended it to be seen by someone tonight, undoubtedly the recently abandoned Maxine. For a fleeting second, Audrey considered the fact that if things had turned out different, it would've been that other woman now on the couch with Keiko. That in a way, she might even been considered a consolation prize. A fact that would've bothered most women. "Fuck it," Audrey said to herself as she tossed that thought aside. "Her loss, my gain." she added in reference to the never seen Max. With Keiko's legs held high and apart by her own hands, Audrey began to work her own particular magic on the smaller woman's sex. Although a late bloomer, at least by her friend's standards, Audrey had spent her entire adult life learning how to please another woman. If the movements of Keiko's body, coupled with the cries spilling from her lips were any indication, it was a skill she had mastered well. Keiko's head moved right and left, her body shifting with the erotic waves rolling across her flesh. Waves that increased in size and scope with each trust of Audrey's tongue, until they doubled, then tripled when Keiko felt the press of hard fingers inside her. Keiko let loose with a string of expletives, in what Audrey could only assume was Japanese. Whatever she was she was saying, the redhead was fairly certain it wasn't to a request for her to stop. Her guess proved right as Keiko climaxed a short time later, this time crying out in English. The sheer intensity of her words, reflecting the raging fires ripping apart her soul, would've been understandable in any language. "Good?" Audrey asked Keiko after the last of her body quake had subsided. Her body covered in sweat and her long, black hair matted along her face, Keiko just smiled and said, "Very good." -=-=-=- The two woman lay naked in each other's arms on the couch, neither saying a word, just enjoying the warmth of their bodies pressed together. It had been more than fun, Audrey thought, but now that it was over she had a pretty good idea what Keiko was now thinking. "How to get this woman out of my bed and home?" Audrey surmised. After all, it was pretty ridiculous to think this was going to be anything other than just a one-night stand. They were from different worlds to say the least. The best thing to do was just take it for what it had been and move on. "I guess I'd better get going before they tow my cab away," Audrey said, lifting Keiko's arm from across her breasts and climbing off the couch. "Do you really have to go so soon?" Keiko asked, the pout on her face looking almost genuine Audrey thought. "Yeah, by now my boss has probably reported my rig missing to the police," Audrey lied, knowing full well that Naomi had been letting her take the cab home lately. "I had a really great time," Keiko said, a smile filling her face. "Me too," Audrey said, that at least wasn't a lie. Keiko offered her the chance to use the shower before she left, but Audrey politely declined. Why make it harder than it had to be, she told herself. Exiting the building, Audrey found her cab was just where she'd left it. At this time of the morning, there was almost no chance it would've been towed. Heading out into the late night traffic, Audrey decided to head home with the cab after all. She was too tired to head back to the garage and day off not withstanding, would take it back in the morning. Or at least the next afternoon she corrected herself as she looked at the clock on the dashboard. -=-=-=- "Honey, you didn't have to bring your rig back today," Naomi said as she took the paperwork from her favorite driver. "You know I don't let anyone else drive it but you." "That's okay," Audrey said as she closed her carry bag. "I was thinking of taking some time off anyway, maybe take a little vacation and sort things out. I wouldn't expect you to keep that cab off the streets for that long." "Well, if that's the case," Naomi replied, knowing full well that there were limits to her generosity. "Do you know how long you'll be gone?" "Not sure, maybe a week or two." "You're not going to Chicago are you?" Naomi asked, the concern back in her voice. "No, you don't have to worry about that," Audrey replied. "I think I've finally gotten Cleo out of my system." "Really?" "Yes, really." "What was her name?' "Excuse me?" "I asked what was her name?" "No one that you'd know," Audrey grinned, thinking that Naomi knew her all too well. "In fact, no one that I'd know," she silently added. "Well, whenever you get back, you let me know, okay?" the older woman said as she climbed down from her dispatcher's cage and gave Audrey a hug, "I'll hold a place for you if you want it." "Thanks, I appreciate that," Audrey said, noting that Naomi had said a place, not her cab. "Oh wait a second, before you go," Naomi said, stepping back into the cage to grab a piece of paper thumb-tacked to the bulletin board. "We had a call this morning from someone who said they`d left something in your cab yesterday." "They say what?" Audrey asked, knowing that she routinely checked her back seat for just that reason. "No they didn't. In fact, they didn't even leave a name," Naomi offered as she handed the paper to Audrey. "Just a number for you to call." Audrey took the paper with a shrug and headed for the pay phone near the door to the garage. The number was for a cell phone, so she couldn't even guess which fare it had been. The number rang a few times and just before their voice mail could click in, a voice said "hello". Audrey quickly identified herself and the reason for the call. She explained that she had double-checked her cab and didn't find anything left behind. Could they tell her what it was that they lost? "My heart," came the simple reply. "What?" Audrey said, then realized that she recognized the voice. "Keiko?" "Good afternoon," the voice said, her smile almost coming across in her words. "I hope you slept as good as I did last ni^Å I mean this morning." "I did^Å I mean^Åwhy^Å" "Why am I calling?" The silence on the other end said that was the question Audrey was afraid to ask. "Well, it occurred to me that you left rather abruptly last night," Keiko said. "Something I'm not in the habit of my guests doing." "I'm sorry, I just thought that ^Å." "That we'd gotten our rocks off and it was time to go." Again silence confirmed the statement. "So, all last night was to you was a one night stand?" "I just thought, I mean you and I are ^Å" "Oh I know, separate worlds and all that tripe," Keiko said, frustration clear in her tone. "Something like that," Audrey replied, now finding her voice again. "Well, obviously, since I went to all the trouble of looking up the number for the company you drive for, I didn't see it that way," Keiko said. "So I'll ask again, was that all it was to you?" "No," came the almost instantaneous reply, surprising even Audrey that she hadn't had to think about it. "Good," Keiko answered. "So what would you think of our spending some time together and seeing what else we might have in common?" "I think that would be a great idea." "Now I know our schedules are somewhat different, but I can be a little flexible with mine so^Å" "I just took two weeks off," Audrey said, cutting her off. "Well then, how about we start with dinner tonight and take it from there?" "Dinner sounds fine," came her reply, after which they quickly worked out the details. After Keiko disconnected the call, Audrey stood there looking at the now useless receiver for a minute or two. Long enough for Naomi to take note. "Something wrong?" she asked. "No, in fact, I think something is actually very right," Audrey answered, her face practically beaming. "I'm glad to hear that," Naomi said, a twinkle in her eye. "So, if you are taking some time off, I'd ask you to get the hell out of here. Some of us have work to do." "I love you too, boss," Audrey said, kissing her on the cheek before heading for the door. "God damn, who'd have thunk it," Naomi thought as she watched Audrey disappear out into the street. Gifted with an almost photographic memory, the dispatcher had recognized the address she'd given Audrey as a last run last night. People tended to use the same cab service if they could. One of the other drivers had also radioed in about three in the morning about seeing Audrey's rig parked outside that address. Finally, a devoted viewer of Cable One News, Naomi had easily recognized the voice of the woman who'd called in with the message for Audrey to call. "Damn," she repeated, this time out loud, "I guess what they say is true, all's fare in love and war." END (c) Ann Douglas 2006 Comments are the life blood of any amateur writer, the currency in which they are paid. It only takes a few minutes to send off a few lines, which is little to ask for in exchange for hours spent creating a story. So be sure to take those few minutes, it can only result in more and better stories in the future. Ann Douglas Web Page